
  • Player;DVD Player;CD PLAYER
  1. 他们刚借了我一部激光视盘播放机。

    They 've just lent me a laser disc player .

  2. 他从她手里接过光盘,放入播放机中。

    He took the compact disc from her , then fed it into the player

  3. 索尼公司在缩小CD播放机的体积方面也处于领先地位。

    Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players .

  4. 房间内允许使用以下物品:电热毯、吹风机、个人电脑、收音机、电视和DVD播放机。

    The following items are approved for use in residential rooms : electric blankets , hair dryers , personal computers , radios , televisions and DVD players .

  5. 他们在两个温室里种西红柿,每个里面都有一个CD播放机。

    They grew tomatoes in two greenhouses , each with a CD-player inside .

  6. 允许internet站点对您的播放机进行唯一识别。

    Allow Internet sites to uniquely identify your player .

  7. 我们谈的这部车还有冷气和一个CD播放机。

    This particular car also has air conditioning and a CD player .

  8. DVDvideo播放机主控制程序的研究与实现

    Research and implement on firmware of DVD video player

  9. 最早的cd播放机贵得离谱,因此买的人并不多。

    The original CD players were ludicrously expensive , so not many people bought them .

  10. 这是因为在CD播放机非常稀缺时,国家统计局没有搜集CD的价格。

    That is because when CD players were scarce , the ONS did not collect CD prices .

  11. 这儿有一个接收器,一个cd播放机,双卡式录音座,还有一个转盘。

    It has a receiver , a CD player , a double cassette deck , and a turntable .

  12. 4.addedvalue增加值,增值推销像CD播放机和电视机这样的商品很重要的一点也许是使其增值,比如免费赠送录像带或CD片等。

    An important aspect of marketing goods like CD players and televisions is possible added value , such as free videos or CDs .

  13. 还有索尼DVD播放机

    The Sony 30 inch TV . And ... the Sony DVD deck .

  14. 我的DVD播放机能给这款鸡尾酒起一个名字。

    My DVD player could name this drink itself .

  15. 大多数日本和韩国硬件制造商都在提供3D电视、硬盘录像机和DVD播放机。

    Most Japanese and South Korean hardware manufacturers are offering 3D televisions , hard disk recorders and DVD players .

  16. 这款MP3播放机不可以直接插交流电使用。

    This type of MP3 player cannot be connected to alternating current .

  17. 雪莉:请问你们有MD播放机吗?

    Shirley : Do you have any MD players ?

  18. 有关使播放机成为所有媒体文件和自动播放的默认程序的信息,请参阅更改windows默认使用的程序。

    For information about making the player the default program for all media files and autoplay , see change which programs windows uses by default .

  19. “抓音轨”是指将音乐CD中的音轨复制到计算机或者是便携式音乐播放机当中的过程。

    " Ripping " is the process of taking a CD and copying tracks from it onto your computer or portable music player .

  20. 我没偷你的DVD播放机。我知道我是被冤枉的。

    I didn 't steal your DVD player . I know I 'm being set up .

  21. 下一代多功能光盘播放机NVD(Next-generationVersatileDisc)是我国新一代的红光高清视盘机。

    NVD ( Next-generation Versatile Disc ) is the red high-definition optical disc players .

  22. MP3数码音频播放机设计

    The Design about MP3 Digital Audio Player

  23. 你能告诉我VCD播放机和DVD播放机的区别吗?

    Could you tell me the difference between VCD players and DVD players ?

  24. 研究了基于M5705芯片的DVD播放机数字伺服技术问题。

    This paper presents a digital servo technology using M5706 for optical disc drivers of DVD player .

  25. 我们有足够的钱去买DVD播放机你可以随便挑。

    We have enough money to buy any DVD player this store has so take your pick .

  26. 所以如果从CD播放机直接读出信息位而不进行解码,就没法得到音乐。

    So , if you were to read off the bits of information on the CD player without decoding it you would not get music .

  27. 多年来,cd播放机的价格不断下跌,质量却在不断提高,这应该对降低通胀有所贡献。

    CD players have been falling in price and improving in quality for years , which should show up as a contribution to lower inflation .

  28. MP3播放机以及互联网,现在给消费者亲自动手选择下载的权力。

    MP3 players and the internet now put the power of choice in consumers ' hands .

  29. 同时你也可以从不同的音乐风格和流派下载到你的MP3播放机,然后列出你喜爱的歌曲名单表。

    And you can fill your MP3 player with a mixed list of favorites from any genre .

  30. 该乐富豪PDO8710/05便携式DVD播放机与音响系统支持杜比数字立体声。

    The sound system of the Wharfedale PDO8710 / 05 Portable DVD Player is stereo with Dolby digital support .