
cè shí
  • Chronometry;time study
测时[cè shí]
  1. 她正为赛跑测时。

    She is minuting a race .

  2. 关于GPS测时精度与共视问题

    On the Precision of Time Measurement with GPS and GPS Common View

  3. 介绍了利用GPS测时及时间传递的几种方式。

    The paper introduces three kinds of GPS timing and time transfer method .

  4. GPS测时在电力系统中的应用

    GPS Timing for Power System Applications

  5. 本文通过分析我国大地天文测量的现状和美国对GPS的政策,提出了智能测时仪的研制要求;

    The status quo of geodetic astronomy in China and the GPS policy of USA are analyzed firstly .

  6. CPLD在电子测时仪的应用

    Application of CPLD in the Time Measure Instruments

  7. 该芯片包括超声波探头驱动电路、测时控制电路、测温控制电路、STOP信号转换电路等模块。

    The chip comprises ultrasonic sensor driver circuit , time measurement control , temperature measurement control , STOP signal conversion such as modules design .

  8. 它采用安装在运输车上的GPS接收机定位、测时,由车载车辆行迹记录仪数字化记录装载、运输、卸载的地点、时间等信息。

    It includes GPS site orientation , measure time , and uses digital manner to memorize the information about the spot , the time of the vehicle .

  9. 一种能大幅度提高脉冲测距系统分辨率的测时方法基于PCI总线的高精密时间间隔测量仪的研制

    A Simple Method to Improve Time Interval Measurement Resolution in Precise Pulsed Distance Meter High-precision Time Interval Measurement Instrument Based on PCI Bus

  10. 四是在测量传播时间时,使用锁相环(PLL)技术来提高系统的测时分辨率;

    Forth , with regard to measurement for transmitting time , PLL technology is used to elevate time measurement precision .

  11. 互联项可测时互联系统的分散MRAS鲁棒控制

    Decentralized MRAS Robust Control of Interconnected Systems Subjected to Measurable Interconnected Terms

  12. GPS接收机是通过接收导航卫星信号进行测时和测距的系统,它由射频前端单元、基带处理单元和定位解算与应用单元组成。

    GPS receiver is a time and distance measuring system by receiving satellite navigation signal , which consists of RF front-end unit , baseband processing unit and positioning estimation and application unit .

  13. 本文根据测时仪的发展现状,按照设计要求,设计了一种基于单片机和FPGA的高精度智能测时仪,系统工作稳定、操作方便、测时精度可达25ns。

    According to the situation of electrical chronometers and the designing requirement , a new electrical chronometer of high precision and intelligence based on MCU and FPGA is designed in this paper .

  14. 文中介绍时间间隔的测量原理和游标法的测时原理,针对一种基于FPGA的高精度测时系统,描述其硬件实现。

    This paper describes the principle of time interval measuring and vernier time-measuring , introduces a high precision timing system based on FPGA , and illuminates the system hardware structure in detail .

  15. 上海天文台ZAT、ZPA、ZA三架仪器测时结果的季节性变化

    Seasonal variations of time determination of zat , zpa , and Za at Shanghai Observatory

  16. 测量补偿采用延迟内插法,相对于传统的游标内插法和斜坡内插法,此方法电路简单,转换速率高,测时分辨率可以达到ps级。

    The error compensation circuit adopts the time delay interpo-lation method . Compared with the conventional cursor interpolation method and slope interpolation method , the method has simple design and high conversion speed and ps-level time measurement resolution .

  17. 当状态可测时,提出了状态反馈鲁棒分散控制器的设计方案;该方案能够消除外界干扰并取得H∞模型参考跟踪性能并保证该系统的稳定性。

    When all the states are available , a state feedback robust decentralized control scheme is developed to override the external disturbances such that the H ∞ model reference tracking performance is achieved . Furthermore , the stability of the nonlinear interconnected systems is also guaranteed .

  18. 文中介绍了功角可测时在线频率响应(OLFR)辨识方法的原理,重点分析了OLFR方法的可辨识性,指出采用OLFR方法可以惟一辨识q轴所有参数和d轴的电抗参数。

    The basic principle of on-line frequency response ( OLFR ) method is introduced in this paper .

  19. 本文以国际时间局(BIH)1968系统为参考,对经典测时测纬仪器的长期稳定性进行了计算和比较;

    The long term stabilities of the classical instruments for time and latitude observation referred to BIH 1968 system are calculated and compared in this paper .

  20. 本文讨论FK5、新岁差常数,新章动理论的采用引起测时测纬结果的变化。

    In this paper , the changes in time and latitude determinations caused by using FK5 , new astronomical constants , new nutation series are discussed .

  21. 本文回顾了1966-1975年的我国世界时工作,包括天文测时,综合系统,快速服务和UT1时号发播控制情况。

    Universal time service in the years 1966-1975 is reviewed , including astronomi - cal time observations , the Joint System of universal time , the rapid service and the controling of the transmission of UT_1 time signals .

  22. 在研究现有定位算法的基础上,利用多相滤波器,或称多群延迟滤波器对超宽带脉冲波形进行匹配,实现了高精度测时,并与TDOA技术相结合,实现了高精度室内定位。

    Based on the study of existing positioning algorithm , a high-precision measurement was proposed by using of the polyphase filter or multi-group delay filter in the waveform processing , which was combined with the TDOA technology to achieve a high-precision indoor positioning algorithm .

  23. 当状态量不是全部可测时,本文采用降维观测器得到一种准最优的增广LQR方法,其性能比LQG方法有显著改善,能满足航空发动机多变量控制系统的设计要求。

    When all system states are not measurable , a reduced order state observer is introduced , which is designated as near optimal LQR method . The resulted control system has superior performance compared to LQG , and is able to meet the requirements for aeroengine control system .

  24. 对干扰测时测速仪正常工作中几个问题的讨论

    The Discuss of Some Problems of Interference to Time Measure Instruments

  25. 砷化镓半导体激光区截装置及其测时系统

    GaAs semiconductor laser light screens and their use on chronometric systems

  26. 提高液压实验台测时精度的研究

    Research on improving accuracy of measuring time on hydraulic pressure experiment desk

  27. 一种新的测时方法的理论与仿真

    The Theory and Simulation of a New Time Measuring Method

  28. 激光测距用的一种紧凑测时装置

    A compact time measuring unit for use with a laser range finder

  29. 伪随机码用于靶场武器系统的精密测时

    Pseudo-random Code Used in the Time-measuring of Range Weapon System

  30. 生物测时是昆虫的基本生理功能。

    Biological clock was the primary physiological function for insect .