
  • 网络Psychological Science;psychology science
  1. 布莱恩·诺塞克是社会心理学家、开放科学中心执行董事,他指出通过使用这种标记,《心理科学》期刊的平均数据共享率从2013年至2015年间增长38%,翻了十倍。

    According to social psychologist Brian Nosek , executive director of the Center for Open Science , the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science , which uses the badges , increased tenfold to 38 % from 2013 to 2015 .

  2. 这项研究发表在《心理科学》上。

    The research has been published in Psychological Science .

  3. 为了更深入的研究,她的团队观察了35位健康的人在布朗大学心理科学系这一陌生环境的睡眠状态。

    To take a closer look , her team studied 35 healthy people as they slept in the unfamiliar environment of the university 's Department of Psychological Sciences .

  4. 这项研究将发表在《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志上。

    The research will be published in the journal Psychological Science .

  5. 心理科学协会(AssociationforPsychologicalScience)的总结可谓恰如其分:

    As the Association for Psychological Science aptly sums up :

  6. 不,《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志上的新论文表示,年长者的大脑可以提供更多的好处。

    No , the older brain offers something more , according to a new paper in the journal Psychological Science .

  7. 不过一项受托于美国心理科学协会(AssociationforPsychologicalScience)所做的全面审查结果显示,没有实质的证据表明为适应学生喜欢的学习方式而制定个性化的教学方式可以让学生取得更好的学习成绩。

    But a comprehensive review commissioned by the Association for Psychological Science concluded that there 's essentially no evidence that customizing instruction formats to match students ' preferred learning styles leads to better achievement .

  8. 在这篇2010年发表于《心理科学透视》(PerspectivesonPsychologicalScience)期刊的论文中,他们报告称,那些认为自己在做好发型后显得更加年轻的受试者血压有所下降。

    In a paper published in 2010 in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science , they reported that the subjects who perceived themselves as looking younger after the makeover experienced a drop in blood pressure .

  9. 不过,根据斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)最近的一项研究(该研究成果发表于美国《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志),八卦不仅无害,还对改善这个世界做出了贡献。

    However , according to recent research from Stanford University , published in Psychological Science , not only have I done no harm by gossiping , I have been making the world a finer place .

  10. 让科斯塔和他的同伴们想到从经济角度探索双语决策问题的是《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)期刊2012年刊登的一篇文章,撰写这篇文章的是以芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)心理学教授博阿斯?凯萨尔为首的一批心理学家。

    Costa and his cohort were inspired to look into the economic side of bilingual decision-making by a 2012 Psychological Science article by a group of psychologists led by Boaz Keysar of the University of Chicago .

  11. 2012年发表在《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)期刊上的一项研究表明,从问题中抽身出来、去做一些简单的日常工作,让思绪在此过程中自由游荡,这样可以使人们在解决困境时产生一些具有创造力的新联想、新思路。

    Walking away from a problem to do simple , routine tasks , and letting the mind wander in the process , can spark creative new connections or approaches to solving dilemmas , says a 2012 study in Psychological Science .

  12. 这一研究发表在了《心理科学》杂志上[AdamM.GrantandDavidA.Hofmann,It’sNotAllAboutMe:MotivatingHospitalHandHygienebyFocusingonPatients]。

    The research is in the journal Psychological Science . [ Adam M. Grant and David A. Hofmann , It 's Not All About Me : Motivating Hospital Hand Hygiene by Focusing on Patients ]

  13. 几年前,兰格和她的学生阿莉娅·克拉姆(AliaCrum)进行了一项研究,并发表在《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志上。该研究涉及84名酒店客房女服务员。

    A few years earlier , Langer and one of her students , Alia Crum , conducted a study , published in the journal Psychological Science , involving 84 hotel chambermaids .

  14. 这个争论似乎每个世纪都会出现反复,最近的一期《心理科学》(PsychologicalScience)上的一篇论文,介绍了这场争论的现状。对那些只想全力以赴的人来说,更吸引人的是,文章暗示了未来的研究方向。

    This debate swings back and forth every century , it seems , but a paper in the current issue of the journal Psychological Science illustrates where the discussion now stands and hints - more tantalizingly , for people who just want to do their best - at where the research will go next .

  15. 1月9日,美国心理科学协会发布了一篇全面的报告。肯特州大学的教授JohnDunlosky同其他作者一起,仔细研究了十种学习技巧,并基于他们收集的证据,根据实用性的高低给这些学习技巧打了分。

    In a comprehensive report released on Jan. 9 by the Association for Psychological Science , the authors , led by Kent State University professor John Dunlosky , closely examine 10 learning tactics and rate each from high to low utility on the basis of the evidence they 've amassed .

  16. 2012年,一项出版在《心理科学》的实验试图揭示实体理论(即天分决定技能论)对小孩的影响,实验对象是144名4-7岁的儿童,他们将在接受指导后玩一个3D图像的连线游戏。

    A 2012 study published in Psychological Science sought to investigate the impact that entity theories ( defined as the belief that innate qualities can dictate your skill set ) had on children . The study involved 144 children between the ages of four and seven who were all instructed to play a matching game involving 3-D block images .

  17. 根据一项发表在《心理科学杂志》上的题为“虐待儿童可能造成的影响”的研究,一小部分退伍军人患上了创伤后应激障碍,略作PTSD,然而对战争的恐惧并不足以使他们患上这种心理疾病。

    A subset of veterans develop post-traumatic stress disorder , or PTSD . But it might not be only the horrors of battle that make them susceptible . According to a study in the journal Psychological Science echoes of childhood abuse may contribute .

  18. Grossmann博士研究结果刚发表在《心理科学》。他招募了186个来自各行各业的日本人并且与225个美国人做对比研究。

    Dr Grossmann 's study , just published in Psychological Science , recruited 186 Japanese from various walks of life and compared them with 225 Americans .

  19. 苏俄心理学是现代心理科学的一个重要的组成部分。

    Soviet-Russian Psychology is a vital part in contemporary psychological science .

  20. 巴甫洛夫学说的终结与心理科学的研究

    Termination of Pavlov 's Theory and Study of Psychological Science

  21. 为我国心理科学的发展、繁荣和走向世界而奋斗

    Devote to the development and prosperity of Chinese Psychological Science

  22. 该研究发表在《心理科学》杂志上。

    The research is published in the journal Psychological Science .

  23. 这项研究发表在《心理科学》杂志上。

    The research was published in the journal Psychological Science .

  24. 这项研究发表在心理科学期刊。

    The work appears in the journal Psychological Science .

  25. 这些研究发表在《心理科学》杂志上。

    The studies are in the journal Psychological Science .

  26. 本研究成果发表在《心理科学》上。

    The study is in the journal Psychological Science .

  27. 这项研究来自《心理科学》期刊。

    The research is in the journal Psychological Science .

  28. 本文的研究结果发表在《心理科学》期刊上。

    The study appears in the journal Psychological Science .

  29. 这项研究刊登在《心理科学》杂志上。

    The research appears in the journal Psychological Science .

  30. 传播心理科学知识,办好二个刊物;

    Spread knowledge of psychological science and improve the academic level of psychological journals ;