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  1. 任国的公子用五十头牛做了一个钓饵在东海钓鱼.

    The son of a high official of the state of Ren angled in the east sea , using fifty oxen as the bait .

  2. 所以,没听说过任国公子钓大鱼这个故事的人,离治理好天下这一目标也还有很大一段距离。

    So , anyone he who has not heard of the story of catching2 the big fish has a long way to go to achieve the goal of governing a state .

  3. 还是袖手旁观,任国与国之间的关系经受经济和战略变化与震动的冲击。

    Or whether we sit by and allow relations between states to be buffeted by economic and strategic shifts and shocks .

  4. 教龄、性别、专业对这五个因素的影响皆不显著,而所任国对跨文化交际与文化传播感有显著的影响。

    Seniority , gender , major influence on these five factors is not obvious ; country has a significant impact on intercultural Communication and culture transmission sense .

  5. 在新一任联合国秘书长的角逐中,他的胜算很小。

    He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General .

  6. 但土耳其和巴西是联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)的非常任理事国,而美国曾希望它们支持对伊朗实施新的制裁。

    Both turkey and Brazil are temporary members of the UN Security Council and the US had hoped to win their support for another resolution imposing sanctions on Iran .

  7. G4的观点认为,印度、巴西、德国、日本是最合适的的选择。连个非洲国家,另外还有三个加到非常任理事国行列。

    The G4 position is more sensible that 's India , Brazil , Japan and Germany , two African countries and three added to the non-permanent list .

  8. 其一是克莱尔被迫辞任联合国大使,因为弗兰克向俄罗斯总统维克多·佩特洛夫(ViktorPetrov)承诺会劝她辞职。

    One was Claire 's resignation as United Nations ambassador , which was forced upon her when Frank promised President Viktor Petrov of Russia that he would convince her to step down .

  9. 这将是土耳其第四次担任安理会非常任理事国。

    This will be Turkey 's fourth time sitting on the council .

  10. 冰岛今年是第一次竞选非常任理事国席位。

    This year was Iceland 's first attempt to become a member .

  11. 奥地利以前担任过两期非常任理事国。

    Austria has served on the council twice before .

  12. 安理会的3个非常任理事国的领导人参加了法非首脑会议。

    At the Africa-France summit were leaders from three non-permanent members of the Security Council .

  13. 权力走廊里的角逐&下任联合国秘书长竞选态势评析

    Struggle in Corridor of Power & An Analysis of 2006 Campaign for Next UN Secretary-General

  14. 瑞达斯格瓦曾任联合国助理秘书长。

    Rudasingwa was an assistant UN Secretary-General .

  15. 科菲安南任联合国秘书长时,他曾是秘书长办公厅的联络主任。

    He was formerly director of communications in the office of the UN Secretary-General under Kofi Annan .

  16. 五常任理事国框架文件

    Permanent Five Framework Document

  17. 这也是她从未被任命为安理会非常任理事国的主要原因。

    Also the main reason why it has never been appointed as a non-permanent member of the Security Council .

  18. 要想成为安理会非常任理事国不需要提名,有关国家只要宣布想要竞选非常任理事国席位就可以,不过有时需要提前许多年宣布。

    Nominations are not required , countries simply announce their intention to run , sometimes many years in advance .

  19. 目前其它5个非常任理事国是布基纳法索、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、利比亚和越南。

    Currently , the other five non-permanent members are Burkina Faso , Costa Rica , Croatia , Libya and Vietnam .

  20. 这五个国家将从2011年1月1日起,接替奥地利、日本、墨西哥、土耳其和乌干达担任联合国非常任理事国。

    The five new seat holders will replace outgoing Austria , Japan , Mexico , Turkey and Uganda , from Jan.1.2011 .

  21. 安理会由15个理事国组成:其中10个为非常任理事国,由全体会员国定期选出,任期两年;

    The Council is made up of15 members : 10 non-permanent members , periodically elected by all Member States for two-year terms ;

  22. 考虑因素包括非常任理事国的地区分布是否合理,以及候选国对维护国际和平与安全的贡献。

    Consideration is given to an equitable geographical distribution and a candidate 's contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security .

  23. 现在不能马上得到投票结果名单,但是安理会非常任理事国投弃权票的有波黑、葡萄牙和哥伦比亚。

    No roll call was immediately available , but the swing votes among non-permanent Council members include Bosnia-Herzegovina , Portugal and Colombia .

  24. 一旦美国提交了对伊朗实施新制裁的决议草案,安理会的10个非常任理事国将能够考虑草案中的提议。

    Once the US introduces the draft resolution , the Security Council 's 10 temporary members will be able to consider the proposals .

  25. 在联合国安理会要作出某项决议时,非常任理事国是没有一票否决权的。

    When the UNSC is making a decision , non-permanent member states do not have the right to veto with a single vote .

  26. 获得5大常任理事国一致认可的措施,10个非常任理事国几乎不可能阻挠。

    It is virtually impossible for the 10 non-permanent members of the Council to stall measures on which all of the big five agree .

  27. 曾经在安理会担任过三期非常任理事国的墨西哥在角逐拉丁美洲和加勒比地区席位的过程中没有遇到对手。

    Mexico , which has served three previous terms on the council , was unopposed in its bid for the Latin America and Caribbean seat .

  28. 当安理会在周一正式提名潘基文后,现年62岁的潘已经成为下任联合国秘书长的指定人选。

    Ban , 62 , is set to be designated as the next UN secretary general when the Security Council meets Monday to formalize its choice .

  29. 古特雷斯是唯一的官方候选人,没有国家提名任何竞争者。这位葡萄牙前总理于2017年成为第九任联合国秘书长。

    Guterres was the only official candidate as no state nominated any contender . The former Portuguese prime minister became the ninth UN chief in 2017 .

  30. 任何一个常任理事国家投反对票,就能阻止提案通过,即使其余4个常任理事国和所有非常任理事国都投赞成票也不行。

    Any of these countries can block a proposal by casting a negative vote , even if the other four permanent and all non-permanent members vote in favour .