
chāo shì jù
  • over the horizon
  1. 超视距雷达传播模式识别

    Identity of Propagation Modes for Over the Horizon Radar

  2. 脉冲频率编码信号在高频地波超视距雷达中的应用

    Application of Frequency Coded Pulse Signal in a Ground Wave Over the Horizon Radar

  3. 应用概率论方法,提出预警机引导导弹攻击概率评估模型,并运用Matlab仿真,对预警机引导导弹超视距攻击的概率进行评估。

    It gives missile launch model by probability method and evaluates the effection by Matlab emulation .

  4. 基于改进AHP法的飞机超视距作战能力评估

    Over-the-horizon Air Combat Capability Evaluation of Fighter Plane based on Modified AHP

  5. 在超视距雷达中,需要经过FFT来获得距离信息。

    In OTH radars , the range information is obtained by FFT .

  6. 基于ADC模型的天波超视距雷达作战效能评估

    Combat Efficiency Evaluation for Sky Wave over-the-horizon Radar Based on ADC Modeling

  7. 天波超视距雷达的混合多模型PDA航迹起始仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis on Track Initiation of Multi-Model PDA Algorithm for Sky-wave OTHR

  8. 基于规格化Hough变换的天波超视距雷达检测前跟踪算法

    Track-before-Detect Algorithm for Over-the-Horizon Radar Based on Normalized Hough Transform

  9. 第四章定性地分析了天波超视距雷达HF段干扰空、时、频域的不同特点,分别采用各种不同的处理方法进行有效的抑制。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the different characteristics in spatial , temporal and frequency domain of HF interference .

  10. 基于Unscented卡尔曼滤波的超视距目标跟踪

    Application of Unscented Kalman Filter for over Horizon Target Tracking

  11. 提高实船平台罗经方位安装精度是超视距作战系统的需要,为此提出用GPS标校平台罗经新方案。

    It is the requirement of over the horizon targeting to improve the installation accuracy of platform compass azimuth , so a new concept based on GPS is proposed .

  12. 通道失配对超视距雷达DBF副瓣电平的影响

    The frequency response mismatch between the channels and its effects on the sidelobe level of OTH radar

  13. 分布式移动多载舰OTHR(over-the-horizonradar,超视距雷达)系统是将雷达装载在多个移动平台上的功能强大的移动探测系统。

    Distributed mobile multi-shipborne OTHR ( over-the-horizon radar ) system is a powerful mobile detection system that is loaded on a number of mobile platforms .

  14. TIS网关是实现TIS信息和指控信息的超视距实时传输的关键设备。

    TIS gateway is the key equipment to realize the real-time and BLOS transmission of the TIS , command and control information .

  15. 针对采用调频连续波(FMCW)体制的天波超视距雷达的应用场合,提出了一种电离层扰动(慢相径变化)补偿改进算法。

    This paper presents an improved arithmetic for extracting and compensating the phase-path variations caused by the ionospheric disturbance in a HF sky-wave OTH radar with FMCW waveform .

  16. 天波超视距雷达(Over-the-horizonradarOTHR)工作在330MHz的高频频段,利用电离层对高频信号的反射作用自上而下地进行目标探测。

    The skywave Over-the-Horizon Radar ( OTHR ) operates in high frequency band ( 3-30MHz ) and employs the ionosphere to reflect signal to detect targets from the top down .

  17. 利用电离层作为媒介的天波与天发地收超视距雷达(OTHR)不可避免的会存在多路径数据融合问题。

    The sky-wave Over-the-Horizon Radar ( OTHR ) and the sky-transmit-ground-receive OTHR , which utilize the ionosphere as the medium , will inevitably produce multipath data fusion problem .

  18. 针对采用脉冲压缩体制高性能超视距雷达的应用场合,提出了一种应用现场可编程逻辑阵列(FP-GA)和数控振荡器(NCO)相结合实现低杂散复杂线性调频(LFM)方法。

    A method is presented for using field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) and numerical control oscillator ( NCO ) to approach a lower spurs and complex linear frequency modulation ( LFM ) .

  19. 针对大地坐标系下,超视距目标状态方程和量测方程复杂的非线性,提出了一种基于Unscented卡尔曼滤波的超视距目标跟踪。

    Aiming at the intense non-linearity of the state and measurement equations which are established in geodetic coordinate system , a new algorithm based on unscented Kaman filter ( UKF ) was proposed .

  20. 高频地波雷达(HFSWR)可以对海面和空中目标超视距探测,具有反隐身、反超低空突袭、抗反辐射导弹的能力。

    High frequency surface wave radar which can detect targets over the horizon bears the abilities in anti-stealth , anti-low altitude attack , anti-radiate missile .

  21. 本论文对全数字式接收机的工作原理和设计方法进行了研究,提出了一种先进的全数字式阵列接收机方案,可应用于短波超视距雷达(OTH雷达)。

    This paper presents the principle , constitution and design method of digital radar receivers . An advanced all-digital array receiver is developed for an Over-The - Horizon radar application .

  22. 本文所介绍的移动双(多)基地雷达系统是双(多)基地雷达和舰载的高频地波OTH(超视距)雷达两种体制雷达的结合。

    The mobile bistatic ( multistatic ) radar of this paper is a combination of bistatic ( multistatic ) radar and shipborne high-frequency ground wave over-the-horizon ( OTH ) radar .

  23. 在远程预警系统中,超视距雷达(OTHR)以其探测距离远、覆盖面积大以及抗隐身等优点受到各国学者的广泛关注。

    In the long-range early-warning system , Over-The-Horizon Radar ( OTHR ) is paid much widely attention because of its long detection range , large coverage , anti-stealth character and so on .

  24. 本文以我们和信息产业部第14研究所的协作项目&天波超视距雷达的信号处理技术研究为背景,重点对OTHR的干扰抑制、电离层污染的校正以及舰船目标检测进行了深入研究。

    This dissertation is based on the project " Study on signal processing of skywave over-the-horizon radar ", which is funded by and cooperated with No. 14 research institute of Ministry of Information Industry .

  25. 天波超视距雷达(OTHR)是一种利用电离层对高频信号的反射作用自上而下进行目标探测的雷达体制。

    The sky wave over the horizon radar ( OTHR ) is a new mechanism in which the ionosphere is used as a mirror to reflect the radar high frequency signal to detect the target .

  26. 天波超视距雷达(OTHR)的观测范围非常广,实战中经常要求在短相干积累条件下检测出舰船目标。

    Since the surveillance area of sky wave Over-The-Horizon Radar ( OTHR ) is very vast , realizing the ship detection with short coherent integration time ( CIT ) is an operational requirement for OTHR .

  27. 超视距雷达(OTHR)是一种具有较大发展前景的高频雷达,以其覆盖距离远、覆盖面积大和抗隐身等优良特点受到各国学者的广泛关注。

    OTHR ( Over-The-Horizon Radar ) is a kind of HF ( high frequency ) radar with great expectation , which has arisen great concern worldwide because of its large coverage , anti-stealth character and so on .

  28. 高频地波雷达(HFSWR)依靠高频垂直极化电磁波沿海洋表面绕射传播的机理,实现对海面舰船目标和低空飞行目标的超视距探测。

    High Frequency Surface-Wave Radar ( HFSWR ) utilizes the surface-wave mode of vertical polarization electromagnetic wave propagation over sea water to detect targets of ships and aircrafts at distance beyond the line of sight .

  29. 天波超视距雷达(OTHR)是一种利用电离层后向返回散射传播机理对地平线以下远距离目标实现探测的远程警戒雷达,具有能提供早期预警、覆盖面积广、反隐身等特点。

    Sky-wave over-the-horizon radar ( OTHR ) is a long-distance surveillance radar which can see beyond the horizon by backward refraction of the ionosphere , It has the feature of long early warning time , large areas scout , anti-stealth , and so on .

  30. 为了检测天波地波超视距雷达(OTHR)长积累时间中是否存在机动目标,提出了一种基于时频分布(TFD)和形态学滤波检测OTHR系统中的机动目标的新方法。

    To determine whether a maneuvering target exists in a long integration time in Sky-Wave or Surface-wave over-the-horizon radar ( OTHR ), a new detection method based on time-frequency distribution ( TFD ) and morphological filtering is proposed to detect the maneuvering targets in OTHR systems .