
  • 网络social equality;social equity
  1. 地走向真正的社会平等、社会文明和社会进步。

    To truly social equality and social civilization and social progress .

  2. 他们不愿接受社会平等这个观点。

    They have no truck with the idea of social equality .

  3. 对于社会平等的追求,一直与人类社会的存在相伴随。

    The aspiration to society equality always accompanies with human society .

  4. 本届政府的首要目标是实现社会平等。

    The central aim of this government is social equality .

  5. 教育被视为实现社会平等最伟大的工具。

    Education is regarded as the greatest instrument to achieve social equality .

  6. 社会平等化进程中的芬兰女性与高等教育

    Finnish Woman on the Road to the Equal Society and Higher Education

  7. 人们当时以为,设立综合制中学有助于促进社会平等。

    It was thought that comprehensive schools would help to equalize society .

  8. 从权利平等到社会平等的超越

    The Transcendence from Equality of Right to Social Equality

  9. 哲学是推进社会平等的力量。

    Philosophy is a force promoting the social equality .

  10. 中国封建社会平等观念浅析

    Concepts of Equality in the Feudal Society of China

  11. 我们必须解决社会平等和社会公正的问题。

    We must deal with the question of social equity and social justice .

  12. 同时,还具有十分重要的非功利的价值,具有促进社会平等、保持社会稳定的平衡器、稳定器的功能。

    It has the function of promoting social equality , and keeping social stability .

  13. 社会平等可分为机会平等与结果平等。

    Social equality can be divided into equality of chance and equality of result .

  14. 制度与社会平等具有内在的统一性。

    Institution has intrinsic unity with social equality .

  15. 科举制度与社会平等

    Civil Service Exam System and Social Equality

  16. 论社会平等和公民平等&解读《反杜林论》的社会伦理学

    On Social Equality and Citizen 's Equality

  17. 而政治平等的公民需要以社会平等的公共身份为支撑。

    However , political equality for citizens should be based on equal public stature in society .

  18. 社会平等是支撑和谐社会之基础,构建和谐社会必须实现社会平等。

    It is quite necessary to realize social equality for the construction of a harmonious society .

  19. 也是一项社会平等权。

    Is a social equality .

  20. 英国就业与退休保障部门就年龄对于社会平等与社会凝聚力所起的作用进行了分析与研究。

    The Department for Work and Pensions research studied the implications of age on equality and social cohesion .

  21. 改革户籍制度将促进城乡的整合和协调发展,促进社会平等与稳定。

    To reform the system is to promote the integration of rural-urban relation , social equality and social stabilization .

  22. 人们开始把重点放在一种走形了的资本主义形式,与任何有关社会平等的观点相左。

    People are beginning to focus on a wild form of capitalism that contrasts any egalitarian vision of society .

  23. 但法国还有一流的医疗保健、相对较高的出生率、高度的社会平等,而且没有失控的金融部门。

    But France also has excellent healthcare , a relatively high birth rate , high equality and no runaway financial sector .

  24. 当前国际关系的主体仍然是民族国家,各国都是独立自主的国际社会平等的一员;

    The mainstay of the present international relations is still nation-state and all countries are independent and equal members of the international community ;

  25. 他们的结论是,要使世界更加安全,更有保障,必须将加强社会平等作为政治和经济领域的当务之急。

    And they conclude that greater social equality must be the new political and economic imperative for a safer and more secure world .

  26. 通过非性别歧视语的运用,有效避免语言不平等现象,从而实现社会平等和谐。

    Using non-sexist language is an effective way to avoid language inequality . Thus , the aim of social equality and harmony can be realized .

  27. 最新的研究表明,从选择的角度去面对生活,可能会使我们减少对促进社会平等的各种政策的支持力度。

    Recent research suggests that thinking about our lives in terms choices may reduce our support for public policies that promote greater equality in society .

  28. 宪政主义公共管理的基本理念主要体现为代表公民权精神、公正与社会平等、法治与效率;

    The values of constitutionalism are mainly embodied as : civil right spirit , fairness and the social equality , rule of law and efficiency .

  29. 156.正如我刚才强调,本港的法律制度保障社会平等,维护公义,我们对此深感自豪。

    156 . As I emphasised earlier , we are proud of our legal framework , which acts as a bulwark of equality and justice .

  30. 由于各种原因,其不能平等享受受教育权,这与社会平等的整体基调相矛盾。

    For various reasons , it can not enjoy the equal right of education , and this is contradict with the overall tone of social equality .