
jìn zhǎn
  • evolve;march;make progress;make headway;proceed;progression;advance;forward;move;work out;inroad;stride;shape up;course
进展 [jìn zhǎn]
  • [proceed] 向前发展

  • 在他的主管下,城市建设进展得很迅速

进展[jìn zhǎn]
  1. 这项举措让Harmony的未来很不确定,此项目是否及如何进展还掌握在开发人员手中。

    While the move leaves Harmony 's future uncertain , whether and how the project will evolve is in the hands of developers .

  2. 背景与目的:戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染在免疫功能低下患者可以进展为慢性肝炎。

    BACKGROUND & AIMS : Hepatitis E virus ( HEV ) infection can evolve to chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised patients .

  3. 我们申请资金目前进展状况如何?

    What is the current status of our application for funds ?

  4. 我们的讨论没有取得任何进展。

    We are not getting any further forward with the discussion .

  5. 他们对大脑功能的了解有进展吗?

    Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works ?

  6. 在探索治疗办法方面,我们正不断取得重大进展。

    We 're making great strides in the search for a cure .

  7. 事情的进展不像我们希望的那么快。

    Things are not moving as fast as we hoped .

  8. 在控制疟疾方面已取得新的进展。

    A new advance has been made in the control of malaria .

  9. 我的这封信看样子没多大进展。

    I don 't seem to be getting anywhere with this letter .

  10. 他们的工作毫无进展。

    They hadn 't got any farther with the work .

  11. 从我所听到的来看,事情进展不错。

    Things are going well from what I hear .

  12. 我们就此事讨论了一上午,可是毫无进展。

    We discussed it all morning but got nowhere .

  13. 我们在抑制通货膨胀方面取得了巨大进展。

    We have made great progress in controlling inflation .

  14. 他们已在夺取冠军的征途上获得显著进展。

    They have claimed some impressive scalps in their bid for the championship .

  15. 计划无丝毫进展,仍是上个月的老样子。

    The plans are still no further forward than they were last month .

  16. 新来的主任确实使事情有了进展。

    The new director has really got things moving .

  17. 没有进展,他们感到懊丧。

    They felt frustrated at the lack of progress .

  18. 谈判昨天取得进展。

    The negotiations took a jump forward yesterday .

  19. 各方面都取得了进展。

    Progress has been made on all fronts .

  20. 我们这样会毫无进展,还是换个角度考虑一下吧。

    We 're getting nowhere ─ let 's come at it from another angle .

  21. 这项目开始以来我们已取得很大进展。

    We 've come a long way since the early days of the project .

  22. 调查有新的进展吗?

    Are there further developments in the investigation ?

  23. 要在军控方面取得进展需要所有国家的合作。

    It needs cooperation from all the countries to get any movement in arms control .

  24. 我们希望一切进展顺利。

    We hope everything will go swimmingly .

  25. 总统通过译员说会谈进展良好。

    Speaking through an interpreter , the President said that the talks were going well .

  26. 他的竞选活动进展得不顺利。

    His campaign was not going well .

  27. 一切进展都很顺利。

    It 's all working out beautifully .

  28. 随时通知我进展情况。

    Keep me informed of any developments .

  29. 这种新药的发现是治疗这一疾病的重大进展。

    The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease .

  30. 进展比预计的缓慢。

    Progress was slower than expected .