
  1. 核聚变能的开发研究在托卡马克类型的磁约束装置上取得了重大进展;

    Research and development of Tokamak-type magnetic confinement device has obtained major progress ;

  2. 21世纪的能源&核聚变能

    Energy of the 21st Century : Nuclear Fusion Energy

  3. 超导在受控核聚变能磁体工程研究中的应用概述

    Current Status and Future Technical Challenges for the Research of Superconducting Controlled Nuclear Fusion Magnet Engineering

  4. 由于化石能源的储量有限和环境污染问题,氢能和核聚变能被认为是最有前途的替代清洁能源。

    Because of the finite reserves and environmental pollution problem of the fossil energy , the fusion energy and the hydrogen energy are considered as the most promising alternative energy .

  5. 这个过程将花费数十亿美元,甚至意味着要把氦-3运到地球上可能需要在月球上就地把氦-3转化成核聚变能。

    This will cost billions of dollars , and even moving the material back down to earth would require the process of actually turning that helium-3 into fusion power while still on the moon .

  6. 受控核聚变能是最有希望成为下一代高效、清洁的能源形式,实现核聚变能和平利用、造福人类是当今世界能源研究中重要课题。

    Controlled nuclear fusion is the most promising efficient and clean energy resource of next generation . Realization of peaceful use of the controlled nuclear fusion energy will benefit to mankind and become an important subject in energy research around the world .

  7. 核聚变能目前是认识到的可以最终解决人类能源和环境问题的最重要的途径之一,经过许多科学工作者半个多世纪的努力,可控聚变研究取得了重大的进展。

    Confined fusion is one of the most important ways for finally solving mankind 's demand for energy without polluting the environment . Confined fusion research has achieved great progress as result of the efforts devoted to fusion research over a half century .

  8. 本文在SAND迭代法的基础上,采取带有周期性光滑化的限幅迭代方法,求解激光核聚变中的X光能谱取得了较好的结果。

    In this paper , an iterative method with amplitude-limiting and periodic smoothing technique has been developed on the basis of the SAND iteration . It has been used to solve the X-Ray spectra in laser fusion and satisfactory results obtained .

  9. 原子能是一种优质高密度的能源,人类不仅可以利用重核的裂变得到裂变核能,而且通过轻核的聚变能够得到没有任何环境污染的核聚变能。

    The atomic energy is the energy of a kind of high-quality high density . Mankind can utilize serious nuclear fission get fission nuclear energy , can receive through light nuclear fusion without any environmental pollution nuclear fusion as well .