
dá dá
  • Tartar;Tatar
鞑靼 [dá dá]
  • (1) [Tartar]

  • (2) 古代对北方游牧民族的称呼

  • (3) 前苏联民族之一

鞑靼[dá dá]
  1. 不是每个人在点鞑靼牛肉的时候都知道这道菜里有生肉。

    Not everyone who orders a steak Tartar knows it consists of raw meat .

  2. 鞑靼话语:十七世纪欧洲传教士关于满族的民族志观察

    The Discourse of " Tartar ": The Proto-Ethnographic Descriptions of Manchu by European Missionaries in 17th Century

  3. 苦荞属于蓼科荞麦属也称为鞑靼荞麦(Tartarybuckwheat),是一种粮药兼用的一年生作物。

    Tartary buckwheat ( Tatar buckwheat ) belongs to the Polygonaceae buckwheat , is a medicine used along with the grain crops .

  4. 鞑靼黄瓜菜降低血压作用的初步研究

    Primary study of the effect of Lactuca tatarica on blood pressure depression

  5. 他可能是鞑靼,但他是一个好人。

    He may be a tatar , but he is a good man .

  6. 干旱胁迫对鞑靼忍冬生理生化指标的影响

    Effects of Drought Stress on the Physiological and Biochemical Indices of Lonicera tatarica

  7. 这段时期有着狂放鞑靼男孩很明显的印记。

    The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy , androgynous , Tatar image .

  8. 1590年1595年的战争是瑞典鞑靼军事合作对抗露西亚的最高潮。

    The war of1590-1595 was the high point of the Swedish-Tatar military cooperation against Russia .

  9. 与此同时,美孚公司和它的合作伙伴们也已经将第一批石油输送过了鞑靼海峡。

    Meanwhile , Exxon and its partners have just sent their first oil across the Tatar Strait .

  10. 阻卜与鞑靼之谜堪称一道世纪难题。

    The questions arising round Zubu and Tatar may be called a puzzle of the last century .

  11. 罗曼诺夫目前就读于鞑靼斯坦共和国首府喀山市的寄宿学校,两年前被人领养。

    Romanov , who is at boarding school in Tatarstan 's capital Kazan , was adopted two years ago .

  12. 让我把鲜花收收拢。鞑靼来了,它会踩在花上。

    Let me gather up my flowers . Here is Tartar ( dog ) coming : he will tread upon them .

  13. 还提供冷藏食品:有丰盛的鞑靼牛排(即使三番五次地要才能得到烧料)。

    Other cold food on offer : an excellent steak tartare ( though it took three requests to get the accompanying frites . )

  14. 马可特别令忽必烈满意,他年轻、聪明,显然已完全掌握了鞑靼语。

    Marco particularly pleased kublai ; he was young and clever , and it is clear he had mastered the tartar language very thoroughly .

  15. 这里有建于14世纪,极富特色的谢尔盖三圣修道院,这是当年俄军出征鞑靼前接受祝福的地方。

    Here are dates back to the14th century , the three features , this holy monastery sergey was Russian squad before the blessing tatar .

  16. 我们的大儿子有轻微的亚洲人外貌因为我的丈夫是第16代美国印第安人(不知道翻译对不对)而我的德裔背景中有蒙古鞑靼血缘。

    Our oldest son has dark , slightly Asian looks as my husband was16th American Indian , and I have Mongolian Tartar from my German background .

  17. 你可以品尝到炸鸡翅、酸辣鞑靼牛肉末、猪肉白菜馅饺子和罗勒与罗望子调味的泰式蛤蜊汤。

    There are fried chicken wings as well as hot-and-sour steak tartare , cabbage-and-pork dumplings as well as clams cooked in a Thai basil and tamarind broth .

  18. 波兰弩骑兵,使波兰军队专门创建的高速机动骑兵,用于对付俄罗斯和鞑靼来去如风的弓箭部队。

    Strzelcy , meaning shooter in Polish , are light horse troops created to counter the fast moving forces from the east used by the Russians and Tatars .

  19. 菜单就写于黑板上,其中包括了荷包蛋与鲭鱼搭配小扁豆,以及可欲不可求却又美味无比的生姜与柠檬香草做就的鞑靼牛扒。

    Among the dishes listed on the blackboard menu are lentils with poached eggs and mackerel , and an unlikely but successful steak tartare flavoured with ginger and lemongrass .

  20. 在水分胁迫下,叶片含水量均随着胁迫天数的增加而逐渐减少,胁迫期间,鞑靼忍冬的降幅明显低于金银忍冬。

    Under water stress , leaf water content was gradually decreased with the drought stressed days increasing . In the stressed period , the decrease of Lonicera maackii Maxim .

  21. 八达岭是明代建筑,借以与鞑靼(元代没落蒙古贵族的一支)作战。

    The Bandaging Great Wall which is constructional in Ming Dynasty , thereby fighting against Tartars who is a grouper of the downfallen Mongolia nationality nobles of Yuan Dynasty .

  22. 而一贯宣称要重振奥斯曼帝国时期的雄风的土耳其,对乌克兰也表示了极大的兴趣,对26万鞑靼族人的家园克里米亚则更是垂涎欲滴。

    Turkey , which talks of regaining the influence it enjoyed in the Ottoman days , also has an interest in Ukraine , especially in Crimea , home to260,000 ethnic Tatars .

  23. 与德国总理默克尔在柏林的午餐菜单包括虾鞑靼沙拉、小牛肉炸块、芦笋和土豆、然后草莓。

    The menu for lunch in Berlin with German chancellor Angela Merkel consisted of shrimp tartar with salad , followed by veal escalope , asparagus and potatoes , and then strawberries .

  24. 他的东方政策的主要内容是与鞑靼蒙古结盟,其目的是为了巩固自己在罗斯内部的权力地位,以及在同西方的争夺中稳定后方。

    His eastern policies mainly focused on alliances with Tartars of Mongolia , aiming to consolidate its position of power within Rus and gain stable status during the fight against the West .

  25. 十六岁的神童罗曼诺夫来自鞑靼斯坦共和国一个名为泽廖诺多利斯克的小村庄。两年前,受到莫扎特和维瓦尔第的作品的启发,他开始接触音乐。

    Sixteen-year-old prodigy Romanov from Zelenodolsk , a village in the Republic of Tatarstan , first took up music two years ago after being inspired by the works of Mozart and Vivaldi .

  26. 克里米亚鞑靼族领导人宣称公投不合法,但他们的人数不足以扭转整个局面。鞑靼人是克里米亚的一个少数民族,人口约占克里米亚半岛总人口的12%。

    The leader of the Crimean Tatars , an ethnic minority that accounts for about 12 % of the peninsula 's population , has called the referendum unlawful , but they don 't have the numbers to reverse the separatist push .