
dǒu peng
  • cloak;cape;mantle;poncho
斗篷 [dǒu péng]
  • (1) [cape;cloak]

  • (2) 披在肩上没有袖子的外衣,形如斗,故称斗篷

  • (3) 斗笠

  • (4) 北方天冷时幼儿穿的一种带有帽子和袖子的外衣

斗篷[dǒu peng]
  1. 他刷地一下披上斗篷。

    He swished his cape around his shoulders

  2. 表露身份&在每一个城市中穿戴奥迪托雷斗篷。(铜杯,10G)

    Show your Colors-Wear the Auditore cape in each city . ( Bronze , 10G )

  3. 一位身着黑斗篷的高个儿老者突然从暗处闪了出来。

    All of a sudden a tall old man in a black cloak loomed out of the murk .

  4. 她以一种放纵的姿势脱掉了斗篷。

    She threw off her cloak with an abandoned gesture .

  5. 披肩同斗篷相似,但通常更短些。

    A cape is similar to a cloak , but it is usually shorter .

  6. 一个由厚布和狼皮做成的暖和的斗篷。

    Description : A warm cloak fashioned from thick fabric and wolf pelts .

  7. 它们就像一顶隐形斗篷,让免疫系统无从发觉被藏起来的病毒,保护它们不受包括胃酸等恶劣环境的影响,还帮它们击败肠道内的靶细胞。

    They acted like an invisibility cloak that hid the viruses from the immune system , protected them from harsh environments including stomach acid , and helped them overwhelm their target cells in the intestines3 .

  8. 别打马虎眼这是Manny的斗篷

    Don 't give me that.This is manny 's poncho .

  9. 随后还颁布了其他奖项,但最终焦点还是在Tank身上,他淡定带着王冠,披着斗篷,似乎很享受公众的关注。

    Several other awards were also given but in the end , it was all about Tank , who appeared to enjoy the attention as he sat regally wearing the coveted crown and cape .

  10. 表演结束后,麦当娜在Instagram上写道:是阿玛尼害了我,我漂亮的斗篷系得太紧了。

    She later wrote on her Instagram account : Armani hooked me up ! My beautiful cape was tied too tight !

  11. ASOS的驼色斗篷终于在上周五拿到手啦!

    The camel ASOS cape finally arrived on Friday .

  12. 目的:比较早期隔上霍奇金淋巴瘤(HD)斗篷野与累及野放疗联合化疗的疗效。

    Objective : To compare the efficacy between Mantle Field Radiotherapy and Involved Field Radiotherapy Combined with Chemotherapy in Patients with Early Supradiaphragmatic Hodgkin 's Lymphoma ( HL ) .

  13. 【视频观看】【台词】我喜欢你的南美斗篷。我爸在Guadalajara也给我买了一件。

    Betty : I like your poncho . My dad got me one in Guadalajara .

  14. 后来,身穿白色长袍和斗篷的凯蒂·佩里(KatyPerry)在一位家庭暴力受害者的发言之后,演唱了《凭着上帝的恩典》(BytheGraceofGod),身后还有投影演出。

    Later , Katy Perry followed a testimonial by a survivor of domestic violence by performing her " By the Grace of God " dressed in a white gown and cape , as a shadow pantomime unfolded behind her .

  15. 不过,盖茨的经历也显示出,大学教师沐浴在闪亮的灯光之中,并与本·阿弗莱克(BenAffleck)为伍,会发生什么。本·阿弗莱克很快就会在银幕上披上飒飒飘扬的斗篷,扮演蝙蝠侠了。

    But Gates , too , exemplifies what happens when a lecturer is bathed in bright lights and gets to hang with Ben Affleck , who will soon be on-screen in Batman 's billowing cape .

  16. 小说里,福尔摩斯裹着Ulster款大衣&小领单排扣长款外套外搭长及臀部的大斗篷。

    In the stories , Holmes was enveloped in an Ulster , a long , single-breasted coat with a small collar and an attached a hip-length cape .

  17. 小说里,福尔摩斯裹着Ulster款大衣——小领单排扣长款外套外搭长及臀部的大斗篷。

    In the stories , Holmes was " enveloped " in an Ulster , a long , single-breasted coat with a small collar and an attached a hip-length cape .

  18. 后来吃晚餐时,她穿了一件洋红色的ReemAcra斗篷长袍,领口用珠宝装饰,像是山鲁佐德式高端时装。

    Later she swept into dinner wearing a caped magenta Reem Acra gown with a jeweled neckline , like a high fashion Scheherazade .

  19. 追随者们每月一次在SantaMuerteShrine参加大规模的祭祀活动,向所谓的死神起到。死神经常被描写成穿着黑色的斗篷,手持长柄大镰刀的骷髅,或者穿着飘逸的白色长袍。

    Once a month , followers attend mass at the Santa Muerte Shrine and pray to the so-called Death Saint , often depicted as a skeleton dressed in a black cloak and carrying a scythe , or in a long flowing white gown .

  20. 西班牙的研究人员证明,超材料(metamaterials,定义源自其人造微结构)可以设计用来制造一种“声学斗篷”,保护物体不受声波影响。

    Researchers in Spain have shown that metamaterials defined by their man-made cellular structure can be designed to produce an " acoustic cloak " to make objects impervious to sound waves .

  21. 另外还有《芝麻街》(SesameStreet)的一些道具:饼干怪兽(CookieMonster)的饼干,厄尼(Ernie)的橡皮鸭和格罗弗(Grover)的斗篷,这是NASA与这个儿童电视节目合作,促进科学和数学教育的项目的一部分。

    Also aboard will be some items from " Sesame Street " : Cookie Monster 's cookie , Ernie 's rubber ducky and Grover 's cape , part of a collaboration between NASA and the children 's television program to promote science and math education .

  22. 我穿上斗篷和戴上假的塑料尖牙。

    I 'm wearing a cape and some fake plastic fangs .

  23. 山岗和山谷脱去了积雪的斗篷

    The hills and dales are stripp 'd of mantles of snow

  24. 这项科技可以被用来制造隐身衣服或隐身斗篷。

    The tech could result in clothing that cloaks the wearer .

  25. 古罗马时代男人披的斗篷或披风。

    A cloak or mantle worn by men in ancient Rome .

  26. 小商贩披上斗篷在风雨中继续走着。

    The peddler cloaked himself and went on in the storm .

  27. 随从接过斗篷,一面抬头看看勃莱特。

    The sword-handler took the cape , looking up at brett .

  28. 他迅速脱下隐身斗篷,然后钻进床里。

    He slipped off his invisible cloak and jumped into bed .

  29. 过了几秒钟,他才发现这人披了一件紫罗兰色斗篷。

    Dursley realized that the man was wearing a violet cloak .

  30. 带帽斗篷尤指阿拉伯人穿着的带帽兜的斗篷

    A hooded cloak worn especially by Arabs . cowl head ventilator