
  • 网络induced voltage;SENSE;Uind
  1. 金属物体RF感应电压的危害与测量

    The Hazard and Measurement of RF Induced Voltage of Metal Objects

  2. 金属物体RF感应电压对人员和燃油都有危害。

    The RF induced voltage of the metallic object is harmful to persons and fuels .

  3. V型天窗中的接触网感应电压的分析与计算

    Analysis and Computation of Overhead Contact Line Inductive Voltage in V Type Window Time for Maintenance

  4. 该措施将电流互感器(CT)二次电流的三阶差分作为触发单元,以CT二次感应电压的比值最终判定饱和的发生与结束。

    The third-order difference is used as a trigger . The ratio of CT secondary induced voltage is used to determine the saturation .

  5. 基于感应电压的SCOTT三相-两相平衡变压器保护原理研究

    Study of a novel protective scheme based on induced voltages for SCOTT three-phase to two-phase balanced transformer

  6. HEMP在架空线上感应电压时域解算法的研究

    Study on Calculating the Time Domain Voltage Induced by HEMP on Overhead Power Lines

  7. 当控制系统周围发生雷击放电时,空间的电磁场会在各种电缆和金属设备上产生感应电压(包括电磁感应和静电感应),从而使DCS失效或损坏。

    Voltage inducted on all kinds of cables and metal equipments by space electromagnetic field can damage DCS when lightning around the DCS is discharging .

  8. 本文描述HL-1装置放电过程中,等离子体破裂及环形导体中感应电压和电流的精细测量。

    The induced voltages and currents due to plasma disruptions in the surrounding conductors are presented .

  9. 500kV同塔四回线路感应电压与感应电流分析

    The Analysis of Induced Voltage and Induced Current for 500 kV Parallel-Four-Circuit Transmission Lines

  10. 10kV单相电力电缆屏蔽层的感应电压和环流

    The Induced Voltage and Circulating Current in the Metal Shield of 10 kV Single Phase electrical Cables

  11. EMTP仿真计算是分析计算同塔双回输电线路感应电压的有效方法。

    Simulation and calculation by EMTP is an effective method for the analysis and calculation of induction voltage of double-circuit transmission lines .

  12. 500kV同塔双回线路单回停电感应电压研究

    500 kV double-circuit transmission line tower with a single power back to the induced voltage research

  13. 500kV福建与浙江加强联网工程系统感应电压和电流问题研究

    Problems of induced voltage and current for 500 kV enhanced interconnection systems between Fujian and Zhejiang

  14. 500kV同塔双回线路感应电压、电流计算及实测

    Study and Measurement of Induced Voltage and Current for 500 kV Double - circuit Line on Same Tower

  15. 对淄川益都潍坊500kV同塔双回线路的感应电压、感应电流进行计算和实测。

    The inductive voltage and inductive current of 500 kV double-circuit transmission lines were calculated and measured on site .

  16. 1000kV交流输电线路架空地线感应电压测试分析

    Test and Analysis of Inductive Voltage on Overhead Ground Wire of 1000 kV UHV AC Line

  17. 计算结果表明,当线路长度为100km时,三相末端开路时的感应电压>1kV。

    The results show that the induced voltage in the measuring line , length of 110 km , is over 1 kV when three phases end is opening circuit .

  18. 此外,当使用转动时间对感应电压进行积分时,积分磁场(B0L)可由如下的方程来求解。

    Furthermore , when the induction voltage is integrated by the rotation time , integral magnetic field ( B0L ) is solved by the following equation .

  19. 为了保证OPGW不受系统运行方式和故障的影响而正常运行,文章采取在OPGW上装设复合阻抗的方法,使OPGW中的感应电压和电流在其允许范围之内,保证其能够长期正常工作。

    To avoid the influence of the running ways and faults of power system on OPGW and to ensure its regular running , a measure that install composite impedance in OPGW to keep the inductive voltage and current of OPGW within the allowable range is presented in this article .

  20. 钢带屏蔽层能够有效地降低雷电电磁脉冲中较高频率分量的作用,从而使控制电缆雷电感应电压400kHz~1MHz的频率分量大幅度减少。

    Steel shielding layer can effectively reduce the role of the higher frequency components in lightning electromagnetic pulse , So 400kHz ~ 1MHz frequency components of lightning induced voltage on buried control cable are significantly reduced .

  21. 试验结果表明,隔离开关操作时,由于500kV串内连接线和400V电源线间存在电磁耦合,在400V操作电源供电母线上有较高的感应电压存在。

    The high inductive voltage existed in 400 V power supply bus line indicated by the test result during the operation of the disconnector is due to the electromagnetic coupling existing between 500 kV high voltage line and 400 V power supply line .

  22. 介绍并分析了两起因35kV单芯交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆铜屏蔽层开断而引起的电缆烧坏事故,认为要重视铜屏蔽层直流电阻或铜屏蔽层感应电压和电流的检测。

    Two burnt cable accidents caused by broken copper shield were analysed . The cable was 35 kV single core XLPE power cable . The result indicated the importance of the tests for DC resistance of and induced voltage and current in copper shield .

  23. 750kV线路带电作业人员应穿戴全套屏蔽服,保持足够的安全距离,并采取措施防护感应电压的影响。

    Based on the research work , conclusions can be drawn that to ensure the safety of live working , persons doing live working should wear full set screen clothes , keep enough safe clearance , and take correct and adequate measures to protect themselves from inducting voltage .

  24. 一种新型交流伺服电动机旋转感应电压的计算

    The Rotating Induction Voltage Calculation of a New Type AC Servomotor

  25. 舰船金属物体射频感应电压校准技术研究

    Study of Calibration Technology of Radio Inducting Voltage in Ship Metals

  26. 中高压单芯电缆并联时感应电压和电流不平衡系数

    Induced Voltage and Current Unbalanced Factor when Medium-and-High Voltage Single-Core Cables Paralleled

  27. 塔式起重机产生感应电压原因及防治措施

    The inductive voltage of tower crane and its preventive measures

  28. 同杆并架双回输电线路感应电压的计算

    Calculation of the induction voltage on double circuit transmission lines

  29. 由感应电压引起的电压异常原因分析与处理措施

    Analysis of abnormal voltage due to induced voltage and related treatment measures

  30. 基于建筑塔吊的感应电压类型及防护措施

    Based on the construction of crane inductive voltage type and protective measures