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  • karyosphere;caryosphere
  1. 银河核球X射线源GX9+1的振荡现象

    Oscillation Phenomena in the Galactic Bulge X-ray Source GX9 + 1

  2. 银河系的结构主要分为核球、银盘和银晕几个组成部分。

    Galaxy is composed of Galactic bulge , plate and halo .

  3. 具有核球和盘的盘状星系三维质量分布

    Three-dimensional Mass Distribution in Discoid Galaxies With Both Bulge and Disk

  4. 科学家希望,通过从各个方向用激光同时轰击,原子核球发生内爆,氢原子核发生聚变。

    Zap it from all sides simultaneously with the lasers and , scientists hope , the pellet will implode and the hydrogen nuclei will fuse .

  5. 银河系的银盘、银晕、核球的平均金属丰度为-0.2,-1.6,-0.2。

    The average values of metallicity in the disk , the halo , and Galactic bulge are - 0.2 , - 1.6 , and - 0.2 dex respectively .

  6. 在第三章中,描述了调和NA群上的Poisson核和球函数的性质。

    In Chapter three , the properties of Poisson kernel and spherical functions on harmonic NA groups are presented .

  7. 此外,将金属纳米粒子组装到核胶球的表面可以使金属粒子在循环使用中保持高的催化活性,增强它们的pH和温度稳定性,使它们能容易的从反应系统里分离。

    For example , assembling metal NPs onto the surface of the supports allows them to retain high activity on cycling , enhance their pH and temperature stability , and enable easy separation from the reaction medium by centrifugation for reuse .

  8. 为了提高多类问题的分类精度,提出最大边界模糊核超球(LMFKHB)算法。

    In order to improve the classification accuracy of multiclass , an algorithm called Large Margin and Fuzzy Kernel Hyper-Ball ( LMFKHB ) was proposed .

  9. 闭合壳层的核具有球对称性。

    Nuclei with closed - shell have spherical symmetries .

  10. 大豆根腐病菌致病力分化的初步研究包菜立枯丝核菌球腐病的病原学研究

    Preliminary study on differentiation of pathogenicity of Fusarium solani causing soybean root rot

  11. 探讨了粒子间强相互作用的解决方法,建立了处于反离子溶液中的带电球核-球壳系统的场论模型。

    It was established that a field theory of counter-ion density distributions in a sphere kernel-shell model .

  12. 模糊核超球感知器

    Fuzzy Kernel Hyper-Ball Perceptron

  13. 作者提出了一个研究企业核心竞争力的全新视角&企业有核层状球模型。

    Here we provided a new angle of core competence research , that is , our new ball model .

  14. 实时监测激光核聚变靶球涂敷状态的CCD成像系统设计

    Design of a CCD Imaging System for Monitoring Status of Micro-Sphere in Laser Fusion Target at Real-Time

  15. 目的分析慢性B淋巴细胞白血病患者外周血单个核细胞免疫球蛋白Fab段基因。

    Objective Sequences analysis of Ig variable regions from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) of patients with chronic B lymphocytic leukemia .

  16. 结果RIM3γ的mRNA主要表达在丘脑腹后外侧核、嗅球的僧帽细胞层、大脑皮质躯体感觉区的第Ⅱ~Ⅳ层及在小脑的颗粒层和脊髓后角的边缘层区域。

    Results RIM3 γ mRNA was preferentially expressed in lateral posterior thalamic , mitral layer of the main olfactory bulb , layers ⅱ - ⅳ of somatosensory cortex , the granula layer of the cerebellum and the superficial layers of the spinal cord dorsal horn .

  17. 丘脑腹外侧核、苍白球腹后外侧部毁损术治疗帕金森氏病疗效

    The Therapeutic Efficacy of Thalamotomy and Pallidotomy in Parkinson Disease

  18. 臂旁核&嗅球传入纤维的另一来源

    The parabrachial nucleus : another source of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb

  19. 猫中缝核向嗅球的投射&HRP法研究

    Projections from the raphe nuclei to the olfactory bulb in the cat & hrp method

  20. 齿状核红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩(dentatorubral-pallidoluysianatrophy,DRPLA)是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病,临床表现有共济失调、震颤、肌肉痉挛、舞蹈症、痴呆等。

    Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ( DRPLA ) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by a number of symptoms that include ataxia , tremor , myoclonus , chorea and dementia .

  21. FeNi/SiO2核-壳纳米球的制备及磁学性质

    Preparation and Magnetic Properties of FeNi / SiO_2 Core-shell Nanosphere

  22. 二氧化硅/聚苯乙烯单分散性核/壳复合球的制备

    Preparation of the core / shell dispersion composite particles

  23. 有核的转动多层球的平衡结构

    The Equilibrium Structure of the Loaded Rotating Polytropes

  24. 大鼠纹状体、中缝核向苍白球和黑质的分叉投射

    The collateral projections from striatum and raphe nuclei to the globus pallidum and substantia nigra in the rat

  25. 球状石墨的形核与孕育&球墨铸铁基础理论的最新发展(一)

    Nucleation of Spheroidal Graphite and Inoculation & - Recent Development of The Basic Theory of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron ( I )

  26. 本文通过液相法在较低温度下合成了不同形貌的二氧化锡纳米结构:纳米管、纳米线束和核壳结构微米球。

    In this thesis , several kinds of different morphologies of tin oxide nanostructures , such as nanotubes , core-shell homogeneous microspheres and porous nanowire bundles were prepared via a solution method at a mild temperature .

  27. 利用中子输运计算程序和最新的评价核数据对铍球中子增殖率积分实验进行了模拟,论证了实验方法的可行性;

    The beryllium sphere neutron multiplication integral experiment is simulated by using neutron transport codes and latest evaluated data . The feasibility of the experimental method is verified , and the computing corrections for the experimental results are derived .

  28. 银河号上的婚礼活动星系核中黑洞与核球质量关系研究

    Wedding Ceremony on the " Milky Way " Ferryboat The Mass Relation between the Black Hole and the Bulge for AGN

  29. 活动星系核中黑洞与核球质量关系研究有探测核辐射的传感器的卫星。

    The Mass Relation between the Black Hole and the Bulge for AGN ; a satellite with sensors to detect nuclear explosions .

  30. 含有胆碱能神经元的核包括:内侧隔核、斜束带核、隔袱核、尾核、苍白球、下丘脑视前区和外侧区及冠状回邻近的皮质区。

    The nuclei containing the cholinergic neurons include the septal area , the diagonal band nuclei , accumbens , striatum , preoptic and lateral hypothalamic nuclei and the neocortex .