
  • 网络Evolutionary psychology;Evolution Psychology
  1. 例如,文学学者利用进化心理学来解释小说中长期存在的主题和情节手法。

    For example , evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the long-lasting themes and plot devices in fiction .

  2. 由来自新加坡管理大学的心理学专家NormanLi领导的研究者团队用进化心理学解释了为什么有些人比其他人快乐。

    Researchers , led by psychology professor Norman Li from Singapore Management University , used evolutionary psychology to explain why some people are happier than others .

  3. 进化心理学择偶心理机制假设的跨文化检验&以天津、Boston两地征婚启事的内容分析为例

    Verification of Evolutionary Hypothesis on Human Mate Selection Mechanism in Cross-Culture Context

  4. 2008年《进化心理学》(EvolutionaryPsychology)杂志的一篇论文显示,只要有女性在场,男性就更有可能乱穿马路、更有可能等到最后一秒再蹿上公交车。

    A 2008 study in the journal Evolutionary Psychology showed that in the mere presence of women as witnesses , men become more likely to jaywalk and to wait until the last second to dash on to a bus .

  5. 最近几个月,作为认知发展实验的一部分,牛津大学(Oxford)进化心理学教授罗宾邓巴(RobinDunbar)一直在对志愿者施加痛苦。

    In recent months , Robin Dunbar , a professor of evolutionary psychology at Oxford university , has been inflicting pain on volunteers as part of an experiment in cognitive development .

  6. 进化心理学的人性观及其意义

    On the Human Nature of the Evolutionary Psychology and Its Significance

  7. 进化心理学理论、意义与局限

    On the Theory , Implications and Limitations of Evolutionary Psychology

  8. 论进化心理学产生的心理学背景

    On the Psychological Background of the Birth of Evolutionary Psychology

  9. 初婚者与再婚者择偶心理机制之比较&对西方进化心理学初/再婚择偶市场假说的检验

    Comparison between Primary and Secondary Mate Markets in China

  10. 进化心理学与生态心理学的整合:理解适宜可用性(英文)

    Reconciling Evolutionary Psychology and Ecological Psychology : How to Perceive Fitness Affordances ;

  11. 对其它学科的研究具有重要的启发作用。进化心理学的局限是:具有遗传决定论的倾向;

    Its research has important enlightenments to other discipline .

  12. 进化心理学是现代西方心理学的新取向之一。

    Evolutionary psychology ( EP ) is a relatively new perspective in psychology .

  13. 当代心理学发展的一种新取向&进化心理学

    A New Approach to the Development of Contemporary Western Psychology : Evolutionary Psychology

  14. 进化心理学视角下当代西方心理学的新进展

    The New Progress of Contemporary Western Psychology on the Approach of Evolutionary Psychology

  15. 进化心理学两性配偶选择及相关问题差异的研究述评

    A Study of Differences in Sexual Selection and Related Issues of Evolutionary Psychology

  16. 第二章对当代进化心理学的心理模块理论进行了全面的考察和综述。

    The second chapter conducts a comprehensive study and review about the mental module .

  17. 有关进化心理学局限性的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking about The Limitations of Evolutionary Psychology

  18. 进化心理学的过去和现在

    The Past and Present of Evolutionary Psychology

  19. 对背叛线索自由回忆的性别差异的进化心理学研究

    The Study of Evolutionary Psychology about the Sex Difference in the Free Recall of Infidelity Cues

  20. 在心理学领域,进化心理学采用功能分析的方法分析适应性行为下的心理机制和特征。

    Evolutionary psychology analyses mental mechanism and its characteristics in the adaptive behavior using functional analysis .

  21. 这些行为能够促进合作,这从进化心理学的观点上看是非常有益的。

    Such behaviour can increase co-operation , which is good from an evolutionary point of view .

  22. 这一发表在《进化心理学》杂志上的研究显示,男性更愿意为漂亮女人买单。

    Evolutionary Psychology , showed that a man is more willing to pay for a good-looking woman .

  23. 进化心理学用适应来解释人的心理与行为,认为适应是生命之本性,进化的心理机制是人性的基础。

    Evolutionary psychology threw light on people 's psychology and behaviors by way of the view on adaptation .

  24. 朴素物理观和朴素心理观&进化心理学视角名牌牛仔服,质朴无华,更显男子汉俊俏英拔。

    With these unaffected and plain famous Brand-name jeans on , men look even more handsome and heroic .

  25. 本文在阐述进化心理学基本原理的基础上,说明了进化心理学研究的意义与局限。

    On the basis of basic principles of evolutionary psychology , this article illustrated its implications and limitations .

  26. 本文认为进化心理学作为西方心理学新近出现的一种研究取向,对于我们正确认识心理机制的成因具有一定的启示意义。

    As a new research approaching to the mental mechanism , it is of heuristic value for psychology .

  27. 当前关于人类行为的理解正被两种理论&进化心理学和经济学模型所扭曲。

    The understanding of human nature and behaviors is distorted by two ideas & evolutionary theory and economic models .

  28. 进化心理学沿袭了洛伦茨的研究传统,运用进化论对人的心理起源和本质及一些社会现象进行深入的探讨和研究。

    Using evolutionism carries on deep discussion and study on the origin , nature of psychology and some social phenomena .

  29. 国外关于性嫉妒的进化心理学研究已经有很多,而国内至今还未有任何实证研究。

    There are plenty of evolutionary psychology studies on jealousy overseas . However , no empirical study has carried out in China .

  30. 思维研究的一个重要视角:思维的社会功能&进化心理学思维研究述评

    An Important Angle for the Study of Thinking : the Social Function of Thinking & A Review of Evolutionary Psychologists ' Projects