
  1. 北大国际MBA是一个英语教学的MBA项目,分为一年制脱产课程与两年制不脱产课程。

    Bimba is a one-year , full-time and two-year , part-time English language MBA .

  2. 一年半过去了,我朝着我的目标即通过三年的不脱产学习完成为期两年的全日制MBA项目顺利迈进。

    A year and a half later , I am well on my way to achieving my goal : to replicate a two-year full-time MBA programme over three years of part-time study .

  3. 在眼下的困难时期,很多职场人士都陷入了这样一个困境:他们需要一个MBA学位来推进职业发展,却负担不起脱产学习的经济成本和时间。

    In these tough times , lots of workers are stuck in a bind : They need an M.B.A.to boost their career , but they can 't afford the cost or the time out of the work force .