
chāo yīn sù fēi xínɡ
  • supersonic flight
  1. 本文研究的对象是以小迎角、小侧滑角和一般超音速飞行的旋转弹翼式X-X型导弹。

    A missile with tilt-wings in " X-X " configuration is considered in supersonic flight at small angle of attack and sideslip angle .

  2. 与大多数其他X-飞机,就X-48B是不适合超音速飞行,相反,它的目的是研究如何建立更安静,更省油的飞机。

    Unlike most other X-Planes , the X-48B isn 't designed for supersonic flight ; rather , it 's meant to study ways to create quieter , more fuel-efficient aircraft .

  3. 历史回顾机载发射可以追溯至几十年前,最著名的是上世纪50、60年代的X-15计划,当时一架B-52轰炸机的机翼下搭载了载人火箭飞机,并在超音速飞行的测试研究飞行器上发射。

    HISTORY Airborne launches date back decades , most famously to the X-15 program of the 1950s and ' 60s , when manned rocket planes were carried aloft under the wing of a B-52 bomber and released on hypersonic research flights .

  4. 在普通物理力学中介绍超音速飞行的设想

    Tentative opinion of introducing supersonic flight in mechanics of general physics

  5. 基于时频分布的超音速飞行目标激波信号检测

    Shock - Wave Signal Detection for Supersonic Targets Based on Time-Frequency Distribution

  6. 超音速飞行体激波信号的主成分分析和K-均值聚类

    Principal Component Analysis Based on Shock Wave from Supersonic Projectiles and K-means Algorithm

  7. 旋转隔间,为模拟超音速飞行条件而设计

    Rotating compartment , designed to simulate supersonic flying conditions

  8. 叶格早在1947年就进行了超音速飞行。

    Yeager made that supersonic flight back in 1947 .

  9. 还包括超音速飞行测得的温度数据曲线。

    The temperature data curve of ultrasonic flight is produced , Disposed and analyzed .

  10. 从而解释了在主动段超音速飞行中为什么会出现不稳定飞行。

    This causes the possible instability of the rocket in supersonic flight during burning .

  11. 仿真结果表明基于超音速飞行体产生的激波信号来识别目标是可行的。

    It is confirmed that identifying supersonic projectiles based on shock wave signal is feasible .

  12. 超音速飞行的成本是很昂贵的。

    Supersonic flight is very expensive .

  13. 在这架飞机里,她成为了第一位进行超音速飞行的女子。

    In it , she became the first woman to fly faster than the speed of sound .

  14. 超音速飞行会产生音爆。产品性能已超越同类产品:台湾、南、海!

    The product function has already surmounted the same kind product : Taiwan , Vietnam , bead sea !

  15. 歼-7靶机能以超音速飞行而且模拟现代战斗机的典型动作。

    The Jian-7 target drone can fly at supersonic speed and simulate typical manoeuvres of modern combat aircraft .

  16. 越是掠翼角,少的阻力和为接近超音速飞行更好。

    The more swept-back the wing angle , the less the drag and the better for flight approaching supersonic speed .

  17. 随着人类对空间领域不断的发现和探索,超音速飞行技术已成为具有前瞻性、战略性的一项技术。

    As human constantly discover and explore the field of space , supersonic flight technology has become a forward-looking and strategic technology .

  18. 在过去的70年,他们已经为包括三角翼,无尾飞机发展的试验场,和超音速飞行。

    Over the last seven decades , they 've been a proving ground for developments including delta wings , tailless aircraft , and supersonic flight .

  19. 因此有人提出了吸热燃料的概念,即利用燃料发生的吸热反应来提高燃料的热沉,从而满足高超音速飞行的冷却要求。

    To meet this challenge , endothermic fuels that chemically decompose into energetic gases via cracking reactions and provide extremely high heat sink have been developed .

  20. 机翼外形设计应使可重复使用运载器再入大气层以高超音速飞行和水平着陆时,满足配平、稳定性、升阻比、着陆速度等气动设计要求。

    For this vehicle , the wing is sized to meet the re-entry aerodynamic requirements for hypersonic trim , stability , and lift-to-drag ratio , landing velocity .

  21. 奥地利著名极限运动员菲利克斯-鲍姆加特纳上周日在数万米的太空边缘挑战极限跳伞成功,创造了以超音速飞行的世界纪录。

    Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner became the first man to break the sound barrier in a record-shattering , death-defying freefall jump Sunday from the edge of space .

  22. 指出,当超音速飞行时,在前喷管附近的弹体表面上产生一个局部高压区,由此形成一个翻转力矩。

    It is demonstrated that there exists a part of high pressure on the body surface of the rocket near the fore-located nozzles , thus forming a overturning moment .

  23. 吸热型烃类燃料是一种热安定性好、可以利用其化学热沉的燃料,其热沉能够满足高超音速飞行的需要。

    Endothermic hydrocarbon fuels ( EHF ) can provide sufficient heat sink for hypersonic scramjet cooling , the total hint sink of EHF come from the physical heating of the fuel and endothermic chemical reaction .

  24. 这架飞机能够很轻松地在不打开加力的状态下飞到高亚音速。居民们一直抱怨喷气式飞机在作超音速飞行时所产生的音爆。

    This airplane can go out to high subsonic speeds very easily without using afterburner . Residents have been complaining of the " boom " which is heard whenever a jet breaks through the sound barrier .

  25. 以超音速速度飞行的飞机会在周围的空气中产生冲击波。

    Aircraft flying at supersonic speeds produce shock waves in the air around the aircraft .

  26. 这些飞机以超音速的速度飞行。

    These planes travel at supersonic speeds .

  27. 的极超音速X-43A条飞行速度更快,但X-51A的飞行时间。

    The hypersonic X-43A flew faster , but the X-51A flew longer .

  28. 因此斜置机翼飞机能够有效地减小飞机在高跨音速和低超音速时的飞行阻力,提高飞机超音速飞行的气动效率。

    The institutions pay much attention to it stemmed from the fact . Oblique wing aircraft can decrease high transonic and low supersonic flight drag , and improves the aerodynamic efficiency in high speed flight .

  29. 本文研究的主要内容是:首先定义了坐标系,并在导弹的纵向平面内推导了弹体的运动方程和传递函数,给出了超音速超低空飞行导弹的典型弹道,确定了高度稳定回路的模型。

    The main content of this paper is : first , the reference frame is defined , the movement equation and the transfer function of the body are proposed in portrait plane and the typical trajectory of the missile with supersonic at minimum altitude is given .

  30. 这一禁令将协和式超音速喷射客机的飞行限制在洋面,严重限制了潜在的路线。

    This then restricted Concorde 's operations to going supersonic only over the sea , severely limiting the potential routes .