
chāo jù xīng
  • supergiant
超巨星[chāo jù xīng]
  1. 实际上,在勾魂的望远镜图像中,女巫好像紧盯着猎户座的蓝超巨星参宿七。

    In fact , this entrancing telescopic portrait gives the impression the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion 's bright supergiant star Rigel .

  2. 这在红超巨星脉塞源长基线干涉仪观测结果的分析中,还是首次获得成功。

    So far as I know , this is the first successful analysis of the LBI observations on the maser sources of the red supergiant .

  3. 活动双星和dMe型星(猎犬RS型星,dMe型星,大陵五,激变变星,大熊W型星,活动超巨星);

    Active binaries and dMe stars ( RS CVn stars ; dMe stars ; Algol ; cataclysmic variables ; W UMa stars ; active supergiants );

  4. 用双星技术(Binary-technique)的谱线分析方法来测定双星系统中的红巨星或红超巨星的星风物质损失率是目前最为精确的。

    The binary-technique is the line profile analysis method which is the most accurate one being applied in a ζ Aur / VV Cep binary system to detect the mass-loss-rates of the stellar wind of the red-giant or of the red-super-giants .

  5. 红超巨星和AGB星的53.3微米吸收线轮廓中具有蓝移的填充发射特征,而HⅡ区的相应吸收线轮廓中具有红移的填充发射特征。

    Red supergiants and AGB stars show a blue-shifted filling emission feature in their 53.3 μ m absorption line profile while H II regions show a red-shifted filling emission feature .

  6. 从质量与发光度的关系,计算出这颗超巨星有30个太阳的质量那么大。

    From the mass-luminosity relation , the mass of this super giant is calculated as 30 times the mass of the Sun .

  7. 该星周尘可能是由红超巨星抛出物质所构成的大气层膨胀所致,这是大质量恒星演化的最后阶段。

    The dust is likely formed as the swollen atmosphere of the supergiant sheds material into space , a final phase in the evolution of a massive star .