
  • 网络Imported food;import food
  1. 然而,在确保进口食品(56%)和药品(52%)的安全方面,大多数人仍然给了美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)负面评价,还有在加速新药上市方面(54%)。

    However , most people still give the FDA negative ratings on ensuring the safety of imported food ( 56 % ) and drugs ( 52 % ), and on getting new drugs to the market more quickly ( 54 % ) .

  2. 进口食品召回完全可以按上述三个步骤进行。

    Imported food can be recalled on the three steps above .

  3. 去年英国的进口食品支出比其出口食品收入多出近50亿英镑。

    Britain last year spent nearly £ 5000 million more on importing food than selling abroad

  4. 我们不喜欢吃进口食品。

    We don 't like eating food imports .

  5. 一个国家能自己满足他的FOOD的需求(而不依靠进口食品)的重要性是什么?

    How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs , without importing any from other countries ?

  6. 雀巢的大部分生产业务都是由自己直接完成的,这家瑞士食品集团也不直接从发运了沙门氏菌污染产品的美国花生有限公司(PeanutCorporationofAmerica)进口食品原料。

    Most of Nestl é 's manufacturing is done directly by the company and the Swiss food group does not source ingredients directly from Peanut Corporation of America , the US company that shipped products contaminated with salmonella .

  7. 批评者说美国已成为可以进口食品的倾销地,因为供应商知道被FDA检查人员发现的可能性不大。

    As a consequence , the nation has become a dumping ground for suspect imports , critics say , because suppliers know there 's not much chance of being discovered by FDA inspectors .

  8. 几个前FDA官员说,2003年,FDA计划修补进口食品检验方式,被称为“进口战略计划”,但是因为预算局促被搁置。

    An FDA plan to revamp the way it inspects imports , called the Import Strategic Plan , was completed in2003 , but shelved because of budgetary constraints , several former FDA officials said .

  9. Waqanivalu医生表示,进口食品的增加仅仅是问题的一部分。

    Dr. Waqanivalu says the increase in imported foods is only part of the problem .

  10. 一些国家以保证进口食品安全、维护本国公共健康为名实施技术贸易措施,实则是设置了食品安全壁垒,违背了WTO框架下的相关规定,容易引发贸易摩擦,阻碍食品贸易的正常发展。

    Some countries under the name of ensuring imported foods ' safety and the necessary of national public health , which actually is a set of barriers to food safety . Such trade barriers hinder the development of trade in food , and make it easy to trigger trade frictions .

  11. 加强进口食品中食品添加剂的监督管理

    Strengthen the supervision of the food additives in import food

  12. 广西进口食品卫生监督管理状况调查分析

    Analysis and Investigate of Import Food Hygiene Supervision Management Situation In GuangXi

  13. 这部新法案还提升了对进口食品的要求。

    The new law also increases requirements for imported foods .

  14. 美国食品法规及对进口食品的管理

    The US food laws and its management of imported food

  15. 他们对进口食品征收高关税以保护本地市场。

    And they protected their markets with high s on imported food .

  16. 他们对进口食品征收高额关税以保护其市场。

    And they protected their markets with high tariffs on imported food .

  17. 往往那些热量高、营养差的进口食品对人更具吸引力。

    The often calorie-rich and nutrient-poor imported foods have a stronger appeal .

  18. 农民抱怨廉价进口食品的不公平竞争。

    Farmers complained of unfair competition from cheap imported food .

  19. 对进口食品、化妆品后续监督管理的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking for follow-up supervision and management of import foods and cosmetics

  20. 计算机在进口食品卫生监督检验管理中的应用

    The application of computer in adminstration to import food hygiene supervision and inspection

  21. 不同口味&来自进口食品展

    FHC - Taste the Difference , It 's Imported

  22. 中国消费者愿意高价购买进口食品,特别是进口婴儿配方奶粉。

    Chinese consumers pay a premium for imported food , especially infant formula .

  23. 相反,需要水的地区进口食品从而在“事实上”增进水供应。

    Instead , areas in need of water import food as a'virtual'boost to water supplies .

  24. 目的为整顿和规范进口食品、化妆品市场经济秩序提供依据。

    Objective To provide with basis for regularizing market economic order of import food and cosmetics .

  25. 关于进口食品检验检疫的有关问题

    Problems Concerned about Import Food Quarantine

  26. 1991~1996年湛江口岸进口食品卫生监督检验结果分析

    Analysis of the Result of Import Food Hygiene Supervision and Inspection From 1991-1996 in Zhanjiang Port

  27. 最后,对一沿海城市进口食品检测数据进行了综合评价。

    Finally , the analytical data of safety food imported to a coastal city was evaluated .

  28. 压力罐消解原子荧光光谱法测定进口食品中的总汞

    The Determination of Total Mercury in Imported Food Using High Pressure Digestion and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  29. 与此同时,李明博总统要求加强进口食品的放射水平检测。

    President Lee Myung-bak asked meanwhile for increased screening of imported food to check radiation levels .

  30. 随着收入的增长,进口食品和舶来风俗也开始对中国人的生活产生影响。

    As incomes have risen , imported foods and habits have also started to influence Chinese life .