
  • 网络class midpoint;Class mid-value
  1. 关于组中值和序时平均数计算方法的思考

    Thoughts on how to Calculate Class Midpoint and Chronological Average

  2. 组中值与序时平均数是统计学中的两个重要概念。

    Class midpoint and chronological average both are one of the most important concepts in statistics .

  3. 返回一个组中值的平均值。忽略空值。

    Returns the average of the values in a group . Null values are ignored .

  4. 黄土-古土壤粒度分布中的粗、中粒组分中值粒径近似反映了源区起尘时和沉降区降尘时近地表大气湍流强度的变化。

    The median grain size of the coarse grained composition and the moderate grained composition approximately represents the atmospheric turbulence strength during the dust entrainment period in dust source areas and during the dust deposition period in the dust deposition area .

  5. 自组惠斯登电桥测量中值电阻有关测量精确度问题探讨

    Probe Into the Survey Precision to Measure a Middle Resistance Using a Wheatstone Bridge Made by Oneself

  6. 运用组距数列组中值加权算术平均法计算平均指标比较麻烦,也容易出错;

    The method that using weighted arithmetic average of class interval ' class mid-value in computing the average is troublesome and is wrong .