
  • 网络social security program;social security scheme
  1. 这句话的意思是:我们最神圣不可侵犯的项目之一就是为美国老年人提供退休金的全国社会保障计划。

    1 : One of our biggest sacred cows is the national social security program which pays many older Americans a pension .

  2. “社会保障计划”是1935年确立的,当时富兰克林d罗斯福总统签署了一项法律,也就是现在的“社会保障法”。

    The social security program was created in1935 when President Franklin D.Roosevelt signed what is now known as the social security act .

  3. 他最终同意仅仅覆盖60%的工人的社会保障计划。

    he eventually agreed to a Social Security plan that covered only 60 percent of workers .

  4. 如何以及何时削减基本社会保障计划的问题,又重新被摆到了台面上。

    How and when basic programmes of social protection will be cut is back on the table .

  5. 由政府组织实施的社会保障计划是实现社会公正的重要手段。

    The social security planning been organized to implement by - government is the means to realize social equity .

  6. 2002年,500万人需要资助,但不在社会保障计划内,这个数字比1997年增加了12倍。

    In 2002 , 5 million people needed aid , but were not on social security-a 12-fold increase from 1997 .

  7. 罗斯福的社会保障计划被称为“社会主义的”,是“对工人的欺骗”。

    FDR 's plan for Social Security was called " socialist , " a " fraud on the workingman . "

  8. 美国政府实行几种不同类型的退休金计划,其中最重要的是“社会保障计划”,这也是全国最大的退休金计划。

    The U.S.government administers several types of pension plans , the most important being social security & the largest retirement income program in the country .

  9. 然后,国会将成立特别委员会来谋求剩下的1.5万亿美元赤字的出路,他们有可能会拿税收和社会保障计划开刀。

    Then , a special committee would be tasked to find another $ 1.5 trillion in savings , which could come through tax overhauls and changes to social programs .

  10. 密切相关的问题是:卫生保健的筹资、缺乏社会保障计划以及日益依赖于私立部门提供者。

    There is a closely related problem : the financing of health care , the lack of schemes for social protection , and the growing reliance on private-sector providers .

  11. 两位候选人都同意,修补目前的经济危机,对社会保障计划以及其他政府项目的未来,都至关重要。

    Both candidates agreed that fixing the current economic crisis is vital to addressing other concerns about the future of social security and other government programs in the future .

  12. 社会保障计划的保险金可以通过立法来改变,以提高或降低津贴金额,而私营的、契约性的保险金通常是不能改变的。

    Benefits of the social security program can be changed , either increased or decreased , by legislation , while private , contractual benefits generally are not subject to change .

  13. 1935年开始实施的社会保障计划现在仍然保证退休人员每月有固定收入,而且还进一步帮助他们支付医疗费用。

    The social security program , enacted in1935 , still ensures that retired people have a regular income each month , and has been expanded to help them meet their medical costs .

  14. 综合社会保障援助计划检讨督导小组

    Steering Group on the Review of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme

  15. 政府在削减社会保障支出计划方面的重大转变

    A government U-turn over plans to cut social security payments

  16. 白宫表示,一项大幅削减债务的计划可能会涉及医疗保险、医疗补助和社会安全保障计划等社会福利项目的资金。

    The White House said a big debt reduction plan could involve savings in social programs such as Medicare , Medicaid and Social Security .

  17. 流动人口就业、子女受教育、医疗卫生、社会保障以及计划生育等方面的权利得不到有效保障,严重制约着计划生育政策的有效执行。

    Basic rights for migrant people such as employment , child education , medical care , social securities and birth control service are hard to guarantee .

  18. 纳赛尔时期建立的体系化的现代社会保障制度是计划经济的产物,为巩固年轻共和国及社会各阶级的融合起到积极作用。

    The systematic social guarantee system that was built in Nasser Period is result of planned economy .

  19. 中国的社会保障制度产生于计划经济体制之上,中国农村养老保障一直由集体与家庭承担。

    Chinese social insurance system is founded during the planning economy period and the rural old-aged insurance is assured by the collectives .

  20. 我国传统的社会保障制度是在计划经济条件下建立起来的,包括国家保障制、企业保障制和农村集体保障制,是相互分离、自我封闭的社会保障制度。

    The traditional social security system in our country was established on the basis of plan economy . It includes national security , enterprises security and rural security system which are separated and self-closed .

  21. 对社会安全网及其他社会保障计划的支持总额达45亿美元。

    Support for safety nets and other social protection programs totaled $ 4.5 billion .

  22. 此外,社署也在年内把社会保障制度全面电脑化,藉此提高各项社会保障计划的行政效率。

    The Computerised Social Security System was fully implemented during the year , thereby improving efficiency in the administration of social security schemes .

  23. 目前出现的争论围绕着社会保障税,它是用于资助为退休人员提供收入的被称为“社会保障”的联邦计划。

    At issue today are taxes collected to fund the federal program that provides income to retirees , known as Social Security .