
  1. 中世纪基督教文化的力量在于它的伦理道德,它摈弃原始生殖崇拜的感性需要,将拯救的希望建立在灵魂赎罪的净化上;

    The power of Christianity derives from its ethic and morality ;

  2. 在宗法文化的背景下,中国古代的服饰有着超越感性需要的伦理追求。

    In the patriarchal society of ancient China , clothes had their ethical pursuit transcending sensibility .

  3. 感性消费需要感性的包装设计。

    Emotional emotional consumer packaging design needs .

  4. 法治,源于人的感性生命的需要。

    The rule of law deprived from the demand of human living of sensibility .

  5. 喷砂获得表面结果的感性认识,需要在实践中不断积累,特别要亲自动手操作、实验。

    Sandblasting the surface access to the results of perceptual knowledge , in practice need to continue to accumulate , especially to personally get involved operation , experiment .

  6. 同时,马克思认为,在人的感性存在的维度中,始终贯彻着感性意识和感性需要。

    At the same time , Marx thought , sensual consciousness and sensual needs were always carried out in the aspects of human beings ' sensual existence .

  7. 从具体的感性实践出发,马克思主义世界观首先意味着人的自由自觉的感性活动打破自身的界限,不断地将人的感性意识和感性需要实现为自然的历史过程。

    From the point of view of perceptual practice , Marxism ′ s world outlook means that the human free conscious perceptual activities break off the congenital boundary and that the realization of the human perceptual conciousness and perceptual needs is considered as the natural process of world history .