
jìn xíng qǔ
  • march
进行曲 [jìn xíng qǔ]
  • [march] 节拍适合于队伍行进时演奏或歌唱的雄壮乐曲

进行曲[jìn xíng qǔ]
  1. 中国国歌叫《义勇军进行曲》。

    The Chinese national anthem is called " march of the volunteers " .

  2. 乐队奏了一支进行曲。

    The band played a march .

  3. 一支军乐队演奏了俄罗斯的进行曲与民乐。

    A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes .

  4. 乐队演奏了德军进行曲。

    Bands played German marches .

  5. 乐队演奏进行曲。

    The band played marches .

  6. 伴随着肖邦葬礼进行曲阴沉的调子,人群逐渐聚集在伦敦金融城(CityofLondon)边上的一个房间里,其中有些人身着西装,绝大多数人则穿着牛仔裤和运动鞋。

    The sombre tones of Chopin 's funeral march is the soundscape to the gathering scores of people , some in suits , most in jeans and trainers , in a room on the fringes of the City of London .

  7. 随后我们会回到集合处,演奏《他不流浪了吗》(Didn'tHeRamble)或者《圣者进行曲》(WhentheSaintsGoMarchingIn)。瞧见没?

    Then we 'd ' return ' back to the ' headquarters ' playing " Didn 't he ' Ramble " or " When the Saints Go Marching In . " You ' See ? '

  8. 最后,朗朗加演了一首欢快的返场曲目,莫扎特(Mozart)的《土耳其进行曲》(A大调K.331)。观众一片欢呼,似乎都很赞赏他的表演。

    Finally , Mr. Lang played a pleasant encore , the " Turkish March " from Mozart 's Piano Sonata in A ( K. 331 ) , and audience members roared their approval , seemingly unanimous .

  9. 在之前的世界杯预选赛中,香港球迷曾对他们正式的国歌《义勇军进行曲》发出嘘声,导致国际足联(Fifa)对香港足球总会做出罚款5000美元的决定。

    During previous World Cup qualifiers , Hong Kong 's fans booed their official national anthem - China 's " March of the Volunteers " - leading to a $ 5000 fine from Fifa , the sport 's governing body .

  10. 其实这种效果的鼻祖主要是U2,是他们创造了酷玩乐队现在的演奏风格:这种摇滚顾及到了朋克的巨大改革,但仍然追求一种让人心跳加速的,像进行曲那般的效果,正如70年代室内摇滚天王的音乐。

    The main antecedent is U2 , who invented the form that Coldplay works within : rock that respects the sea change of punk but still wants to be as chest-thumping and anthemic as the music of the seventies stadium gods .

  11. 我们可以听到乐队开始演奏婚礼进行曲。

    We could hear the band striking up the bridal march .

  12. 这首歌结合了拉格泰姆音乐和进行曲乐队音乐的要素。

    This song is a combination of Ragtime and march elements .

  13. 这都是为你唱的颂歌,都是你永恒的进行曲。

    These chants for thee , the eternal march of thee .

  14. 把枪放下,把进行曲乐队放走。

    Put down the gun and let the marching band go .

  15. 歌剧《阿依达》之凯旋进行曲,可选任何版本。

    Triumpah March or Grand March from Aida , any edition .

  16. 让精力充沛的圣者进行曲。

    Iet the robust composition * Of the saints come marching in .

  17. 适用于阅兵场合的轻快进行曲。

    Brisk marching music suitable for troops marching in a military parade .

  18. 美国军队进行曲的管弦乐的首席指挥和作曲家(1854-1932)。

    A US bandmaster and composer of military marches ( 1854-1932 ) .

  19. 浅议门德尔松《葬礼进行曲》音乐风格的特性

    On Grasping the Characteristics of Musical Style in Mendelssohn 's Funeral March

  20. 特别奖霍华德。格林哈罗德。罗森《时代进行曲》。

    W.Howard Greene and Harold Rosson , March of Time .

  21. 乐队正在演奏铜管乐进行曲(罗伯特佩恩沃伦)

    The band was now playing some brassy march ( Robert Penn Warren )

  22. 婚礼一行人伴着结婚进行曲进入教堂。

    The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played .

  23. 马赛进行曲是法国国歌。

    The Marseillaise is the National Anthem of france .

  24. 约翰施特劳斯写了许多有名的进行曲和波尔卡舞曲。

    Johann Strauss wrote many well-known marches and polkas .

  25. 扶轮资深的领导人和他们的配偶为壮丽的进行曲的参加者鼓掌。

    Rotary senior leaders and their spouses applaud participants of the Grand March .

  26. 啊,奏婚礼进行曲了,他们过来了。

    Oh , they are playing the wedding march .

  27. 隧道进行曲设置服务隧道有利于隧道施工和运营管理。

    Service tunnel setting was beneficial to the tunnel construction and running management .

  28. 起初他们只吹奏自己熟悉的赞美诗和进行曲。

    At first , they played the hymns and marches familiar to them .

  29. 我叫史蒂夫给我们作了个小小的混音婚礼进行曲,来调动气氛。

    I had Steven burn a little wedding mix for us for ambience .

  30. 远处传来一阵军乐的声音,是一支进行曲。

    In the distance there was a sound of band music , a match .