
  • 网络biomarker;biomarkers;biomark
  1. 血浆维生素C水平是衡量水果和蔬菜摄取量的一个很好的生物标记物,但是,据我们所知,尚未有前瞻性研究检测其与糖尿病风险之间的关系。

    Plasma vitamin C level is a good biomarker of fruit and vegetable intake , but , to our knowledge , no prospective studies have examined its association with diabetes risk .

  2. 同时PCs含量与Cd毒性之间呈现显著正相关表明PCs可以作为一个生物标记物来指示Cd对愈伤组织的毒害作用。

    It was also obvious that there was significant positive correlation between PCs content and Cd toxicity in A. philoxeroides callus , indicating that PCs could be considered as a sensitive biomarker for estimating Cd phytotoxicity .

  3. 生物标记物在DNA氧化损伤及辐射损伤检测中的应用

    The Application of Biomarker in Checking Oxidative DNA Damage and Radiant DNA Damage

  4. 这些探测器特别被设计成与指示癌症的生物标记物(如突变的RNA)结合。

    These probes are specifically designed to bond to biomarkers that indicate cancer such as mutated RNA .

  5. PCNA可作为该病预后的生物标记物。

    PCNA might be used as a biomarker for prognosis of the disease .

  6. 因此,是否以及何时将有空间给予新的、基于微RNA的生物标记物仍然是难以捉摸的。

    Therefore , it remains elusive if and when there will be room for new , microRNA-based biomarkers .

  7. 由于采用非常少量的DNA即可检测出特异性DNA甲基化这一稳定的分子变化,近年研究中常应用特异性的DNA甲基化检测发生已知遗传突变的基因,作为肿瘤早期诊断的生物标记物。

    Because this stable molecular alteration can be detected easily with very small amount of DNA , specific DNA methylation is a potential molecular biomarker for cancer diagnosis .

  8. 小麦细胞色素P450作为土壤污染生物标记物的研究

    Cytochrome P450 in wheat as a biomarker for diagnosing pollution in soil

  9. 比较应用裸金属支架与药物洗脱支架行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗非ST段抬高型急性冠状动脉综合征对生物标记物水平的影响

    Comparison of Effects of Bare Metal Versus Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation on Biomarker Levels Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Non-ST-Eleva-tion Acute Coronary Syndrome

  10. 这些生物标记物可能与培养的RPE生长活性有关。

    These biological markers may be associated with the growth activity of cultured RPE .

  11. 这些数据支持了这个检测方法在临床实践中作为NASH无创生物标记物的潜在功效。

    These data support the potential utility of this test in clinical practice as a noninvasive NASH biomarker .

  12. 蚯蚓细胞色素P450生物标记物方法研究

    Establishment of Method for Cytochrome P450 of Earthworms ( Eisenia fetida ) as a Biomarker

  13. 着丝粒蛋白可能成为DBP损伤睾丸支持细胞的特异生物标记物。

    Centromere Protein may be the specific protein biomarkers of DBP damaged the Sertoli cells .

  14. 并且ADMA和Thr可能是儿童超重与肥胖的潜在生物标记物。

    ADMA and threonine might be the potential bio-markers of obese .

  15. 本文重点介绍了一些典型的DNA损伤(如DNA加合物、断裂、DNA序列改变等)的生物标记物及其检测方法;

    In this review , the typical biomarkers of the DNA damages , such as DNA adducts , strand breaks and altered sequence in DNA , and their measuring methods are discussed emphatically .

  16. 越来越多的报道提出microRNA生物标记物在癌症治疗方面有着十分重要的潜在价值。

    Circulating microRNA biomarkers in cancer treatment has a very important potential value .

  17. 三叉神经痛神经脱髓鞘变的超微结构研究CNS脱髓鞘疾病生物标记物的蛋白质组学研究

    Ultrastructural Study on Demyelination of Peripheral Nerve Branches of Trigeminal Neuralgia ; Proteome Analysis of Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Central Nervous System Demyelinative Diseases

  18. 应用SELDI-TOF-MS发现卵巢癌生物标记物

    Biomarker discovery for ovarian cancer using SELDI-TOF-MS

  19. 优质蛋白玉米标记辅助选择技术体系的建立CNS脱髓鞘疾病生物标记物的蛋白质组学研究

    Establishment of SSR Primer-Based Marker Assisted Selection Procedure in QPM Breeding Efforts ; Proteome Analysis of Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Central Nervous System Demyelinative Diseases

  20. 血液miR-21可能成为预测肺癌的生物标记物之一。

    Circulating miR-21 would be one of the potential biomarkers of lung cancer .

  21. 自组装肽包裹嗅神经鞘细胞抑制脊髓损伤后胶质瘢痕形成并促进轴突再生CNS脱髓鞘疾病生物标记物的蛋白质组学研究

    Self-assembling peptide-enwrapped olfactory ensheathing cells inhibit glial scar formation and promote axon regeneration after spinal cord injury Proteome Analysis of Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Central Nervous System Demyelinative Diseases

  22. CNS脱髓鞘疾病生物标记物的蛋白质组学研究自体髓核移植可致脊神经节、神经根明显的水肿、炎性反应、脱髓鞘等病理改变。

    Proteome Analysis of Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Central Nervous System Demyelinative Diseases Significant endoneurial edema , inflammation reaction and demyelination can be seen in the DRGs and NRs .

  23. 除了代表潜在的生物标记物外,伴有缺陷BCR信号的细胞存在可提供滤泡性淋巴瘤新的靶点。

    In addition to representing a potential biomarker , the existence of cells with defective BCR signaling may provide new targets against follicular lymphoma . & JCL .

  24. 我们同时评估了治疗对RAAS组成部分和炎症生物标记物、内皮功能障碍和心血管风险的影响。

    We also assessed the impact of the treatments on RAAS components and biomarkers of inflammation , endothelial dysfunction , and cardiovascular risk .

  25. 依Anson所说,从其他前列腺疾病中鉴定前列腺癌症将是对这个生物标记物模块的真正考验。

    Identifying prostate cancer from other prostate disease will be the real test of the biomarker panel , according to Anson .

  26. FAME生物标记物可作为土壤健康和抑病性的指标,其中奇数脂肪酸组成比例能灵敏地反映新鲜和腐熟BOF对土壤健康的调控效果。

    FAME microbial biomarkers would be a useful indicator of soil health and disease suppression . Odd-number fatty acid proportion is a sensitive indicator of soil health regulating effect following uncomposted and decomposed BOF applied , respectively .

  27. 生物标记物还暗示,可以减少英国国家健康保险制度(NHS)引入新肿瘤药物的成本,因为只有使用那些药物有效的病人才会接受相应治疗。

    Biomarkers also have implications for reducing the cost burden of introducing new cancer drugs on the NHS , as only the subset of patients that would see a benefit would receive the treatment .

  28. 现在科学家报道HR23B可以作为一个生物标记物用于临床相关设备。

    The scientists now report that HR23B works as a biomarker in a clinically relevant setting .

  29. 作为公式的一部分,他们测定了生物标记物&总NNAL含量,它能够反应烟草特异致肺癌成分NNK的含量。

    As part of the formula , they measured a biological marker , total NNAL , which indicates the amount of exposure to the tobacco-specific lung cancer-causing agent NNK .

  30. 但是,Wyss-Coray说,许多研究正在证明,脑外的生物标记物有助于更早和更易的对该病做出诊断。

    But , Wyss-Coray says , many studies are beginning to support the idea that a biomarker outside the brain could allow earlier and easier diagnosis .