
  1. 这份三年续订合同将在未来的播出季中进一步加强CBS网络的地位,也是CBS与华纳兄弟友好合作的另一个新篇章。电视台将为观众呈现最好的喜剧。

    This multi-year deal further strengthens our networks position for future seasons and marks another chapter in the great partnership CBS enjoys with Warner Bros. Television for delivering audiences the best in comedy .

  2. 大部分我们最爱的美剧已经或者即将进入冬季的停播期,是时候来盘点一下有哪些女性角色让2011秋季播出季的电视荧幕如此美好!

    With most of our favorite shows on or approaching the dreaded holiday hiatus , it 's time to reflect on the women that made the fall 2011 TV season so great .

  3. 马修派瑞(Chanddler):他近期的电视节目《日落大道60号》,由西翼的艾伦索尔金主笔,仅播出一季后就被取消。

    MATTHEW PERRY ` S ( Chanddler ) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip , written by the West Wing ` s Aaron Sorkin , was also cancelled after just a single season .

  4. 可惜这对希望此片能超越《辛普森一家》的福克斯公司来说是远远不够的,在播出五季之后这部剧集就被砍掉了。

    Unfortunately , that wasn 't enough for Fox , who wanted ratings on par with Simpsons , and the network canceled the series after five seasons .

  5. 第一小时将播出六季剧情回顾和演员采访。

    The network will first air a look back the show 's entire run , including interviews with the cast and creators , followed by the final episode .

  6. 在英国,竞争激烈的烹饪节目《厨艺大师》播出第一季,为了做出珍馐美馔,选手们耐着厨房的酷热与竞争对手展开激烈争夺。

    In the UK , the competitive cooking show MasterChef would air its very first season , as contestants battled against the heat of the kitchen - and each other - to create the best dish .

  7. 在美国,另一部热播剧《迷失》的大结局吸引了近1350万观众观看。而对于该剧集播出六季以来所有的谜题,粉丝们却未能一见分晓。

    Another hot TV show " Lost " finale cops an average of 13.5 million viewers in the United States , with fans hardly finding out answers to all of the questions posed by the six-season serials .

  8. 这是《生活大爆炸》连续第二周登顶收视率排行榜。这部已播出12季的“呆瓜喜剧”将在5月16日剧终,届时将没有《权力的游戏》竞争,它将轻而易举摘得本周收视率桂冠。

    It was the second week in a row atop the ratings for " The Big Bang Theory , " whose 12-season run of nerdy comedy ends with a May 16 finale episode that by that time will have no competition from " Thrones " and should win the week running away .

  9. 本剧在美国产生了长远的影响,在BBC美国台播出了五季,到2013年终结。

    The show made a long-term impact in the U.S. , running on BBC America for five seasons until 2013 .

  10. 这部Starz的剧改编自尼尔·盖曼的畅销小说,目前正在播出第二季,续订了第三季并换了新的制作人。

    The Starz series , which is based on Neil Gaiman 's hit novel and is currently airing its second season , has been renewed for Season 3 with a new showrunner .

  11. 在美国,“好声音”已经开始播出第三季。

    In the US , The Voice has started its third season .

  12. 在《实习医生格蕾》过去播出的十季中,克里斯蒂娜杨无论是职业还是心智都有很大的成长。

    DuringGrey 's Anatomy 's 10 seasons , she 's grown professionally and emotionally .

  13. 在喜剧中心播出第三季

    on Comedy Central for the third season ?

  14. 作为一部1994年开播、播出长达十季、极具标志性的电视连续剧,至今仍然鲜有作品能与《老友记》匹敌。

    Debuting in 1994 and spanning 10 iconic seasons , Friends is a series that few have been able to parallel .

  15. 这个电视剧现在已经播出了6季,是我看过的最扣人心弦、最挑战人智商的电视剧。

    The programme , which has now run for six seasons , is the most gripping and intelligent thriller I have ever seen .

  16. 2006年,派瑞主演了美剧《日落大道60号》,但该剧仅播出了一季就因收视率低而被取消了。

    Career slump : Matthew Perry . In 2006 , he landed the lead role as a TV writer in the much-vaunted Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip . But it was dropped by U.S. network NBC after one series because of poor ratings .

  17. 《迷失》在ABC电视台播出了整整六季。讲述的是一架飞机在一个神秘小岛上坠毁后生还者的努力活下去的故事。

    Lost , which ran for six seasons on ABC , followed a group of survivors from an airplane crash trying to survive on an island in the middle of nowhere .

  18. 《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey),PBS,周日播出。第五季一开始,格兰瑟姆伯爵的自尊就遭到了新打击,还有一个非婚生的婴儿藏匿在乡间小屋的情节,有些维多利亚时代的气息。

    DOWNTON ABBEY ( PBS , Sunday ) Season 5 begins with new blows to Lord Grantham 's self-esteem and the somewhat Victorian touch of an illegitimate baby hidden away in a cottage .

  19. 有报道称,《绝望主妇》在今秋播出的第八季将会是这部美剧的最后一季。

    Desperate Housewives is to end after its upcoming eighth season , according to reports .

  20. 根据该剧的制片人里克-克利夫兰,即将播出的第二季有13集,而第二季很可能是该剧的最终季。

    According to executive producer Rick Cleveland , the upcoming 13-episode Season 2 is likely to be the show 's last .

  21. 第三季会在今年秋季播出(前两季是在夏季播出),会在今春开始制作。

    Season 3 will premiere in the fall ( the first two seasons aired during the summer ), and production will begin this spring .

  22. 这位《好声音》评委将不再参加即将于下周播出的第六季,由夏奇拉再次坐上那张亮红色的椅子。

    The Voice coach will be taking off Season 6 of the show , which begins airing next week , with Shakira once again sitting in that bright red seat .

  23. 但是,因为即将播出的这一季是一个里程碑,所以第十季向几个难忘的时刻和剧中出现过的角色致敬也说得通。

    However , since the upcoming season is a milestone one , it does make sense that Season 10 may pay homage to several different memorable moments and characters from the show 's past .

  24. 而在即将播出的第三季第二集《三签名》中,福尔摩斯还将需要应付他的好伙伴华生(马丁费里曼饰演)即将到来的婚礼。

    But with The Sign of Three , the second episode in the shows third season , Sherlock must contend with the imminent nuptials of partner John Watson ( Martin Freeman ) and his most complex situation yet .

  25. 《西部世界》第一季是一场百转千回、惊险刺激、充斥着各种存在主义谜团的狂野之旅,但和即将于4月22日播出的第二季相比,这些似乎都不算什么。

    The first season of Westworld was a wild ride full of twists , thrills , and existential mysteries , but it looks like that 's nothing compared to what Season 2 will be when it airs on April 22 .