
  • 网络The National University of Mongolia;Mongolian National University
  1. 本次调研是为了全面了解蒙古国立大学中文系汉语教学状况,内容包括总体教学制度、课程设置、教材、师资、学生、教学效果等方面。

    The research aims to get fully information about Chinese language teaching of the National University of Mongolia , including the general education system , curriculum , teaching materials , teachers , students , teaching effectiveness and so on .

  2. 全民初等教育基本普及,省会城市中等教育大规模发展,蒙古国立大学诞生,技术教育进一步扩张,师范教育协调发展,扫盲教育达到高潮。

    The primary education became basically universal ; the secondary education in capital and provincial cities was developed on quite a large scale , National University of Mongolia founded , the technical education further expanded , the normal education developed compatibly , and literacy education climaxed .

  3. 从中国的清华大学到蒙古的蒙古国立大学,到加州的伯克利大学到整个世界。

    from Tsinghua in China to the National University of Mongolia in Mongolia to Berkeley in California -- all over the world .