
  • mental illness;mental disease;mental disorder
  1. 近年来他致力于研究人类的美德和优势,并提出运用美德和优势治疗心理疾病的积极心理治疗理论(PPT)。

    Recently he has concentrated on human virtue and strength research , and according to his PPT theory , human virtues and advantages can be helpful psychotherapeutics for mental illness .

  2. 临床报道首见于1985年,在20年的发展中,TMS的临床应用研究一直集中在精神心理疾病和神经退行性疾病。

    The first clinical reports appeared in 1985 , after 20 years of development , TMS clinical application of research has been focused on the psychiatric mental illness and neurodegenerative diseases .

  3. 近年来已作为神经和心理疾病如PD、运动失调和抑郁等疾病的有潜力的治疗性工具。

    In recent years rTMS has already been a potential therapy to psychology disease such as depression , PD , ataxia and so on .

  4. 去年着手把内科和心理疾病病历放在网上以便查阅的退伍军人事务部(DepartmentofVeteransAffairs),也不过刚刚开始研究该做法对心理疾病患者的影响。

    The Department of Veterans Affairs , which began making medical and mental health records available online last year , is only just beginning to study the effect on mental health patients .

  5. CNN主播:一项新的研究发现如今每四名曾在阿富汗及伊拉克服役的美国退伍军人中,就有一人,罹患某种心理疾病。

    CNNANCHOR : A new study finds one in four U.S. war veterans , one in four who served in Afghanistan and Iraq , now suffer from some mental disorder .

  6. 结论我国CFS患者认知功能受损明显,广泛存在心理学异常,其特点与原发心理疾病不同。

    Conclusion The CFS patients in China have an obvious impairment of remembrance and show different psychological abnormalities that are different from those of the patients with primary psychological diseases .

  7. Jung开始去寻找患有心理疾病,被鬼魅所困扰的人,而且他们的年龄层已经假定没人会相信他们。

    Jung began to see the mentally ill as people who are haunted by these ghosts , in an age where no-one is supposed to even believe in them .

  8. CNN特派员杰米·麦肯泰尔:这份研究称伊拉克及阿富汗战争是自越战以来耗时最久的战事,在结论中表示这两场战事已经造成大规模的心理疾病,这些疾病有时候会致命。

    JAIME MCTNTYRE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Calling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan the most sustained combat operation since Vietnam , the study concludes the conflicts have produced an epidemic of mental illness-the kind that can sometimes kill .

  9. 在11岁儿子卢克(Luke)被他的父亲谋杀后,贝蒂开始到处奔走宣传,上月她因此而当选为澳大利亚年度人物。凶手是她的前伴侣,也是她的同事,患有心理疾病。

    Last month Ms Batty was appointed Australian of the Year for her campaign work following the murder of her 11-year-old son Luke by his father , a former partner and workmate of hers who had mental health problems .

  10. 据说她现在在东海岸的一家精神疗养院,并且正在接受DBT(辩证行为疗法),这是一种用于各种心理疾病状况的治疗方法。

    She 's now said to be at a psychiatric facility on the East Coast , and is receiving DBT ( Dialectical Behavior Therapy ) , a treatment used for various mental health conditions .

  11. 倡导组织“全国心理疾病联盟”(NationalAllianceonMentalIllness)的医务主任肯尼思·达克沃斯(KennethDuckworth)博士表示:“我已经表示愿意和病人分享我做的记录,而他们会说'不用了'。但它是一个值得研究的好想法。”

    Dr. Kenneth Duckworth , who is the medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness , an advocacy group , said : " I 've offered to share my notes with patients and they 'll say , ' No , I 'm good . ' But it 's a good concept that should be researched . "

  12. 鲍德温的老朋友们都知道他和心理疾病作战的惨痛经历:住院治疗;躁狂发作;抑郁;以及极具破坏力的焦虑&两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    Mr. Baldwin 's longtime friends know about his harrowing battles with mental illness : The hospitalizations . The manic episodes . The depression . The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  13. 明争暗斗,是地球人类的一种严重心理疾病。

    Infighting , is earth humanity 's a serious mental illness .

  14. 改善和调节大学生心理疾病的运动处方

    Exercising Prescription to Adjusting and Improving College Students ' Psychological Problems

  15. 体育锻炼对大学生心理疾病的调节与治疗

    Adjustment and Treatment of Physical Exercise to Students ? Psychological Diseases

  16. 师专女生常见生理心理疾病探讨

    Common physiological and psychological diseases of female students in Teachers Colleges

  17. “周末综合症”的主要症状包括情绪低落、失眠和其他心理疾病。

    They may suffer from depression , insomnia and other psychological diseases .

  18. 生理及心理疾病间有相互作用。

    There is an interaction between physical and emotional illness .

  19. 口腔患者心理疾病的分析与处理

    Analysis and management for the psychological disorders of dental patients

  20. 结论中医综合调治慢性心理疾病具有较好的治疗作用。

    Conclusion TCM synthesis treatment has better effect on chronic psychology disease .

  21. 军人心理疾病预测量表的信度及效度检验

    Reliability and validity of the military mental disorders predictive scale

  22. 3690例心理疾病住院患者相关因素分析

    Analysis on Relative Factors in 3690 Inpatients With Mental Diseases

  23. 性知识缺乏导致心理疾病和家庭悲剧;

    Lack of sexual knowledge leads to mental disease and family tragedy .

  24. 1998~2001年唐山市居民心理疾病发病状况调查

    The investigation on mental disease among Tangshan residents from 1998 to 2001

  25. 对心理疾病的治疗存在偏见及措施不力。

    The prejudice toward psychological diseases and inadequate measures for psychological health .

  26. 慢性心理疾病的中医综合调治及临床观察

    TCM synthesis treatment and clinical research of chronic psychology disease

  27. 据说,很多蓝领都有心理疾病。

    It is said that many blue-collared workers suffer from psychological problems .

  28. 构建大学生心理疾病预防与危机干预体系

    Construction of Psychological Disease Prevention and Crisis Intervention System for College Students

  29. 但即便是这些机构,也不愿贸然与心理疾病患者分享病历。

    But even those institutions have hesitated to share mental health notes .

  30. 大学生心理疾病成因及体育运动的改善作用

    Research of causes of psychological problems of university students and their physical exercises