
shēng zhí lì
  • Fecundity;reproduction
生殖力[shēng zhí lì]
  1. 碘过量对大鼠生殖力及子代记忆力的影响

    Effects of Iodine Excess on Reproduction and Memory Ability in Rats

  2. 驻极体穴位刺激对家兔生殖力影响

    Effects of electret in stimulating acupoint on the habbit reproduction

  3. 生存的概率是生殖力的倒数。

    The probability of survival is the reciprocal of fecundity .

  4. 猎物密度对瓢虫生殖力的影响呈logistic曲线。

    The effect of prey density on the fecundity of lady beetle can be described by using the logistic curve .

  5. 个体相对生殖力Fl除了与成熟系数相关关系不显著,与各生物学指标正相关;

    The individual relative fecundity Fl was significantly correlated to these biological character indexes except for maturity coefficient .

  6. 不过,NPY无疑是营养和生殖力之间的中心链接,正如瘦素作为一个外围因子所担负的角色。

    Nevertheless , NPY can clearly act as a central link between nutrition and reproductive function , just as leptin fulfils this role as a peripheral factor .

  7. 目的:评价抗精子抗体(anti-spermantibody,AsAb)与反复自然流产(RecurrentSpontaneousAbortion,RSA)小鼠模型CBA/J×DBA/2生殖力特点的关系。

    Aim : To evaluate the relationship between anti-sperm antibody ( AsAb ) and the characteristics of fertility in CBA / J × DBA / 2 mice as a model of recurrent spontaneous abortion ( RSA ) .

  8. 野猪(SusScrofa)是家猪的祖先,生殖力高,对环境的适应力较强,广泛分布于除南极洲和某些岛屿之外的所有大陆。

    The wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) which inhabited wide areas of continents except Antarctica or some islets had high adaptability to environment , is a fecund ancestral species of domestic pigs .

  9. 方法:对CBA/J×DBA/2小鼠的生殖力特点做为期60d的观察,与生殖力正常的BALB/c×DBA/2小鼠进行比较,并检测上述雌鼠血清AsAb水平。

    Methods : The characteristics of fertility in CBA / J × DBA / 2 mice were observed for 60d and compared with those of fertile BALB / c × DBA / 2 mice . Serum levels of AsAb in these female mice were determined using methods described elsewhere .

  10. 在这样的环境里,连土著印第安人也缺乏生殖力。

    In such an environment even the native Indians lacked virility .

  11. 糖对大头金蝇生殖力的影响

    Effects of Sugar on Chrysomya megacephala ( Fabricius ) Fecundity

  12. 桔全爪螨生殖力研究

    Studies on the fecundity of the citrus red spider mite

  13. 高温胁迫对雄性棉铃虫生殖力的影响

    Influence of high temperature on male fecundity of cotton bollworm

  14. 猕猴桃桑白蚧防治时期和生殖力的研究

    Study on Timing of Controlling White Peach Scale and Fecundity

  15. 随着年龄的增加,有性生殖力、无性生殖力和生殖值都呈现出低-高-低的变化趋势。

    It showed a lower-higher-lower trend with increase of DBH .

  16. 磁场穴位刺激对家兔生殖力影响的实验研究

    Magnetic Field Acupuncture Point Stimulation to Domestic Rabbit Fertility Influence Experimental Study

  17. 一般来说,近亲繁殖的动物往往生殖力变弱。

    In general , inbred animals tend to suffer from reduced fertility .

  18. 温度对长角血蜱生殖力调控的数学模型研究

    Studying mathematical models of the temperature control on fertility of the Haemaphysalis longicornis

  19. 唉,要确定生殖力和健康之间的演变关系是很复杂的。

    Alas , pinning down evolved relationships between fertility and health is tricky .

  20. 不同饲养密度对棉铃虫蛾寿命和生殖力的影响

    Influence of different rearing densities on longevity and fecundity of Helicoverpa armigera moths

  21. 泥鳅个体生殖力的研究

    A study of the individual fecundity of loach

  22. 结论碘过量会降低雌鼠的生殖力及仔鼠学习记忆力。

    Conclusion Iodine excess may interfere with the reproduction and memory ability in rats .

  23. 盐酸西部曲明对小鼠生殖力和着床前后胚胎发育的影响

    Effects on fertility and early embryonic development to implantation of Sibutramine hydrochloride in mice

  24. 卵巢低度恶性潜在肿瘤的保留生殖力的手术治疗

    Fertility-sparing surgery for ovarian low malignant potential tumors

  25. 大磷虾生殖力的研究

    Laboratory study on the fecundity of Antarctic krill

  26. 他的男性生殖力此时已成问题。

    His masculinity was now in question .

  27. 生殖力增加可能是鱼对长期捕捞压力及外部环境变化的适应性的反应。

    The increased fecundity may be adaptive response to long-term fishing pressure and environment changes .

  28. 不同寄主植物对斜纹夜蛾生殖力的影响及其机制研究

    Influence of Different Host Plants on the Fecundity of Spodoptera Litura Fabricius and Its Mechanism

  29. 花粉和柱头的生殖力均较高,不存在生殖障碍。

    Reproductive ability of pollen and stigma was stronger , and had no reproductive barrier .

  30. 在一定范围内,泥鳅的生殖力随体长、体重的增长而提高。

    Fecundity increases with increased body size .