
cè duó
  • measure;estimate;infer;conjecture
测度 [cè duó]
  • [conjecture;estimate;infer] 猜测揣度

  • 测度他今日不来

测度[cè dù]
测度[cè duó]
  1. 通过MBP方法,我们把本文所研究的模型都进行了VaR估计,并通过VaR估计值来比较各个模型的风险测度效果。

    Here we use all of our models to compare the performance to estimate the VaR by using the efficient MBP methods .

  2. 第三章,建立了基于风险调整的SFA法银行成本效率测度修正模型。

    We establish a model to estimate the risk-adjusted cost efficiencies applying SFA in the third chapter .

  3. 根据风向测度,今天不会下雨。

    Judging by the direction of the wind , it won 't rain today .

  4. 根据卫星云图测度,明天将会有暴风雨。

    Judging by the satellite cloud picture , there will be a rainstorm tomorrow .

  5. C空间上概率测度族的局部弱相对紧性

    On local weak relative compactness of probability measures in C space

  6. Fuzzy转移测度与非乘积Fuzzy测度空间

    Fuzzy transition measure and non-product fuzzy measure space

  7. 关于Fuzzy测度与Fuzzy积分的若干定理

    Several Theorems about Fuzzy Measure and Fuzzy Integral

  8. FUZZY测度的奇异性与绝对连续性

    The Singularity and Absolute Continuity of Fuzzy Measures

  9. Fuzzy测度与积分理论

    The fuzzy measure and integral theory

  10. Fuzzy映射和乘积Fuzzy测度

    Fuzzy Mapping and Product Fuzzy Measures

  11. Domain上的测度及拓扑空间的Domain环境相关问题研究

    Studies of the Relative Questions about Measurement on a Domain and Domain Environments of Topological Spaces

  12. 广义测度空间(X,ψ,μ)中的集合的性质与结构

    Properties and Structure of Sets in Signed Measure Space

  13. 关于由F积分确定的可能性测度

    On The Possibility Measure Defined by Fuzzy Integrals

  14. GDP的测度缺陷分析及解决对策

    Analysis of GDP measurement 's drawback and its resolution

  15. 广义谢尔宾斯基海绵的Packing测度

    The Packing Measure of the Generalized Sierpinski Sponge

  16. 本文讨论了模糊聚类中的模糊C均值算法和聚类有效性测度。

    This paper discusses the fuzzy C-means algorithm ( FCM ) , one of the fuzzy clustering methods and clustering validity measurements .

  17. 研究了局部紧Hausdorff空间上正则Fuzzy测度的性质。

    The properties of regular fuzzy measure on locally compact Hausdorff space are studied .

  18. 基于ANN的电子商务水平测度指标权重的确定方法

    Research on Method of Computing Indicator Weight For E-commerce Development Level Estimaion Based on ANN

  19. 具有Radon测度初值的热敏电阻问题

    A Thermistor Problem with Radon Measure As Initial Value

  20. VaR、ES与一致性风险测度

    VaR , Expected Shortfall and Measurement of Consistency Risk

  21. 高新技术企业RD绩效测度与控制的研究

    The Research on RD Performance Measurement and Control of High-Tech Enterprises

  22. 本文定义了有限乘积空间X×Y上的qλ~-测度和Shannon熵,证明了有限乘积空间上的gλ~-测度是独立的充要条件。

    In this paper , the g λ - measures and Shannon entropy on finite product space are defined .

  23. 复合DEA方法在测度企业知识管理绩效中的应用

    The application of composite DEA method in measuring the performance of knowledge management of enterpriss

  24. IHS小波包活性测度融合SAR与TM图像

    Image Fusion Between SAR Image and TM Image Using IHS and Activity-level Measured Wavelet-packet Transform

  25. 上凸密度与Hausdorff测度&Koch曲线

    The Upper Convex Density and Hausdorff Measure & the Koch Curve

  26. 基于信息测度特征和Hausdorff距离的图像匹配策略

    An Image Matching Strategy Based on Information Measures and Hausdorff Distance

  27. 文章将面板数据PANELDATA应用于信息资源的测度,从原理、方法、实例等方面进行详细阐述,试验证明PANELDATA能够提供更多信息、更少共线性、更多自由度和更高效率。

    This paper attests that panel data can provide more information , less multicollinearity , more freedom degree and more efficiency from principles , methods , examples in information resource fields .

  28. Extension测度和Fuzzy-Extension变换测度及其积分

    Extension Measure and Fuzzy - extension Conversion Measure and its Integral

  29. 金融资产价格的波动率的测度具有重要意义,实际波动率(RealizedVolatility)概念是近些年提出的用于测度市场波动率的新概念,在诸多方面具有优势。

    The volatility measure of asset return is very important . The concept of realized volatility is proposed in the recent literature and has great advantage .

  30. 齐型空间上的Poisson算子与广义Carleson测度

    Poisson Operators and Generalized Carleson Measure on Spaces of Homogeneous Type