
chōu yànɡ wù chā
  • sampling error
  1. 结果表明,提高先验分布的估计精度会降低贝叶斯方法估计Xp的抽样误差,当样本容量较小时效果更明显,这对水文频率分析中使用贝叶斯方法具有一定的参考价值。

    The outcomes show that the sampling error of Xp can be reduced by improving the estimation of prior distribution , and this is obvious for samples with small sizes .

  2. 随机抽样误差与样本大小的分析

    The analysis for random sampling error and the number of samples

  3. 其缺点是对于同样的数据,R法较其他方法的抽样误差大,而且在小样本中估计值往往有偏。

    Disadvantages of Method R include a larger sampling variance than other methods for the same data , and biased estimates in small datasets .

  4. 通过在阴性人粪中加入血吸虫卵并回收虫卵的方法,对Kato-katz虫卵计量法的虫卵回收率和抽样误差作实验研究,从而对方法的敏感性和适用性作出正确的估价。

    An experimental evaluation of kato-katz 's quantitative technique on systematic and sampling errors has been performed by the recovery of S.japonica eggs previously added to the feces of noninfected people with different density of eggs .

  5. 询问法市场调研中的非抽样误差研究

    Research of Non-sampling Error on Marketing Research Based on Inquiry Approach

  6. 一类非线性回归估计量的性质与抽样误差

    Quality and sampling variance about a kind of nonlinear regression estimator

  7. 均匀性试验抽样误差的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation of sampling error of homogeneous test

  8. 控制抽样误差的主要方法是搞好抽样设计;

    The chief method to control sampling error is to well design sampling .

  9. 抽样误差和系统误差(即非抽样误差)是统计误差的两个组成部份。

    Sampling-error and system-error ( non-samplingerror ) are two components of statistical error .

  10. 该调查的抽样误差为正负1.9个百分点。

    It has a sampling error of plus or minus 1.9 percentage points .

  11. 网上调查的非抽样误差分析及其控制

    Nonsampling Error Analysis and Control of Investigation on Internet

  12. 点抽样误差来源的研究

    Study on Source of Error in Point Sampling

  13. 问:个别题目的样本数目会否影响抽样误差?

    Q : Would different sample size for different questions affect the sampling error ?

  14. 计算抽样误差的软件比较

    Comparison of Software for Sampling Error Estimation

  15. 浅谈问卷调查中非抽样误差的控制

    On Control of Non-sampling Errors in Questionnaire

  16. 抽样误差公式的初等证明

    The Elementary Proof of Sampling Errors Formulas

  17. 本文探索了将多阶模型应用于非抽样误差研究的思路。

    This paper explores the way of using multilevel model in the study of non-sampling errors .

  18. 抽样误差和非抽样误差的产生及误差大小各受到多种因素的影响;

    There are many factors that affect the occurrence and the degree of sampling and nonsampling error .

  19. 抽样误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Sampling

  20. 水文估计量的抽样误差

    Sampling error of hydrologic estimator

  21. 在受众测量中,重复调查涉及从原样本中再抽出子样本来评估抽样误差。

    In audience measurement , replications involve drawing subsamples from a parent sample to assess sampling error .

  22. 非抽样误差问题研究

    Non-sampling Error Question Research

  23. 利用随机生成径流序列不能减小设计水利参数的抽样误差

    Sampling Error of Estimated parameters for Reservoir Can not be Reduced by use of Stochastic Synthetic Streamflow Technique

  24. 结论:推导并建立多重分层、整群随机抽样误差的计算公式。

    CONCL USION : The calculation formulas of multiple - stratifying and clustering random sampling are theoretically set up .

  25. 阐述了抽样误差的原理及其在水文分析中的应用,并做实例分析。

    This paper mainly discusses principle and application of sample error in hydrological analysis , and analyses an example .

  26. 控制非抽样误差的主要方法是在调查操作的每一过程环节都采取有效预防措施。

    And to take effective preventive measures in every procedure is proved to be the main way to control nonsampling error .

  27. 结论系统误差、抽样误差、不实数据的上报可能是导致差异出现的原因。

    Conclusions Systemic error , sample error and the reports of inauthentic data may be the reasons those conduct statistics differences .

  28. 假阳性、假阴性错误的4种控制方法:正确估计样本量,避免抽样误差;

    Four controlled methods of false positive and false negative mistakes : Precise evaluation of the sample amount and avoid sampling error ;

  29. 在动物育种中,由于遗传参数估计的抽样误差大,因此据此制订的选择指数其选择效率往往达不到预期的效果。

    In animal breeding , index selection usually can not achieve the expected efficiencybecause of large sampling errors in estimating genetic parameters .

  30. 这个指标描述了由异质性而非抽样误差引起效应变异的百分比。

    This describes the percentage of the variability in effect estimates that is due to heterogeneity rather than sampling error ( chance ) .