
chāo xiàn shí zhǔ yì
  • surrealism;super-realism
超现实主义[chāo xiàn shí zhǔ yì]
  1. 他早期的作品受到了20世纪30年代欧洲超现实主义的影响。

    His early work was influenced by the European surrealism of the 1930 's.

  2. 这种迟缓、带有迷惑性的胡言乱语让人想起萨缪尔·贝克特(SamuelBeckett),而片中的小古董画面又大量借鉴了特里·吉列姆(TerryGilliam)的波普超现实主义。

    The stunted , deceptively nonsensical narrative evokes Samuel Beckett , while the bric-a-brac visuals borrow heavily from Terry Gilliam 's pop surrealism .

  3. 非凡的作品:从巴黎到纽约的超现实主义雕塑(MarvelousObjects:SurrealistSculpturefromParistoNewYork)


  4. 但是他们不是超现实主义的艺术品,而是Google在试图修补地图上的地貌影像时产生的意外效果。

    But these pictures are not the work of a Surrealist-they are what happened when Google tried to tinker with its images of Earth .

  5. 转过街角就是多萝西马戏团画廊(DorothyCircusGallery),血红色的墙壁上展示着超现实主义波普艺术作品。

    Around the corner at Dorothy Circus Gallery , the blood-red walls showcase surrealist Pop Art .

  6. 后来,作为艺术家曼·雷(ManRay)的情人和缪斯,她的脸庞和身体留存在超现实主义时期的一些最引人注目的过度曝光的肖像照中。

    Later , as the lover and muse of the artist Man Ray , her face and body were preserved in some of the most striking solarized portraits of the Surrealist age .

  7. 从1940年起,米勒经常为《Vogue》英国版拍摄带有她早期超现实主义倾向的迷人照片。

    From 1940 , Miller regularly produced glamorous shoots for British Vogue tinged with her early Surrealist leanings .

  8. Wackosearch.com则以不合理性定义合理性:搜索“超现实主义”,得到国际洗手间礼仪中心(theInternationalCenterforBathroomEtiquette),还有,一个线上怀孕测试;

    Wackosearch.com determines pertinence by impertinence : Search for " surrealism , " and get sites for the I.C.B.E. ( the International Center for Bathroom Etiquette ) and an online pregnancy test ;

  9. 这是一场对超现实主义雕塑的全面审视,包括多位艺术家的100多件雕塑作品,比如曼·雷(ManRay)、萨尔瓦多·达利(SalvadorDalí)和胡安·米罗(JoanMiró)等。

    More than 100 sculptures by Man Ray , Salvador Dal í , Joan Mir ó and others make up this comprehensive survey of Surrealist sculpture .

  10. 其效果不谛是又一部《波拉特》(Borat)&只是更具超现实主义色彩。

    The effect is Borat , only more surreal .

  11. 他一直不遗馀力的想保持个人的特质,和其他人做出区隔,他在1928年,与一群超现实主义的画家,也在巴黎,Pierre画廊举办展览。

    In1928 , he exhibited with a group of surrealists in the Pierre Gallery , also in Pars , although Mir was always to maintain his independent qualities with respect to groups and ideologies .

  12. 柏林藏家埃吉迪奥·马尔佐纳(EgidioMarzona)正在艺术装饰风格的格雷夫斯画廊(GravesGallery)展示35件超现实主义作品,包括马塞尔·迪尚(MarcelDuchamp)1952年创作的《手提的盒子》(BoxinaSuitcase)。

    Marcel Duchamp 's 1952 " La Boite-en-valise " ( Box in a Suitcase ) is among 35 Surrealist works being shown by the Berlin collector Egidio Marzona in the Art Deco Graves Gallery museum .

  13. 就像她的儿子安东尼·彭罗斯(AntonyPenrose)在这本书的序言中说的那样:“进入我们头脑中的创伤性画面永远没有清除键。”安东尼是在米勒嫁给英国超现实主义艺术家罗兰德·彭罗斯爵士(SirRolandPenrose)后生的孩子。

    As Antony Penrose , her son from her marriage to Sir Roland Penrose , the British Surrealist artist , writes in the book 's introduction , " There is no erase button for the traumatic images that enter our minds . "

  14. 西班牙人并没有立即采取Cobi,从夏季奥运会的巴塞罗那,是由本地漫画家哈维尔·马里斯卡尔设计的超现实主义的狗。

    The Spaniards did not immediately take to " Cobi ", the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona , who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal .

  15. 如果你认为Mazhar最近的作品很有创造力,超现实主义且没有包含任何T恤这样的元素,那么也是情有可原的。

    It 's a fair point when you consider that Mazhar 's most recent collection was inventive , surreal and contained absolutely no T-shirts whatsoever .

  16. 有超现实主义扭曲的和即将发生危险的感觉。

    Characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger .

  17. 这无疑是英国-印度关系史上最具超现实主义色彩的时刻。

    It must be the most surreal moment in Anglo-Indian relations .

  18. 李荣明的作品是以隐喻的方式来表达他的超现实主义想法。

    Li Rongming 's artworks express artist 's unique surrealism via metaphor .

  19. 中国80后艺术中的超现实主义成分解析

    The Analysis of Surrealist of the after 80 Chinese Art

  20. 甚至除去那华丽的背景,跳伞都是超现实主义的。

    Even without the gorgeous backdrop , skydiving is surreal .

  21. 作为超现实主义运动成员的艺术家。

    An artist who is a member of the movement called surrealism .

  22. 他只是给出了一个介乎现实与记忆之间的超现实主义的世界。

    He offers simply a surrealist world located between reality and memory .

  23. 他嘲笑超现实主义画家是“现代主义低能”的领导者。

    He derided the surrealists as'leaders of modernistic imbecility ' .

  24. 推翻萨达姆的雕像是超现实主义的伟大壮举。

    Bringing down Saddam 's statue was a greater feat of hyperreality .

  25. 或者是卡夫卡式的噩梦?超现实主义的微风撩动着我的头发;

    A Kafkaesque nightmare ? The breeze of surrealism blows through my hair ;

  26. 受到以超现实主义为代表的现代主义的熏染,他对异质因素并列、融合产生的美心向往之。

    Influence from surrealism , he yearn for beauty produced from heterogeneous factors .

  27. 我的教授拥有一幅达利的超现实主义油画。

    My professor possessed a surrealistic canvas by Dali .

  28. 即着眼于超现实主义的历史背景时代特征。

    It focus on the historical background of surrealism characteristics of the times .

  29. 现实主义摄影是写实,而超现实主义摄影则是在描绘梦。

    Realism photography is realistic , and surreal photography is portrayed the dream .

  30. 有多少超现实主义者拧过灯泡?

    How many Surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb ?