
chāo duǎn bō diàn tái
  • Ultrashort wave radio station;ultra-short wave broadcasting station
  1. 基于超短波电台TCM同步算法的研究

    Research of Synchronization in TCM Based on VHF Station

  2. 介绍了超短波电台自动检测系统与故障诊断系统的功能,并根据功能要求进行了硬件电路的设计,采取面向信号的ATLAS语言进行软件设计和建立在专家知识输入故障推理模型。

    This paper introduces functions of an automatic examination system for super-short waves radio stations and fault diagnosis systems , and designs a hardware electric circuit . Adopting the ATLAS language-oriented signals , it implements software design and establishes a logically fault reasoning model at expert knowledge inputs .

  3. 基于超短波电台通信,占用较多的频率资源。

    Communications on UHF radio should occupy more frequency .

  4. 面向信号的机载超短波电台自动测试系统的开发

    Development of the signal-oriented automatic test system of an airborne ultrashort wave transceiver

  5. 外军陆地战术超短波电台的特点及装备情况浅析

    Overview of Peculiarity and Current Status of Equipment of Military Land Tactical VHF / UHF Radio

  6. 三防漆涂覆厚度对超短波电台高放回路的影响

    Effect of the Thickness of Three-proofing Lacquer on the High-frequency Amplifying Loop of a VHF Radio

  7. 提出了将波束成形技术应用于超短波电台,以提高天线增益和系统抗侦收能力。

    The beam forming technique is used in the UHF radio for improving antenna gain and system anti-interception .

  8. 由于水文自然环境的限制,传统测报主要使用数传仪、超短波电台等测报设备。

    Limited to the environment , the traditional used hydrologic telemetric equipments are Data Transmitter and ultrashort wave transmitter-receiver .

  9. 水雨情遥测系统在防灾防汛工作中具有重要的作用,现在运行的系统,通常使用超短波电台进行数据的传输。

    Hydrological monitoring system plays an important role in the flood prevention work , . It typically uses UHF radio for data transmission .

  10. 当今世界已进入飞速发展的信息化时代,不管是民用通信系统还是军用通信系统,超短波电台作为通信系统中至关重要的通信装备之一广泛应用于军用、民用领域。

    In this informatization time , ultra-short wave radio , as the vital communication equipment , is widely used in both military and civil communication system .

  11. 为实现便携式超短波电台节电目的,从降低静态和动态功率消耗两方面,提出了某型电台节电改造方案。

    In order to realize power saving of portable VHF radio , a power saving alteration plan is proposed for a radio based on reducing static and dynamic power consumption .

  12. 采用跳频技术的短波、超短波电台在军事通信中得到了广泛应用,极大地提高了军事装各的抗截获和抗干扰能力,保证了军事指挥系统的安全和有效性。

    Using the short-wave frequency-hopping technology , FM radio communications in the military have been widely applied , greatly enhances the military equipment intercepted and guarantees military command system of safety and effectiveness .

  13. 针对数据通信的要求,对超短波电台数据传输系统方案也进行简单的探讨,最后总结全文,提出整个项目的改进措施和下一步工作的建议。

    For the need of the data transmit , chapter 6 constructs the data transmit scheme of VHF radios , summarizes the whole text , and proposes the improvement and further suggestions for " ZX08 " project .

  14. 在现代军事通信系统中,出于保密通信的需求,跳频、扩频等通信技术在超短波电台等通信设备中得到了广泛应用,因此对天线的宽带和增益也提出了更高的要求。

    In order to keep secret in military communication , communication technologies of Frequency-Hopping and Spread Spectrum have been widely used in the Communication equipments such as VHF radio , which makes broadband and high gain antennas are more demanded .

  15. 该终端可同目前部队装备的多种不同制式、不同型号的短波、超短波电台接口,具有很强的适应性和灵活性,既可用于通信值勤,也可用于报务训练。

    The terminal can interface with various different systems and different types of shortwave 、 ultrashortwave transmitter-receiver , having the very strong suitability and agility , can be used for the communication duty , also can be used for the telegraph training .

  16. 总之,超短波电台数字化方面的研究对软件无线电技术有了更深的理解,为下一步实现高质量话音通信与数据通信的超短波电台的研制工作提供了理论支持与实践的积累。

    In a word , the work which researches the digital VHF radio makes me deeper understand the SR theory , and provides the theory support and practical accumulating for the development of the VHF radio , which can realize better - performance audio and data communication .

  17. 超短波跳频电台同步系统的FPGA实现

    Application of FPGA in Synchronous System of Ultra-Shortwave Hop-Frequency Transceiver

  18. 采用FPGA实现了超短波跳频电台同步系统中的相关检测及位同步系统。

    The FPGA were applied in the correlation detection and bit synchronous system of ultra_shortwave hop_frequency transceiver .

  19. 该协议支持最多32个节点组网,可实现一路中继双向话音或两路直达双向话音,支持单播及广播数据报文和自动路由。2.在超短波跳频电台上实现了该TDMA组网协议。

    The network can transmit one bidirectional relay voice or two bidirectional direct voices , and data packets transmission supports both unicast and broadcast with automatic routing . Secondly , the TDMA networking protocol is implemented on the VHF frequency hopping radio .

  20. 本文以适用于超短波跳频电台的TDMA组网协议为主要研究内容,研究工作如下:1.设计了一种支持话音中继和数话同传的TDMA组网协议。

    This paper focuses on the research of TDMA networking protocol for VHF frequency hopping radios . The central research work is listed as follows : Firstly , a TDMA networking protocol which supports voice relay and simultaneous voice and data transmission is designed .

  21. 超短波车载电台宽频带玻璃钢天线撞击试验

    Impact test for FRP antenna on ultra-short wave wideband carborne radio station

  22. 新型超短波战术电台综合业务单元设计

    The Integrated Services Unit Design of New Type of Ultra-short Wave Radio Set

  23. 超短波跳频电台的自适应数据传输

    Adaptive Data Transmission on VHF Hopping Frequency Radio

  24. 介绍了超短波通信电台的低成本信号处理模块的设计方法和技巧。

    The design method and techniques for low-cost signal processing module of ultrashort wave or VHF ( Very High Frequency ) radio are introduced .

  25. 本课题来自军事开发项目&数字化超短波跳频电台,主要用于海军舰艇之间的数据通信。

    This subject comes from a military development project - Digital VHF FH Radio Set , and it is mainly used for the data communication between navy vessels .

  26. 在空间很窄的同一平台上多部超短波跳频电台同时工作,存在电台相互干扰,影响通信效果。

    However , when multiple different VHF FH radios on active service working simultaneously on the same platform with narrow space , there must have mutual interference among them and thus the communication effect will be affected .

  27. 如今,国内外许多军用电台采用了跳频技术,使得军用短波和超短波跳频电台在通信中发挥了巨大的作用。跳频电台的出现对通信对抗提出了严峻挑战。

    Nowadays , many military radio stations have made good use of FH technology . Military HF / HF and VHF / HF radios play an important role in communications , simultaneously which become a great challenge to communication countermeasure .

  28. 介绍了某型机载超短波抗干扰电台自动测试系统(ATS)的设计。

    The design of an automatic test system ( ATS ) for certain airborne ultrashort wave antiinterference transceiver is introduced .

  29. 超短波无线通信是近海渔业的主要通信方式之一,超短波电台是近海渔业通信中使用的主要通信设备。

    VHF radio communication is one of the main communication methods of offshore fishing , and VHF radio is the major communication equipment used in offshore fishery communications . Most of the available fishing VHF radios are designed based on analogue technology communication system .