
  • 网络Fusion Technology
  1. 本文简述了强流14MeV中子发生器发展现状及其在核聚变技术和放射医疗中的应用。

    This paper gives a brief review on the development of intense 14 MeV neutron generators and their applications in fusion technology and radiotherapy .

  2. 然而,与其他类型的核聚变技术一样,该技术的难点在于如何制造一台能够有效启动反应并利用其产生的能量的机器。

    As with other kinds of nuclear fusion technology , however , the difficulty is in building a machine that can reliably initiate the reaction and harness the energy it produces .

  3. 惯性约束核聚变技术不仅对大尺寸KDP晶体的需求量非常大,而且对KDP晶体的光学质量要求很高。

    Quantity and good optical quality of large KDP crystal is required in Inertial confinement fusion .

  4. KDP晶体作为一种优良的非线性光学材料,是制造惯性约束核聚变技术中最重要部件光电开关的主要材料。

    As a kind of excellent nonlinear optical materials , KDP crystals were used to make the photoelectric switch in Inertial confinement fusion .

  5. 随着惯性约束聚变技术的不断发展,对终端脉冲的时间填充因子的要求越来越高,直接导致了对前端系统时间脉冲整形技术的要求也越来越高。

    With the development of the ICF technology , the demand of the temporary fill rate of terminal pulse is higher and higher .

  6. 《劳动新闻》的报道说,朝鲜科学家已经开发成功核聚变技术。

    Scientists of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) have succeeded in nuclear fusion reaction , the newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported .

  7. 技术进步将必不可少,但除非在核聚变技术上获得突破,否则我们无法藉此建立一个没有化石燃料的能源体系。

    Technological progress will be essential but , barring a breakthrough in nuclear fusion , it will not set us on a path to an energy system purged of fossil fuels .

  8. 科学家们最近发表的关于新型核聚变技术的研究成果很鼓舞人心,但要获得“清洁能源的圣杯”我们还需要继续努力。

    Recent reports from scientists pursuing a new kind of nuclear fusion technology are encouraging , but we are still some distance away from the " holy grail of clean energy . "

  9. 随着惯性约束核聚变技术的快速发展,对条纹相机系统提出了新的要求,即系统具有对条纹相机工作状态参数进行远程测试和控制的能力。

    With the fast development of the inertial confinement fusion technology , some new funtions of the streak camera system are proposed , which are the abilities to remote measure and control the state parameters for streak camera .

  10. 激光惯性约束聚变靶技术研究

    Investigation on Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) Target

  11. 随着激光强度不断提高、激光惯性约束核聚变实验技术不断进步以及激光天体物理实验的深入开展,相对论激光与等离子体的相互作用正越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the increase of laser intensity , the development of laser inertial confusion technology and the progress of laser astrophysics experiment , there is increasing interest on relativistic laser plasma interaction .

  12. 介绍了EAST托卡马克核聚变实验装置技术诊断数据采集系统设计。

    In this paper the data acquisition system of technical diagnosis of the Tokamak experimental device for nuclear fusion is introduced .

  13. SiC纤维增强SiC复合材料(SiCf/SiC)是航空航天和核聚变等高技术领域理想的高温结构材料,但其力学性能尚不能完全满足实际应用需要。

    SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composites ( SiCf / SiC ) have been proposed as promising high temperature structural material for a variety of advanced applications in aeronautic & aerospace and fusion systems , but their mechanical performance still needs to be improved to satisfy those application requirements .

  14. 实验包层模块(TBM)是ITER国际合作组织计划在ITER运行期间用来模拟和测试与聚变反应堆相关技术的装置。

    Test blanket module ( TBM ) is planned to be used by the international cooperation to simulate and test the device that is related to the fusion reactor technology during the operation of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) .

  15. 基于力反馈的惯性约束聚变换靶技术研究

    Research of Inertial Confinement Fusion Transform Target Technology Based on Force Feedback

  16. 随着惯性约束聚变激光驱动器技术的快速发展,宽带脉冲光束因其自身优点而被逐渐应用于高功率激光系统中。

    With the rapid advances of laser driver technology in inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ), wide-band pulsed beams were applied in high power laser system gradually .

  17. 这些设计研究涉及到聚变能科学技术发展的各个方面,包括聚变实验堆、商用示范堆和商用动力电站等的设计研究、相关物理和技术发展以及相关的能源技术与经济策略研究等。

    These studies cover many aspects on fusion experimental reactors , DEMO reactors , and commercial fusion power plants , including plasma physics , blanket technologies , material behavior , and technologies required to construct and operate such complex plants .

  18. ITER计划的参与各国将通过这项大型国际科学计划,学习和积累大型核聚变堆的研制技术,并培养人才。

    Participants will learn and accumulate the developing technology of the large nuclear fusion reactor , as well as training talents .

  19. 液滴法在惯性约束聚变靶丸制备技术中的应用

    Liquid Droplet Methods Used in Fabrication Techniques of Inertia Confinement Fusion Targets

  20. 惯性约束聚变靶材料掺杂技术综述

    The doping techniques of inertial confinement fusion target materials

  21. 基于相关向量机的惯性约束聚变实验靶识别技术研究

    Study On Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiment Target Recognition Technology Based On Relevance Vector Machine

  22. 有关惯性约束聚变和磁约束聚变在技术上所遇到的难点的几点补充

    Further discussion on technical difficulty for inertial confinement fusion and magnetic confinement fusion

  23. ITER(国际热核聚变实验实验堆)是规划建设中的一个为验证全尺寸可控核聚变技术的可行性而设计的国际托卡马克实验堆。

    ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) is a planning international Tokamak reactor designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the full dimensions controlled nuclear fusion technology .