
  • 网络variable value;Value of variable;USER
  1. 在第11行上,变量值X后面是一个用红色突出显示的后圆括号())。

    In line 11 , after the value of variable _X is a closed parenthesis ()) highlighted in red .

  2. 为变量值输入SunJVM的安装目录。

    For the variable value , enter the directory containing the Sun JVM install .

  3. 在事务屏幕中,选择要修改的变量值所在的配置文件,然后单击Change按钮,如图1所示。

    In the transaction screen , select the profile where the variable values are to be modified , then click on the Change button , as shown in Figure 1 .

  4. 用户还可以使用ACCEPT在运行时期间接受一个变量值,如下例所示。

    Users can also accept a value for a variable during runtime by using the ACCEPT command as shown in the example below .

  5. 现在可以单步执行您的JSP,逐步查看变量值的更改情况。

    You can now step through your JSP , viewing and changing variable values as you go .

  6. 注意:如果您保留properties变量值null,您得到NullPointerException。

    Note : If you leave the properties variable value as null , you get NullPointerException .

  7. 在阵列变量值为NULL时,不为它分配内存。

    When the value of an array variable is NULL , there is no memory allocated for it .

  8. 它允许您查看哪些模块正被执行,哪些SQL语句正在执行,以及在您浏览Web站点时哪些变量值发生更改。

    It allows you to watch which modules are being executed , which SQL statements are executing , and which variable values change as you navigate the Web site .

  9. Data选项卡的Expression字段允许您编写一个表达式,Bonita使用它来估计saveto字段指定的变量值。

    The Data tab 's Expression field allows you to write an expression that Bonita uses to evaluate the value of a variable specified by the save to field .

  10. 这里用一个前花括号({)标出了变量值X的开头,但是没有用后花括号(})结束。

    It looks like the value of variable_X started with an opening curly bracket ( { ) but didn 't end correctly with the closing curly bracket ( } ) .

  11. 在DB2forLinux,UNIX,andWindows环境中,您可能会发现运行时查询性能与OPEN时传递给语句的输入变量值有关。

    In the DB2 for Linux , UNIX , and Windows environment , you may find that runtime query performance is related to input variable values that are passed to statements at OPEN time .

  12. 就是说,closure是个匿名函数,在其创建时,将来自创建该函数的代码范围内得变量值附加到它本身。

    That is , a closure is an anonymous function that , when created , attaches to itself the value of variables from the scope of the code that created the function .

  13. 这表示,不修改原子变量值的read和write操作是同步的,不仅仅是重要的read-update-write操作。

    This means that read and write operations that do not modify the value of an atomic variable are synchronized , not just the important read-update-write operations .

  14. 我们使用PHP功能强大的HTML表单解析来确定是否使用了任何CGI变量值来调用脚本;如果没有,那么我们就只返回HTML表单。

    We use PHP 's powerful HTML form parsing to determine if the script was invoked with any CGI variable values ; if not , we simply return the HTML form .

  15. 用LINDO软件包对模型进行了求解和灵敏度分析,得出最优解和对偶变量值;

    The models are solved by LINDO .

  16. 在这种情况下,GDB可以从对象文件之外的这些段获取变量值,而不是从目标程序。

    In that case , GDB can fetch values from these sections out of the object file , rather than from the target program .

  17. 高层次综合中通过对冲突围着色方式把操作、变量值、数据传输映射到共享资源中,然而寻找图着色所需的最小颜色数目是个NP难题。

    Coloring of conflict graphs has been used in high level synthesis to map operators , values and data transfers onto shared resources , however , finding a minimum sized coloring is NP hard problem .

  18. OpenLaszlo附带了一个增强的调试工具,它使开发人员可以查看运行时错误消息、查看变量值等等。

    OpenLaszlo comes equipped with an enhanced debugging tool that allows the developer to view runtime error messages , evaluate variable values , etc.

  19. 当strdup()在foo()中被调用,这个namestr变量值就会被覆写,从而丢失main()中内存分配的指针,导致渗漏。

    When strdup () is called in foo (), the namestr variable value is overwritten , thereby losing the pointer to the memory allocated in main (), and that causes the leak .

  20. 干预组结局期的有氧锻炼时间和与医生沟通情况都比基线有所改善,而对照组结局期的这两个变量值则比基线还有所减少,两组变化值比较有统计学差异(P0.001)。

    Intervention group increased their aerobic exercise time and improved communication with doctors comparing with base line , while the control group decreased . The variation of these two groups has statistical difference ( p0.001 ) .

  21. 本文通过对几种按流量计费的方法分析比较,提出了用SNMP协议命令读取网络设备流量相关的MIB变量值的设计思想,进行用户数据采集。

    This paper proposes the implementation ways of the network account data collecting , and analyses the merit and shortage of these methods . It gives a design : use SNMP protocol to read / write the MIB variable of internet devices and then gather user data .

  22. 其次,可以轻易地替换字符串中的变量值。

    Second , you can easily substitute variable values inside strings .

  23. 最后求出精加工椭球时各关节变量值。

    Finally each joint variable in finishing work are calculated .

  24. 一个变量值可以在脚本中进行改变。

    A variable 's value can change during the script .

  25. 采用单因素分析筛选出影响预后的临床因素,随后把这些因素进行编码评分,并且累计每个患者的变量值总分。

    Clinical prognostic factors were selected by single variable analysis and graded .

  26. 当调试器停止时改变变量值。

    Change variable values when the debugger is stopped .

  27. 显然,对这些变量值的选择与组合就是一个最优化问题。

    It is obvious that the choice of their values is an optimization problem .

  28. 其中'?'表示代入应用程序变量值的位置。

    The ' ? 'indicates the position where values of application variables can be substituted .

  29. 产生多维随机变量值的脆弱模型法

    A Solution of Generating Random Numbers from Multivariate Distribution in terms of the Frailty Model

  30. 如果字符串非空,它就包含请求的变量值。

    If the string is not empty it will contain the value of the variable requested .