
zǔ zhī chuán bō
  • organizational communication
  1. 组织传播和大众传播视角下的企业报刊研究

    Enterprise Newspaper Research in the View of Organizational Communication and Mass Communication

  2. 动员式治理中的政府组织传播:南京个案

    Governmental Organizational Communication during Governance Mobilization : Nanjing for Example

  3. 目前,LED产业在中国还处于初始发展阶段,组织传播的手段主要应用于企业内部管理,而广告投入无法在短时期内达到显著的传播效果。

    LED enterprise , which is high-tech industry and still in the initial stage in China , is difficult to be effective in a short time by investment in advertising alone , whereas , the organized means for communication are mainly in the inner management of the enterprise .

  4. Rinaudo表示,并不是政府官员和非政府组织传播这种思想的。

    Mr. Rinaudo says government officials and nongovernmental organizations were not the ones who spread the idea .

  5. 组织传播学科建设中的多媒体案例教学探讨

    On multimedia cases teaching in the discipline construction of organizational communications

  6. 网络环境下高校行政管理机构组织传播新探

    The New Exploration of University Administration Organization Communication in Network Environment

  7. 基于有限元法的光在层状生物组织传播特性

    Light Propagation in Layered Biological Tissue by Finite Element Method

  8. 高校学生工作机构的组织传播研究

    Organizational Communication Research In Students ' Affairs ' Institution of Higher Colleges

  9. 开放系统、负熵与界限沟通者&组织传播视野中的中海油竞购优尼科事件

    Open system , Negative entropy And Boundary communication role

  10. 马铃薯病组织传播黑胫病的研究

    A study on the role of diseased tissue in spreading potato blackleg disease

  11. 阐述了原有的主要的行政决策模式本身在现代组织传播环境下的可行情况以及运行起来所呈现的滞后性;

    Stating feasibility of main originally decision models in modem organizational communication environment ;

  12. 组织传播的研究模式及思考

    Reflections on the Research Models of Organization Communication

  13. 声音通过致密组织传播要比通过含气组织传播更为有效。

    Sounds are transmitted more efficiently through solid tissue than through tissue containing air .

  14. 组织传播研究的方法与视角

    Methods and Perspective in Organizational Communication Research

  15. 在这场运动中,大众传媒和组织传播起到了不可估量的推动作用。

    The mass media and organizational communication had performed an immensurable function in this campaign .

  16. 组织传播的审美特征

    The Aesthetical Characteristic of Organizational Communication

  17. 突出特色:组织传播和人际传播相结合,突出文化内涵;

    Prominent characteristic : The organization dissemination and the interpersonal dissemination unifies , prominent cultural connotation ;

  18. 组织传播及其效果

    Organizational Communication and Its Effects

  19. 一个组织传播的视野

    A View of Organizational Communication

  20. 论组织传播的意义

    The Significance of Organizational Communication

  21. 组织传播研究是20世纪社会科学探索的一个特殊领域。

    The study of organizational communication is a special domain in social sciences exploration in the 20th century .

  22. 组织传播研究的学术路径

    Thinking and Exploration : The Way to The " Academic Field " of The Study of Organizational communication

  23. 在此基础上,从宏观和微观不同的角度分析总结两弹一星工程中的组织传播机制。

    From macro and micro perspective to summary " two bombs and one satellite " engineering organizational communication mechanism .

  24. 同时,要建立一个稳定有效的官僚组织传播系统,必须建立在政权获得合法性的基础之上。

    Meanwhile , the establishment of a stable and efficient Communication System is on the basis of regime legitimacy .

  25. 其干预方式主要分为下行传播、平行传播与上行传播三种组织传播策略。

    The intervention methods are divided into three organizational communication strategies : downlink communication , parallel communication and uplink communication .

  26. 总结了成功的经验和失败的教训,提出了现代组织传播环境下行政决策模式的路径选择。

    Teaching us many experiences and lessons which will lead us how to choose decision models in modem organizational communication environment .

  27. 文章从组织传播学的角度出发,探讨了我国大中型民营企业文化形成的障碍。

    Starting from the perspective of organizational communication studies , this paper discusses the obstacles of developing large-medium private enterprise culture .

  28. 在过去的几十年内,突发事件的传播有着明显从组织传播到大众传播过渡的趋势。

    The past twenty years witnessed a tendency in public crisis communication , which is from organizational communication to mass communication .

  29. 然而对组织传播管理的忽视和企业文化建设的滞后,制约了民营企业的发展。

    Nevertheless , the neglect of the organizational communication management and the underdevelopment of enterprise culture restrict the development of private enterprises .

  30. 通过传播学的一种&组织传播,探讨艺术传播以及艺术传播学的发展问题。

    This purpose of this article is to discuss the artistic dissemination and its development through one kind of dissemination science-organization disseminating .