
  • 网络number of component;component number;number of independent component
  1. 相平衡体系中秩与独立组分数

    Order and number of independent component in equilibrium system

  2. 本文通过相平衡体系中矩阵的建立,解出其秩,与相律进行比较,找出秩与独立组分数间的关系。

    A method was reported that calculating order through establishing matrix in phase equilibrium system and compared with phase rule , the relation between order and number of independent component was found .

  3. 用原子吸收光度法测定Hg(1-x)ZnxTe中锌的组分数

    Determination of Component Value x in the Hg_ ( 1-x ) Zn_xTe by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

  4. 青霉利用纤维素有利于黑土FA组分数量的提高,而其利用木质素所表现的规律相反。

    The cellulose utilized by Penicillium was helpful to enhance the amount of FA in the Black soil , but the opposite rule was shown if the lignin was selected .

  5. 用EEM的特征矢量的频率分析确定芳烃混合物的组分数

    Estimation of the Number of ComPonents in Aromatic Mixtures Using Frequency Analysis of Eigenvectors of An EEM

  6. 改进遗传算法用于未知组分数的重叠色谱峰的解析

    Resolution of Overlapping Chromatographic Peaks Using Improved Genetic Algorithm

  7. 应用矩阵求解化学平衡体系的组分数

    Calculating Constituent Numbers of the Chemical Equilibration System by Making Use of Matrices

  8. 田间定位施肥对土壤腐殖质组分数量与特性的影响

    Effects of Field Located Fertilization on the Contents and Characteristics of Soil Humus Fractions

  9. 用矩阵求复合体系的独立组分数和独立反应数

    Calculating the Independent Component Number and the Independent Reaction Number in Compound Reactive System by Means of Matrix

  10. 此框架不依赖于传统的几何分析方法,因而能够应用于包含任意组分数的系统。

    The proposed framework , which is not based on traditional geometric analysis methods , is applicable to systems consisting of arbitrary number of components .

  11. 对实际化学体系的分析结果表明,该法为组分数的估计提供了一个有价值的工具。

    The results of two real chemical systems show that the method provides a useful tool for estimation of chemical component number of two-way data matrice .

  12. 考察了组分数、共混比例、硬相单体的选择、交联单体及不同制样方法对材料阻尼性能的影响。

    The influence of number of ingredients , blends proportion , selection of hard monomer , crosslinking monomer and sample preparing methods to the damping property were investigated .

  13. 系统总组分数M≥3等。着重阐述了端齿盘对研加工系统的误差自去除原理及其分度精度自组织机制。

    The principles of self-removal of error for mutual lapping machining system of end tooth indexing table and the mechanism of self-organization for angular positioning precision were explained emphatically .

  14. 通过对反应过程中在线测得的动力学谱光谱二维数据矩阵进行主成分分析,可确定化学反应过程存在的组分数。

    Based on the two-way kinetic-spectral data measured on-line during the chemical reaction , the number of species existed in the reaction process can be determined by principal component analysis ( PCA ) .

  15. 建立起一套通过秩分析判断未知动力学体系中存在的反应组分数、独立反应数以及可能反应机理的方法。

    Furthermore , a set of approaches based on rank analysis technique , which can be used to determine the number of chemical components , independent reactions and the possible reaction mechanism in kinetic systems , are well developed .

  16. 独立反应数对于研究多种化学反应同时平衡以及正确地使用相律计算相平衡体系的独立组分数、自由度数,都是一个十分重要的概念。

    The number of independent reaction is quite an important concept for studying the simultaneous equilibrium of many chemical reactions and in calculating the number of independent components and degree of freedom with correct use of the phase rule .

  17. 然而,当感兴趣体积分数区被分成更多的子区域或混合气体组分数多于2时,模式类别数目的急剧增加使网络的输出节点数也大增。

    However , when the volume fraction area of interest divides into more sub-areas or the component number of gas mixture is more than two , the number of pattern classification will increase rapidly , and cause the great increase of output nodes of ANN .

  18. PN分数与其他CSA组分分数的中度关联性提示出,被测量的品质当中,有些重叠,或相互关联。

    The moderate correlations between PN scores and various other CSA component scores suggest some overlap in , or interrelationships amongst , the traits being measured .

  19. 方法由Cochran检验或MantelHaenszel检验反推得出所需总样本量,按层样本分数和组样本分数进行样本量的分配。

    Methods The required total sample size is derived inversely from the Cochran test or the Mantel-Haenszel test and allocated into each stratum and each group in the light of the relevant sample fractions .

  20. 常规照射剂量2Gy时的放射增敏比(SERSF2)定义为2Gy时对照组存活分数(SF)和药物处理组SF之比。

    The change in radiosensitivity was quantified by calculating the sensitization enhancement ratio at a clinically relevant dose of 2 ? Gy ( SER SF 2 ), defined as the mean survival fraction ( SF ) for control / mean SF for the drug .

  21. 反应扩散方程组在分数幂空间的整体吸引子

    Global attractors of reaction diffusion equations in fractional power spaces

  22. 食用牛奶巧克力的那组人分数较高。

    The group that ate milk chocolate had higher scores .

  23. 经过为期十周的以图式理论和眼球速动法为理论基础的快速阅读教学,该论文得出了实验组的分数比对照组高的结论。

    After ten weeks training with schema-theoretic applications instruction and EMSR classroom instruction , Gao draws a conclusion that the experiment group gets higher scores in fast reading test than the control group .

  24. DCM组射血分数(EF)、每搏量(SV)显著降低。

    Ejection fraction ( EF ) and stroke volume ( SV ) decreased markedly in DCM .

  25. 采用浸没沉淀法制备了五组不同质量分数的TPU多孔膜。

    TPU porous membranes were prepared by immersion precipitation with five different mass fraction in casting solution .

  26. 结果表明聚丙烯酸酯基纳米SiO2包覆TiO2的有机-无机纳米杂化材料在无机组分质量分数低于8%时是透明的;

    The results showed that the organic-inorganic hybrid material of polyacrylics / TiO2 encapsulated with nano-meter SiO2 was transparency when the mass fraction of the inorganic composition was lower than 8 % ;

  27. 按照材料组份体积分数的简单幂率分布规律,考虑了FGM板的材料常数仅沿厚度连续变化。

    The material properties of a FGM plate were graded continuously in the direction of thickness , according to a simply power-law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents .

  28. 利用初始单系滑移模型和{123}〈634〉织构组分体积分数可以快速而准确地计算出3104铝合金板的应变比(r)值,并兼顾到非织构因素的影响。

    According to the volume fraction of the { 123 } 〈 634 〉 texture , the r value of the 3104 aluminum sheets was calculated rapidly and accurately based on the initial single slip model , while some other effect factors beside texture were also included .

  29. 在明确情绪和影响的测试中,两组学生的分数没有差异。

    There was no difference in scores between the groups on the explicit tests of emotion and affect .

  30. 获得了密度、压力、温度和典型组元质量分数流场及数值胞格结构等。

    The contours of density , pressure , temperature and typical species mass fraction as well as numerical cellular pattern etc.