
  • 网络Mons
  1. 蒙斯美术馆(RueNeuve,8,Mons;32-65-39-5939;www.bam.mons.be/)2015年举办了一个关于梵高在博里纳日的展览,目前已经结束。

    BAM / Mus é e des Beaux-Arts in Mons ( Rue Neuve , 8 , Mons ; 32-65-39-5939 ; www.bam . mons . be / ) had an exhibition dedicated to van Gogh in the Borinage in 2015 , but that show is now over .

  2. 但这里的展览经常与梵高有关,梵高对蒙斯产生了深远的影响。

    But exhibitions are often linked to the painter , who had a tremendous influence in Mons .

  3. 派杰(PiperJaffray)分析师吉恩•蒙斯特显然也这样认为,他一直是这方面最直言不讳的预言者之一。

    Piper Jaffray analyst gene Munster certainly does .

  4. 蒙斯特预测,到2020年,平板电脑的销售将超过个人电脑,iPad将继续统治市场。

    Tablets will be bigger than PCs. by 2020 , Munster estimates , tablets will be outselling personal computers and the iPad will still dominate the market .

  5. 蒙斯特同时指出,由于这些苹果新设备的功能和iPhone相差无几,市场对iPhone和平板电脑的需求将日益枯萎。

    Munster also argues that since these apple devices would perform closely enough to the iPhone , the need for the iPhone itself or tablet could become null and void .

  6. 蒙斯特预计,未来12个月里,苹果将密集推出一系列新产品和产品更新,包括新款iPhone、笔记本电脑Mac、新iPad和苹果电视。

    Munster expects a rapid sequence of new products and product updates over the next 12 months , including a new iPhone , new Macs , a new iPad and a TV .

  7. PiperJaffray的吉恩•蒙斯特(GeneMunster)进行了粗略的估算,并得出结论称苹果此举不是为了赚钱,而是为了获得对微软(Microsoft)的Windows7的战略优势,后者预定于10月发货。

    Piper Jaffray 's Gene Munster has done some quick back-of-the-envelope calculations and concluded Apple is in it less for the money than for the strategic advantage it hopes to gain over Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) Windows 7 , schedule to ship in October .

  8. 五月七日挪威最受欢迎的歌手HeleneBoksle在蒙斯塔德炼油厂引吭高歌,她身后的大幕缓缓打开。

    AS Helene Boksle , one of Norway 's favourite singers , hit the high notes at the Mongstad oil refinery on May 7th , the wall behind her slid open .

  9. 他对蒙斯克的仇恨变成了他不可碰触的伤口。

    His hatred for Arcturus Mengsk has become a festering wound .

  10. 蒙斯特反问道,那么到底是怎么回事呢?

    So what 's really going on here , he asks rhetorically ?

  11. 不过库艾尔巴斯-蒙斯表示,大部分技术设备都会是隐形的。

    However , Mr Cuervas-Mons claims much of the technology will be invisible .

  12. 他是在蒙斯维尔监狱认识他的。

    He knowed him in the moundsville penitentiary .

  13. 库艾尔巴斯-蒙斯表示,目前第一位体验者已经入住“实验公寓”。

    Mr Cuervas-Mons says the first inhabitant has already moved into the experimental apartment .

  14. 一九一四年,同盟国军队在蒙斯为德军所败,从比利时撤退。

    After their defeat by the Germans at Mons in1914 , the Allies staged a retreat from Belgium .

  15. 因此需要做类似蒙斯塔的试验,做出改进,降低消耗。

    Hence the need for experiments like those at Mongstad , to try to improve and cheapen it .

  16. 蒙斯特预测,由于产品升级换代步伐加快,苹果的新品发布数量将有所上升。

    Munster expects the number of Apple announcements to increase as the pace of product upgrade cycles become shorter .

  17. 有趣的是,蒙斯特甚至预想,在可佩戴式计算机的流行方面,可能会出现男女有别的趋势。

    Interestingly enough , he also envisions a potential gender divide when it comes to the popularity of wearable computers .

  18. 回到比奇岛,蒙斯正在考虑参选国会议员如果他的商店被迫关门的话。

    Back in beech Island , Mr muns is considering running for US Congress if he is forced to close shop .

  19. 英国远征军奉命到比利时,在比利时南部蒙斯市遇上挺进的德军,寡不敌众,不久就被迫撤退。

    They met the advancing German army at Mons , a town in southern Belgium , and heavily outnumbered were soon forced to retreat .

  20. 人们都告诉我,这栋房子位于蒙斯城外,相距只有15分钟左右车程,但我花了一小时才找到。

    Everyone I spoke to told me that Maison Denis was only about a 15-minute drive outside Mons , but it took me an hour of driving in circles .

  21. (蒙斯特还作出了其他多方面预测,包括其尺寸将介于42-55英寸,而价格将介于1500-2000美元。)

    ( among other things , Munster believes apple ( AAPL ) will offer models ranging in size from 42 to 55 inches and cost $ 1,500 to $ 2,000 . )

  22. “你可以平静地结束,如果没有太多需要总结,要有信心,你是唯一的,”蒙斯说。

    " You can fall flat when you don 't have more to say that summarizes your strengths and your interest in the position and convinces them that you are the one ," said Haws .

  23. 但是蒙斯特也表示,供应商和生产商的产量削减与报道的销量关系不大,并且苹果在12月的销量仍然位居榜首。

    But Munster added that suppliers and production cuts have historically had little correlation to actual reported units , and that Apple 's own December guidance is still the best read on overall iPhone sales .

  24. 野心工厂的主管伊翁?库艾尔巴斯-蒙斯介绍说:该项目的硬件目前已基本完成,但软件开发工作只完成了40%。智能住宅出自这家西班牙的设计机构。

    ' The hardware is complete but only 40 percent of the software is finished , ' said Ion Cuervas-Mons , director of Think Big Factory , a Spanish design agency which created the project .

  25. 以毛利为60%计,这将是6600万美元,或者说是每股0.05美元——蒙斯特相信华尔街的第四季度预期已将此计算在内。

    At 60 % gross margin , that comes out to $ 66 million , or $ . 05 per share - a bump that Munster believes has already been baked into the Street 's Q4 estimates .

  26. 梵高在蒙斯的几个地方居住过,但是他发现自己羞耻于自己过着优越的生活,听他传道的人们却只能生活在拥挤棚屋里,所以他放弃了中产阶级的财产,搬到了更小更简陋的房子里。

    Van Gogh lived in a few locations in Mons ; but he found himself ashamed to be living so well while the people to whom he ministered lived in overcrowded huts , and so he jettisoned his middle-class possessions and moved into smaller and simpler homes .