
  • 网络Growth and decline;waxing and waning of yin and yang;waxing-waning;wane and wax between yin and yang
  1. 达阴阳消长协调,气血和畅,血海安宁,顺利妊育的最终目的。

    Growth and decline of coordination between yin and Yang , Qi and blood effect , blood safety , the ultimate goal of a smooth pregnancy fertility .

  2. 四时阴阳消长变化与精神分裂症季节性发病关系的探讨

    Discussion on Relationship Between the Waning-Waxing Change of Yin-Yang in the Four Seasons and the Seasonal Onset of Schizophrenosis

  3. 气化运动的本质就是机体内部阴阳消长转化的矛盾运动。

    The motive of Qi transformation is the waxing and waning movement of Yin and Yang within the organism .

  4. 古人仰观天文、俯察地理、中知人事,从观察日月星辰与大自然现象节律变化的紧密联系性,进而了解人体阴阳消长的变化亦同自然界是受到日月星辰的影响。

    Our forerunners studied chronometer , geography and sociology , and realized that variety of waxing and waning of yin-yang was influenced by the hosts of heaven at the time when they observed the tight relationship between the hosts of heaven and the rhythm of natural phenomena .

  5. 这种规则性联系既宏观地展现了天地之间阴阳二气的消长变化之道,又为构建八宫象数易学体系提供了必要的理论支撑。

    This connection displays not only the way of changing of Yin yang er qi of the world , but also provides a necessary theoretical foundation for the establishment of the system of the image-number philosophical school of the eight-fundamental Hexagrams .

  6. 重视研究日相阴阳太极钟的变化,将能更加深入地认识月经周期中阴阳消长转化的规律变化,从而推动中医妇科学向前发展。

    The midnight-noon ebb-flow theory enables us to further study the regularity of the ebb and flow of yin and yang in the menstrual cycle and promote the development of TCM gynecology .