
  1. 脑电信号分析的任务之二就是如何从强背景自发EEG中提取EP信号。

    The second task of brain signal analysis is to extract EP signals from spontaneous EEG in strong backgrounds .

  2. 在B-2轰炸机执行这一任务之际,朝鲜针对韩国和美国的威胁不断升级。

    The mission was held amid increasing threats by North Korea against South Korea and the United States .

  3. 作为诸多动机结构和期望理论的核心成分和关键内容的能力自我知觉,是个体对自己完成特定任务之能力的自我评价性判断(Harter,1985a)。

    Self-perceptions of competence , as a key component of various motivation constructs and expectancy theories , are people 's self-evaluative judgments about their ability to accomplish certain tasks ( Harter , 1985a ) .

  4. 并能注意到生活周遭的实例,也能够因此分析欧盟在各重大外交事件上,其对外政策之决策模式,以及欧洲防卫暨外交政策(ESDP)任务之发展情形。

    Also students can analyze the decision-making model of the European Union ( EU ) in external relations , and the development of the European Security and Defence Policy ( ESDP ) operations in practice .

  5. 工会宣传思想工作形势与任务之我见

    The Situation & Task of Union 's Propaganda in Ideological Work

  6. 您准备好在地球这里再跑另一趟任务之旅吗?

    Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth ?

  7. 但是当她完成了学习任务之时,我正在忙着跟一位家长谈话。

    But I was busy talking with one of the parents when she finished her learning task .

  8. 新时期我国防雷减灾工作的形势和任务之研究

    The study of the situation and task of thunder prevention and disaster reduction of China in new period

  9. 他说正是巫妖王祖达克灵魂兽导演了这一切,巫妖王的目的是利用霜祖达克任务之哀伤控制阿尔萨斯。

    He explained that the Lich King , the Lord of the Scourge , manipulated Arthas into taking Frostmourne to himself .

  10. 彰显“以人为本”的价值取向,生态法必须完成的任务之一应是建立和完善公众参与制度。

    To reflect the value of " human as the center ", the ecological law must establish and improve public participation system .

  11. 在现代警务中,视频监控系统对于社会秩序之维护、警察任务之完成有着积极的作用。

    In modern policing , video surveillance system is of active importance to the maintenance of social order and completion of police assignments .

  12. 习语翻译的目的是促进文化交流,这也是译者的主要任务之所在。

    It is a translator 's responsibility to promote inter-culture communication by translation practice , which is also the ultimate purpose of translation .

  13. 在难度不大而且没被施压的情况下,大牌球星们拙劣地犯下一连串传球失误,卡佩罗的任务之艰巨显而易见。

    As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward , no-pressure passes , the size of his task must have become horribly apparent .

  14. 情感态度在英语教学指导文件中第一次被作为英语教学目标之一,并将其置于基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之首。

    For the first time affect becomes one of the five English teaching goals , and the first task of English course at the basic educational stage .

  15. 本月初,为执行航空任务之便,俄罗斯宣布暂停太空旅游,并且计划加倍任务执行次数(由2次增加到4次。)

    Earlier this month , the Russians announced a halt to space tourism to free capacity for such flights and plans to double the number of launches to4 .

  16. 这些都在未来三年要完成的100项任务之列,目的是推动韩国成为全球金融大国。

    They are among 100 tasks to be carried out over the next three years , with the aim of helping South Korea become a global financial powerhouse .

  17. 当博派遭遇到神秘的在底特律大肆破坏的肌肉车时,救护车开始回忆他在博狂大战时的任务之旅。

    While Autobots encounter a mysterious muscle car creating havoc in detroit , ratchet keeps flashing back to his " tour of duty " in the great autobot-decepticon wars .

  18. 听力教学是英语教学的基本任务之&,也是目前英语教学中的一个弱点,因此,在教学中必须高度重视。

    Enough attention should be attached to the English aural comprehension teaching because it is one of the essential tasks in English teaching and it also happens to a weak point in English teaching .

  19. 抓内部教学、抓搬迁,任务之重,工作量之大,困难之多,面临问题复杂,倾注了大量的心血。

    Stresses the internal teaching , to stress the relocation , heavy duty , big work load , many difficulty , was complex faced with the question , has poured into the massive painstaking care .

  20. 由于行政任务之多样性、专业性及复杂性,行政机关为了达成行政目的,发挥共同一体之行政机能,应于其权限范围内互相协助,这即表征了职务协助的重要功能。

    In order to attain the goal of administrative , the administrative departments should assist each other within the popedom of their own because of the diversity , complexity and specialty of the administrative tasks .

  21. 然而,尽管花费数月时间谈判捕鱼配额或就灯泡的环保标准达成一致没有什么问题,但在欧盟应对发行货币和对抗债务危机等任务之际,没完没了的讨论不会有效。

    However , while it is fine to take months negotiating fishing quotas or agreeing environmental standards for light bulbs , iterative discussions do not work so well when the EU takes on tasks such as issuing currencies and combating debt crises .

  22. 美国前总统,乔治•沃克•布什,曾经误用过该词,在就职典礼上,他发言道“没想到任务如此之大。”这是个具有讽刺意味的例子。

    US President , George HW Bush missed this one when he said after being elected that he " Couldn 't believe the enormity of the situation . " A perfect example of irony ( which , in the context I have just used it , is correct ) .

  23. 这个例子以这种方式继续进行,直到任务A3开始之初另一个紧急事件发生了。

    This example continues in this manner as another emergency appears after the start of A3 .

  24. 为了优化CommonStore吞吐量,需要配置CommonStore任务,使之以并行的线程运行。

    To optimize the CommonStore throughput , it is necessary to configure the CommonStore task so that it runs with parallel threads .

  25. 任务来得如此之快,那是一种恩赐

    To be activated this early is a gift .

  26. 整体性目标设定有助于高网路任务执行效率之使用者者获得较佳的态度;

    Long-term goal setting made high-efficient Internet task execution user 's attitudes become positive ;

  27. 本文探讨图书馆之名词释义,图书馆之历史任务,图书馆之功用;

    This paper discusses the definitions , historical missions , and function of a library .

  28. 但北京执行这项任务的手段之刻薄,令常住居民也感到吃惊。

    Yet the cynicism with which Beijing has approached this task has surprised even long-standing residents .

  29. 任何有助于组织达到其目的及任务而需要之活动。

    Any other activities that may be necessary to further the aims and objectives of the association .

  30. 尽管如此,世上的未知领域、未解之谜和未完成的任务的范围之广,仍远远超出了我们所有人的理解能力。

    the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension .