
yīn yǐng
  • shadow;shade;dark;cloud;spot
阴影 [yīn yǐng]
  • [shade;shadow] 由于光线直进的特性,遇不透光物体而形成的一个暗区,俗称影子。也用于比喻

  • 她心头笼罩着失望的阴影

阴影[yīn yǐng]
  1. 这个坏消息给事件的进程蒙上了一层阴影。

    The sad news cast a shadow over the proceedings .

  2. 他不想给他们的幸福蒙上阴影。

    He didn 't want to cast a shadow on their happiness .

  3. 她的死亡消息给这件事蒙上了阴影。

    News of her death cast a pall over the event .

  4. 他的死使那一整年都处在阴影之中。

    His death cast a blight on the whole of that year .

  5. 出事的消息给这一天的活动蒙上了阴影。

    News of the accident overshadowed the day 's events .

  6. 这场悲剧给他后来的岁月蒙上了阴影。

    It was a tragedy that darkened his later life .

  7. 可能被告上法庭的阴影依然笼罩在她的心头。

    The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her .

  8. 她还没有完全从儿子死亡的阴影中走出来。

    She is still coming to terms with her son 's death .

  9. 她父亲的病给她的结婚喜庆日蒙上了一层阴影。

    Her father 's illness cast a cloud over her wedding day .

  10. 我们一直生活在担心失去工作的阴影里。

    We lived in constant fear of losing our jobs .

  11. 这些人多年来一直生活在恐怖的阴影中。

    These people have been living for years under the shadow of fear .

  12. 恐惧的阴影笼罩着她。

    Tentacles of fear closed around her body .

  13. 巍峨的悬崖把海湾笼罩在阴影里。

    The bay was shadowed by magnificent cliffs .

  14. 一顶宽边帽把她的脸罩在阴影中。

    A wide-brimmed hat shadowed her face .

  15. 一片阴影掠过她的脸庞。

    A shadow fell across her face .

  16. 战争的阴影在逼近,令人忧虑。

    The prospect of war loomed large .

  17. 道格生活在他那看似权威至高无上的父亲的阴影里。

    Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father .

  18. 她的表情隐在阴影中,很难读懂。

    Under the shaded light her expression was difficult to read .

  19. 树木用单色块来涂绘或处理成阴影部分。

    Trees are depicted with blocks of flat colour or shading .

  20. 对总统安全的担忧可能会给他的调解使命蒙上阴影。

    Fears for the President 's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission

  21. 他的胜利因为一种令人不安的不祥预感蒙上了阴影。

    His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding .

  22. 他犯下的滔天罪行给她的生活蒙上了永久的阴影。

    Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime

  23. 我们不想给庆典蒙上阴影。

    We don 't want to cast a pall over the festivities .

  24. 阴影里闪出几个大大的黑影。

    Lumpen shapes began to appear out of the shadows .

  25. 那些云朵原本会投射出一些阴影,挡住部分阳光。

    Those clouds would have cast shadows that would have blocked some sunlight out .

  26. 动荡的局势给往常举国欢庆的日子蒙上了阴影。

    The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing

  27. 给小孩造成心理阴影,让他对陌生人产生异常的恐惧,这可能不会有什么好处。

    Traumatising a child with an abnormal fear of strangers probably won 't do much good .

  28. 总统正借这两次访问来消除《慕尼黑协定》的阴影。

    The President is using the two visits to lay the ghosts of the Munich Agreement .

  29. 我不能下半辈子一直活在希望这事没有发生的阴影中。生活还是要继续。

    I can 't spend the rest of my life wishing it hadn 't happened . Life goes on .

  30. 她站在桥上,一直等到他的身影消失在宫殿灰色的阴影中。

    She waited , standing on the bridge , until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace