
xīn línɡ ɡǎn yìnɡ
  • telepathy
  1. 我们许多人感觉很难用语言表达自己的需求,希望别人能通过心灵感应了解我们的感受。

    Many of us find it very difficult to state our needs . We expect people to know by telepathy what we are feeling .

  2. 心灵感应实际上是超视力的一种特殊形式。

    Thus , telepathy is actually a specific form of clairvoyance .

  3. 那个我哪知道啊,我又不会心灵感应。

    I could not know that . I 'm not telepathic .

  4. 实验对象中有一半左右自认为有心灵感应能力。

    About half the subjects considered themselves to be telepathic

  5. Bliss的能力包括超强的战斗力,超能力以及心灵感应力,如今她已长大成人,也了解了自己的潜质。

    Now she 's a super-powered teenager who 's learning the ins and outs of her abilities , which include flight , super-strength , and telekinesis .

  6. 同平时一样,那些在UFO展示之下的人,在被UFO吓了一跳,聚精会神,感到惊叹的同时,也正在接收心灵感应信息。

    As always , those under a UFO display are receiving a telepathic message , while entranced with the display , focused on this and in wonderment .

  7. 也许他会某种心灵感应?

    Is it possibie that he 's some sort of psychic ?

  8. 他声称自己有心灵感应术和洞察未来的能力。

    He claims he has the powers of telepathy and clairvoyance .

  9. 等待心灵感应战胜地球引力的那一天。

    And wait for that day when telepathy overcomes gravity .

  10. 我们对心灵感应及空中漂浮这样的现象特别有兴趣。

    We are particularly interested in phenomena such as telepathy and levitation .

  11. 会微笑的眼睛,这种感觉可以传递我们之间的心灵感应!

    The smiling eyes , this feeling can pass telepathy between us !

  12. 如果你能听到任何想法,这就是心灵感应。

    If you hear any thoughts at all , this is telepathy .

  13. 最近几个礼拜,她的心灵感应能力更强了。

    In the past few weeks , her psychic abilities have expanded .

  14. 这项试验是为了弄清我们两人是否有心灵感应。

    The experiment was to see whether either of us was telepathic .

  15. 他利用神经传递器通过心灵感应来控制它们。

    He was controlling them telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter .

  16. 驯狗人所具有的近乎心灵感应式的技能。

    The almost telepathic skills of the dog handlers .

  17. 倘使她是那种有心灵感应的人,她一定有所感触。

    If she had been at all psychic she must have felt something .

  18. 我怎么知道她要什么?我又不能心灵感应!

    How should I know what she wants ? I 'm not telepathic !

  19. 在一些国家这种信号形式被称为心灵感应。

    In some countries , this signal type is called " psychotronic " .

  20. 她可能不仅仅会心灵感应。

    Not only might she be a touch psychic .

  21. 心灵感应的纽带把他们带到一起。

    Of the bond of sympathy that United them .

  22. 我知道你想说的是心灵感应。

    I believe " telepath " is the word you 're looking for .

  23. 很多信息是由智者通过心灵感应接收。

    A lot of this information was received telepathically by specific Wise Ones .

  24. 艾林将军很想研发出心灵感应能力,以便审讯调查之用。

    General eiling really wanted to develop mind reading capabilities for interrogation purposes .

  25. 由发现玛雅守则,列斯发现了心灵感应性质时间。

    By uncovering the Mayan codes , Arguelles discovered the telepathic nature of time .

  26. 梦境中的心灵感应梦常常包含着心灵感应的信息。

    Telepathic Dreams Dreams often contain telepathic messages .

  27. 心灵感应既可以是投射式也可以是感知式的,我们或发出或接收。

    Telepathy can be either projective or perceptive , we either send or receive .

  28. 现在,一名科学家表示,这就是他证实过的所谓的电话心灵感应。

    Now a scientist says he has proof of what he calls telephone telepathy .

  29. 他们之间有一种心灵感应,有时使言语变得多余。

    There existed between them a sort of telepathy which made words sometimes unnecessary .

  30. 你是一个魔法师并且小有心灵感应术。

    You are an Illusionist and somewhat telepathic .