
  • 网络Advertising History;History of Advertising
  1. 这一宣传推广是广告史上最为成功的活动之一。

    This campaign is one of the most successful in the history of advertising .

  2. 三十年中国广告史研究的学术视野与学科平台

    Academic Vision and Platform of Advertising History in the Past Three Decades

  3. 世界广告史的历史分期与分期依据

    Historical Period and the Basis of Historical Division of World Advertising History

  4. 近20年来明清广告史研究的进展与反思

    Studies and Reflections on the Ming and Qing Advertising History in the Past Twenty Years

  5. 这对于广告史,特别是40年代的新闻史、电影史以及大后方文化研究,都将提供一个新的视角。

    This provides researchers a new perspective in studying the histories of advertisements , journalism , and movies and the culture of the rear area in 1940s .

  6. 历史分期是任何一种历史研究都必然涉及的关键性问题,也是广告史研究最核心、最重要的问题之一。

    The basis of historical division and the division of the history are the key issues inevitably involved in any kind of historical research , and they are also one of the most important core issues in the study of advertising history .

  7. 中国早期商业广告发展史(1907~1937)

    The History of Early Chinese Commercial Advertisement from 1907 to 1937 ;

  8. 这段广告在人类广告史上留下了浓重的一笔。

    It is evidently one of the most memorable ads in the history of advertisement .

  9. 今年的世界杯广告是可口可乐史上规模最大的一次,将向175个市场投放。

    This year 's World Cup campaign is the largest in Coke 's history and will reach 175 markets .

  10. 它们不仅是解放区广告的重要一页,而且也构成中国广告史重要的组成部分,具有特殊研究价值。

    They were the important parts of not only the newspaper advertisements in the liberated area but also the Chinese advertising history , with particularly research value .

  11. 它涉及到对广告发展的本质和规律的揭示,也决定着广告史研究的基本路径。

    They determine how to reveal the essence and the law of the development of advertising , and are also the basic methods and theoretical tools of the advertising history research .

  12. 尚有谜题没有解开的大结局也许有些不尽人意,但是通过电视剧镜头立足广告业进而透视那一段特定时期的美国历史,高明的剧本、精彩的细节以及演员扎实的演技,都足以证明《广告狂人》是史上最精彩的美剧之一。

    Some were disappointed by the show 's finale , as it leaves several questions unanswered . But the idea of exploring this vital period of American history through the lens of the advertising industry , a smart script , brilliant details and solid acting , all makes Mad Men one of the most exciting dramas on TV .