
jìn shì
  • Jinshi;a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations
进士 [jìn shì]
  • [a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations] 隋唐科举考试设进士科,录取后为进士。明清时称殿试考取的人

进士[jìn shì]
  1. 明清时期,徽州考中的进士数量之多,为他郡所不及,这是徽州区域一个较为突出的人文现象。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties , huizhou exceeded other regions in its number of jinshi , which was an outstanding cultural feature of huizhou .

  2. 宋朝大臣陈尧咨虽然是进士出身,却爱好射箭,而且技艺不俗。

    Although Chen Yaozi was a civil official in Song Dynasty , he loved archery very much , and was pretty good at it .

  3. 经过几年的苦读,东终于成为了“进士”(TienSi)(注:通过了政府组织的三门考试的人)。

    For the next few years , Tung studied and he was finally able to obtain Tien Si ( a person who passed all three examinations held by the government ) .

  4. 还有12次进士考试是没有产生状元的。

    There are12 chin-shih examination is not produced the champion of .

  5. 兄弟两人同朝中进士在当时是十分难得的。

    That was very seldom for brothers being Hanlin at that time .

  6. 永乐十九年(1421),进士及第。

    Yongle nineteen years ( 1421 ), Scholars and third .

  7. 唐进士科考试时间探析

    Investigating Time for Imperial Examinations of the Tang Dynasty

  8. 进士文化与诗可以兴

    The Culture of Imperial Examinations and Xing in Poetry

  9. 清嘉庆十四年(1809)进士,朝考改翰林院庶吉士,散馆,授检讨。

    In Qing Dynasty the 14th year of Jiaqing ( 1809 ) doctorate .

  10. 岭南进士生成的不利因素主要有经济贫弱、教育落后、政策影响、路途遥远等四点。

    They are poor economy , laggard education , policy influences and remote distances .

  11. 进士我说,你是不可能在约定时间做好的。

    I don 't think u can make it in time , I said .

  12. 《当年的进士居》这是古代的大官人家。

    The residence of metropolitan graduate at that time This is an old official family .

  13. 文章的第五部分阐明了唐代进士家庭的历史地位。

    The fifth part of the dissertation indicates the historical status of the scholar 's family .

  14. 西昆体的兴衰,和北宋进士考试的关系极其密切。

    The rising and fading of the Xikun style had close relation with the Imperial Examination .

  15. 论唐代进士科与社会文化发展的关系

    On the Relations between the Highest Imperial Examination of Tang Dynasty and the Development of Social Culture

  16. 唐传奇与进士

    The Legend of Tang Dynasty

  17. 明清时期山东进士的研究,在学界并不是很多。

    Shandong scholars ' research of Ming & Qing is not a lot in the educational circles .

  18. 促进岭南进士生成的因素首先是家庭富裕,有很好的家族教育。

    The affluent family and better family education are the factors which firstly contribute to the better growing .

  19. 第三部分介绍汪由敦参加科举考试,后考中进士留京做官。

    The third part introduces he to participate in the imperial examinations , comprehensive examinations Scholars stay in Beijing official .

  20. 唐代进士家庭的精神生活主要包括家庭教育、休闲娱乐、宗教信仰等三个方面。

    The spiritual life in imperialscholar 's family mainly includes three aspects : family education , entertainment and religious belief .

  21. 唐代进士家庭作为一种新兴的家庭类型,其家庭教育是一个具有研究价值的课题。

    As a new type of family , the scholars family education is also a topic of great research value .

  22. 从文化转换来说,中唐词是进士文化中的“中隐”思想和享乐意识的体现。

    Considering the cultural transformation , mid-Tang Ci reflected the living in seclusion and self-indulgence in the culture of imperial examinations .

  23. 试论明清进士前三名遴选中的异常现象

    Tentatively on the Abnormal Phenomena in Selecting the First Three Successful Candidates in Imperial Civil Examination During Ming & Qing Dynasties

  24. 甲午战前中国先进士大夫西政观评析甲午战后士大夫弃官从商现象探析&张謇个案研究

    Analysis of the Literati in Feudal China Abandoning Officialdom for Business after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 & Case study of Zhang Jian

  25. 从中可以得到唐代士子的以登进士第、得清要美官、娶五姓女为理想。

    Can be obtained from the Tang Dynasty Intellectuals in Tang scholars section , clear to American officials , marry five surname female ideal .

  26. 再次,血统也在其中起部分作用&书香门第出身的士子比农、商之子弟中进士的机会要大。

    Finally , lineages are also playing their part , scholarly family background than the scholars of farmers , business chance to be successful in children .

  27. 文章第四部分总结了唐代进士家庭与世族家庭相比较下的主要特征。二者同属士家庭的范围。

    In the fourth part of this dissertation , the author summarizes the main characteristics of the imperial scholar 's family through the comparison with the noble family .

  28. 同时,据考订清代台湾进士的籍贯发现,有17名台湾进士的原籍是福建或广东相关州县,这和台湾社会的移民历史正相吻合。

    After studying the native places of those Jinshi , 17 of them are found coming from Fujian and Guangdong province , which just coincides with Taiwans history of immigration .

  29. 从文献考订的过程看,相关进士名录、索引以及地方志等文献对清代台湾进士的记载均存在或多或少的缺憾。

    During the textual researching , many documents , including choreographies and the name lists and indexes of Jinshi of Ming and Qing dynasty , are found incorrect more or less .

  30. 在给孙儿办满月客时,和进士请厨师要办一个有名的筵席,要用海参和鹿肉为主料。

    When He Gengji arranged a feast celebrating the first month of his grandson , he requested cooks to used sea cucumber and venison as major food material in the feast .