
chāo xīng tuán
  • Supercluster;super-cluster
超星团[chāo xīng tuán]
  1. 大质量年轻星团和超星团

    Massive Young Cluster and Super Star Cluster

  2. 本超星系团中场星系旋转矢量分布的统计检验

    Statistical Tests on the Spatial Orientation of the Field Galaxies in the Local Supercluster

  3. 超星系团与薄饼假说

    Superclusters of Galaxies and the Pancake Model

  4. 如果我们最终可以开拓宇宙的一角为生存地,比如室女座超星系团

    If we could eventually colonize a chunk of the universe -- the Virgo supercluster --

  5. 宇宙包罗万象,小至次原子粒子,大到银河超星系团。

    The universe contains everything that exists , from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters .

  6. 史隆长城包含了数以亿计的不同星系,其中大多数在整体结构中形成了超星系团。

    It contains hundreds of millions of distinct galaxies , most of which form superclusters within the overall structure .

  7. 而在超星系团内部,所有星系都是向内部质心运动。

    Within a given supercluster , all galaxy motions will be directed inward , toward the center of mass .

  8. 超星系团是宇宙中最大的组织结构,并且很难定义各个星系团的边界,尤其是内部的星系。

    Superclusters are some of the universe 's largest structures , and have boundaries that are tough to define - especially from inside one .

  9. 在夏威夷马诺亚大学一位天文学家领导下的研究人员们将此超星系团命名为兰天,夏威夷语意思是“广袤无垠的天堂”。

    Researchers , led by an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa , have named this supercluster Laniakea , which means " immense heaven " in Hawaiian .

  10. 宇宙学是从整体的角度来研究宇宙的起源、演化和结构以及超星系团以上结构的学科。

    Cosmology is a subject which study the origin , the evolution and the structure of the universe from the overall perspective , as well as the structures above the supercluster .

  11. 天文学家第一次发现了我们的宇宙家园超星系团,这是星系团和较大星系群的一种聚集体,其中所有星系都是相互联系的网络。

    For the first time , astronomers have identified our home supercluster - a conglomeration of groups of galaxies and larger clusters of galaxies , all interconnected in a stringy web .

  12. 至于兰天,其重力焦点被称为巨引力源并且影响着我们局域星系的运动,所有的其他星系都是穿过我们的超星系团。

    In the case of Laniakea , this gravitational focal point is called the Great Attractor , and influences the motions of our Local Group of galaxies and all others throughout our supercluster .