
dòu niú
  • 名词/动词bullfighting;Big Dipper and Altair
斗牛 [dòu niú]
  • [Dou Xiu and Niu Xiu] 二十八宿中的斗宿和牛宿

  • 气冲斗牛,声震天地。--《闻一多先生的说和做》

  • [bullfight] 挑逗牛与牛或牛与人相斗

  1. 一场斗牛由三个斗牛士出场,角斗六条公牛,每人两个回合

    One bullfighting appears on the scene , wrestles by three matadors six bulls , each person two rounds .

  2. 美国华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)的人类学家郝瑞(StevanHarrell)解释说,斗牛一直是中国彝族人民在庆丰节日“火把节”上的传统活动。

    University of Washington anthropologist Stevan Harrell explains that bullfighting has long been associated with Torch Festival , a harvest festival celebrated by China 's Yi minority .

  3. 那只斗牛狗也伸长腿在狗窝前的草堆上懒洋洋地躺着。

    The bull-dog lay stretched on the straw outside his kennel .

  4. 星期二,几只斗牛獒犬突然袭击它们的主人,在警察赶到之前狗的主人已经死亡。

    The dogs attacked the man in his garden tuesday , killing him before the police arrived .

  5. 斗牛士和公牛在斗牛场中进行阗精彩的表演。

    The matador and bull performed wonderfully in the ring .

  6. 他在这两个人面前放了两张斗牛的表演票。

    He put down in front of the two men tickets for a bullfight .

  7. 这个斗牛士真是死里逃生。

    The matador had a narrow escape .

  8. 宋朝一个姓杜的四川人藏有一幅戴蒿的斗牛画,十分珍惜,经常带在身边把玩,天气好时还不时拿出来晾晒.

    In Song dynasty , a person who lived in Sichuan province with a surname of Du collected a painting of ox by Dai Song , and he cherished it very much and often took it out to appreciate it . And he even often dries it in sunny days .

  9. 一只名叫Baby的法国斗牛犬成为了六只小野猪的妈妈。这六只小猪的妈妈被猎人猎杀。

    A little French bulldog called Baby has become a mother to six wild pigs who faced death in a freezing forest after their mother was shot and killed by a hunter .

  10. 拥有西班牙斗牛ContedelaPatilla血统的Huracán因其非凡的勇气以及强大的攻击意识闻名。

    The bull Hurac á n of the Spanish Conte de la Patilla breed was known for his outstanding courage and strong sense of attack .

  11. 然而,最终让他获奖的还是决赛中淡定的外形,一位评委言简意赅的评论道:“在斗牛犬中,Tank可算是‘帅小伙儿’”。

    However , what appeared to seal the deal was his " au natural " look during the final round . As one of the judges succinctly put it , " Tank just had a great look to him . "

  12. 没关系,我想Serena,肯定知道该怎么做,她有那么多经验,和寄宿学校的教授和潘普洛纳的斗牛士啦,和好朋友的男朋友啦……

    Vanessa : It 's okay . I 'm sure Serena knows what to do what with her vast experiences with boarding school professors , pamplonian bullfighters , best friends ' boyfriends ...

  13. 尽管开辟王朝的老将们或许已过黄金期,但有大批新秀继续王朝伟业。在上两届U21欧洲杯的比赛中,年轻的斗牛士们两次夺冠就是证明。

    While the original generation may be past its prime , plenty of talent looms to carry the torch , as Spain has won the past two under-21 European Championships .

  14. 途中逗留的地点,包括一般游客不会留意的小镇,譬如建于9世纪的龙达(Ronda),这是西班牙历史上的商业中心,镇内可见鹅卵石铺就的大路以及年代久远的教堂,现代的斗牛运动就发源于此。

    Stops include tiny towns the typical tourist doesn 't see , like ninth-century Ronda , the historic trading center with cobblestone roads and ancient churches that is modern bullfighting 's birthplace .

  15. 根据兰博基尼的记录,1879年8月这头斗牛在Alicante战斗时,展示出永不屈服的性格并始终保持昂扬斗志,因而成为斗牛历史上的一个传奇。

    He fought in Alicante in August 1879 and according to Lamborghini records showed unrelenting character while remaining defiant and invincible , thus entering into the legend of fighting bulls ' history .

  16. 去年,当地报纸刊登了墨西哥石油工人联盟负责人的女儿乘坐私人飞机周游世界的一些照片,与她同行的还有她的三只斗牛犬——黑柯(Keiko)、波利(Boli)和莫根希达(Morgancita)。

    Last year , local newspapers ran pictures of the daughter of the head of the country 's oil workers union traveling the world in private jets with her three bulldogs , Keiko , Boli and Morgancita .

  17. 根据兰博基尼的记录,1879年8月这头斗牛在Alicante战斗时,展示出“永不屈服的性格”并始终保持昂扬斗志,因而成为斗牛历史上的一个传奇。

    He fought in Alicante in August 1879 and according to Lamborghini records showed " unrelenting character " while remaining defiant and invincible , thus entering into the legend of fighting bulls " history .

  18. 参赛的斗牛犬们有的打扮得像公主、有的像摇滚明星、有的像拉拉队队长、大黄蜂,有的甚至打扮成了白雪公主和Mr.T。而与其它参赛选手不同的是,巴迪几乎“未施粉黛”。

    Buddy competed unadorned , unlike many of his rivals . They dressed up as fairy princesses , rock stars , cheerleaders , bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T.

  19. 她的判决对检察官格里·内尔(GerrieNel)来说似乎是一次重大挫折,他曾呼吁判皮斯托瑞斯犯谋杀罪,他好斗的法庭表现为他赢得一个绰号:比特斗牛犬。

    Her judgment seemed a huge setback for the prosecutor , Gerrie Nel , who had called for Mr. Pistorius to be convicted of murder and whose pugnacious courtroom manner earned him the nickname the Pit Bull .

  20. 帕奎里,著名的斗牛士,是被牛顶死的。

    Paquirri , the famous bullfighter , was gored to death .

  21. 伟大的斗牛士,他所描述的第十二章。

    Villalta-A great bullfighter , he is described in Chapter XII .

  22. 在西班牙,斗牛士极力杀死那牛。

    In Spain , the fighter tries to kill the bull .

  23. 为斗牛做广告的海报贴在展览橱窗上。

    The poster advertising the bullfight is pasted onto show window .

  24. 你不相信我的兄弟喜欢斗牛士?

    You don 't believe that my brother like bull fighters ?

  25. 然而,这次斗牛犬行动引出了一个令人不安的问题。

    This bulldog action , however , provoked a disturbing question .

  26. 无疑,斗牛只是西班牙生活中的一个部分。

    The bullfight is surely only a part of Spanish life .

  27. 很可能最不寻常的就是克里特文明的斗牛。

    Perhaps the most unusual of these is the Minoan bull fighting .

  28. 你这个人太脆弱,当不了斗牛士。

    What a tender thing you are for a bullfighter .

  29. 你写斗牛专栏?我没听过你。

    Do you write on bullfighting ? Your name isn 't familiar .

  30. 大部分斗牛士曾经因斗牛而严重受伤。

    Most matadors have been seriously injured by a bull .