
chāo zì rán xiàn xiànɡ
  • occult phenomenon
  1. 科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。

    Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena .

  2. 巧合属于超自然现象吗?

    Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal ?

  3. 对超自然现象在相当大的程度上采取不可知论的态度是20世纪几乎所有有头脑的人的标志。

    A considerable degree of agnosticism about the supernatural has been a mark of almost all thinking people in the20th century .

  4. 学者们有时会将这种超自然现象的流行概括为世界的某种“重新魔幻化”——正如德国社会学家马克斯·韦伯(MaxWeber)等众多学者曾经认为的,人们越来越多地意识到当代世界并非没有了魔幻色彩,

    Scholars sometimes talk about this supernaturalization as a kind of " re-enchantment " of the world - as a growing awareness that the modern world is not stripped of the magical , as the German sociologist Max Weber and so many others once thought ,

  5. 她毕生都在研究此地区的超自然现象

    She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area .

  6. 像传心术一样的超自然现象;一个巫师超自然的力量。

    Such paranormal phenomena as telepathy ; a medium 's paranormal powers .

  7. 世界上有成千上万的人相信超自然现象。

    Supernatural belief systems are shared by millions of people .

  8. 因此造成了很多超自然现象

    It created a bed of paranormal activity .

  9. 首先是由科学的新进步带来的对超自然现象的质疑。

    The first was skepticism about the supernatural , generated by the new developments in science .

  10. 这并非是超自然现象,但是这表明了你的大脑的确在以一种神奇的方式运转。

    It may not be supernatural , but it certainly shows the brain works in mysterious ways .

  11. 活跃流:说书&短篇小说集和散文集中超自然现象。

    Active-stream : the story tellers-a collection of short stories and essays focusing upon the paranormal phenomena .

  12. 2016年《招魂2》上映后,网友们也大呼自己也见过超自然现象!

    A wave of paranormal activity claims flooded the Internet after The Conjuring 2 was released in 2016 .

  13. 蛊惑是关于一个女孩探求超自然现象和她自我性觉醒的一个故事。

    Hex is the chilling story of one girl 's exploration of the supernatural and her own sexual awakening .

  14. 我想,部分原因在于,质疑反而让超自然现象变得安全,甚至有趣了。

    In part , I think , this is because skepticism has made the supernatural safe , even fun .

  15. 这帮人开着一辆名叫“神秘机器”的大篷货车周游全美国,这是一次追踪超自然现象的探险之旅。

    The gang travelled throughout the country in their van , The Mystery Machine , on the trail of supernatural adventures .

  16. 超自然现象研究领域的专家们正在展开调查,探究一艘历史上著名的捕鲸船是否是死去海员亡灵的家园。

    Specialists in paranormal research are investigating whether a historic whaling ship might be home to the ghost of a long-ago seafarer .

  17. 人们不能依靠他,他的行为常超出常规。不明飞行物常常被解释为超自然现象。

    One can not rely upon him ; he is apt to fly off at a tangent . UFOs are often explained as supernatural .

  18. 与真实发生在佛陀身上的事情交织在一起的超自然现象不能被看作是历史的真实事件。

    Supernatural phenomena intermingled with the flow of gentle as well as realistic occurrences found in the Sutra cannot be taken as historical truth .

  19. 科学家也对通灵术提出质疑,但笃信者称死者与活人之间的沟通是超自然现象,无法用科学方法证实。

    Although many scientists dispute spiritualist claims , spiritualists defend their beliefs . They claim that communication between the living and the dead has been scientifically verified .

  20. 丹向来自苏格兰研究超自然现象的鬼魂狂热者咨询那段闭路摄像,也将咖啡店其他人遇到的奇怪现象告诉了他们。

    Dan has shown his CCTV images to ghost enthusiasts from Paranormal Investigation Scotland , and has talked to them about the other strange happenings at his cafe .

  21. 进化学家们则断言圣经只是寓言与神话故事,而不具有任何历史意义,也没有任何超自然现象的记载。

    Evolutionism is based on the belief that there are no supernatural causes , and asserts that the Bible is either allegorical or mythological , but not historical .

  22. 而众多的神迹和其他超自然现象也被证明并非空穴来风。他不承认和他秘书发生了关系,但自是空穴来风喽。

    Numerous miracles and other supernatural events are attested . He 's denied having an affair with his secretary , but of course there 's no smoke without fire .

  23. 苏格兰超自然现象调查中心的发言人表示:这是10年以来我们见到过的最有说服力的图片,我们有要研究它的强烈愿望。

    A spokesman for Paranormal Investigation Scotland said : This is the most convincing image we have seen in almost a decade , so we were keen to start looking into it .

  24. 一位苏格兰超自然现象调查组织的发言人称:“这是我们近十年来观测到的证明鬼魂存在的最有说服力的图像,我们将十分乐意对此展开调查。”

    A spokesman for Paranormal Investigation Scotland said : " This is the most convincing image we have seen in almost a decade , so we were keen to start looking into it . "

  25. 不顾科学带来的显著威胁而希望继续相信超自然现象的那些人认为,幻觉的概念反而是死者显灵的一种科学证据。

    Those who wanted to hang on to their belief in the supernatural despite the apparent threat posed by science found in the idea of the hallucination a kind of scientific evidence that the dead came back to life .

  26. 辛格不致力于事实的解释工作以及情节的确定与终结,他深受犹太教文化和超自然现象的影响,他的短篇小说中常常表现出具有不确定性的情节因素、宗教因素和超自然因素。

    Singer was not dedicated to explaining of facts and the certainty and ending of plots , and he was deeply affected by the Jewish culture and supernatural phenomena . His Short Stories had uncertain factors of plots , supernatural phenomena and religion .

  27. 对于任何一个想成为幽灵猎人或者魔鬼克星的人来说,你可能会考虑亚利桑那大学,它是将超自然现象研究作为主修专业的大学之一。

    For anyone out there wishing to become a Ghost Hunter , or better yet , a Ghostbuster , you might want to consider a school like the University of Arizona , which is one of several that offer Paranormal Studies as a major 。

  28. 但是撰写多本介绍狗狗智商和行为书籍的作者StanleyCoren认为,狗狗感知地震的能力与任何超自然的现象无关,而是与狗狗敏锐的听力有关。

    But Stanley Coren , the author of many books about dog intelligence and behavior , suggests that the explanation for dogs ' ability to sense earthquakes has nothing to do with anything supernatural - and everything to do with dogs ' keen hearing .

  29. 即使经过了科学训练,格雷还是接受了超自然奇异现象可能存在的观点。

    Even with his scientific training , Gary keeps an open mind about the possible existence of paranormal phenomena .

  30. 主张灵魂存在的一方声称,我们必须假设灵魂存在,才能解释一些,司空见惯或是超自然的现象

    One group of arguments for the existence of a soul says ," We need to posit a soul in order to explain something , whether it 's something everyday or something supernatural . "