
  • 网络withdrawal of capital
  1. 然而,实践当中许多投资者通过抽逃出资回收投资金。

    In practice , however , many investors recover their investment through the withdrawal of capital contributing .

  2. 在这种情况下,股东在抽逃出资之前存在着正常的股款缴纳的行为,从它的外观上可能无法判断出是否抽逃出资。

    Because there is a normal behavior of payment before the withdrawal of capital contributing , it is difficult to determine the illegal withdrawal from its appearance .

  3. 股东抽逃出资的认定及其民事责任分析

    On the Recognition and Civil Liabilities of Shareholders ' Withdrawing Their Capital Contribution

  4. 第二、确立对股东抽逃出资民事责任的严格责任原则。

    Second , establish strict responsibility principle to civil responsibility to the withdrawer .

  5. 囿于相关制度的不完善及相关理论的不成熟,对股东抽逃出资的责任追究始终处于制度缺乏理论支撑、实践缺乏立法支持的困境。

    Due to lack of intact system and mature related theory , it is difficult to investigate and affix legal liability of the withdrawing shareholder .

  6. 据统计,我国公司资本到位率普遍较低,违反出资义务案件屡见不鲜,层出不穷,其中虚假出资和抽逃出资是最普遍的两种违法形式。

    According to statistics , the arrival rate of Chinese corporate capital is generally low ; cases of breach of funding obligation are common and endless .

  7. 抽逃出资的股东已经承担上述责任,其他债权人提出相同请求的,人民法院不予支持。

    The people 's court shall not uphold the same claim made by other creditors if the shareholder who withdraws the contribution has assumed the aforesaid liability .

  8. 笔者列举司法实践中运用的一些情况:出资不到位、资本金不足、抽逃出资、法人资格不合格、不尽清算义务、违法活动。

    The author lists some situations in legal practice : investors are not in place , lack of capital , capital flight , failed in a legal personality , settlements are not obligations , illegal activities .

  9. 对抽逃出资的概念进行解释,并介绍了抽逃出资的主要方式,论述了认定抽逃出资行为所应注意的问题。

    It makes an explanation of the concept of withdrawal of capital , introduces the main methods of withdrawal of capital , and has a discussion of the questions which should be pay attention to judge it .

  10. 股权分置改革之前,控股股东侵权的表现形式主要有虚假出资与抽逃出资、披露虚假信息、非法占用上市公司资金、利用上市公司担保。

    Before the reform of share-merger , the main representation of controlling shareholders ' infringement are mendacious and remove the contribution of capital , disclose mendacious information , take up the found illegality , take advance of the guarantee of listed company .

  11. 第六十一条公司的发起人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃出资的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以所抽逃出资金额百分之五以上百分之十以下的罚款。

    Article61a promoter or shareholder who illicitly withdraws his capital contribution after the establishment of the company shall be ordered to correct his wrongs and fined at least five per cent and no more than ten per cent of the capital contribution illicitly withdrawn .

  12. 其义务有五项,分别是:进行解散登记的义务,选任清算人的义务,公司财产、帐册的善良保管义务,欠缴、抽逃出资的补足义务以及侵占公司财产的返还义务。

    There are five duties of liquidation obligors : the duty of dissolution registration , the duty of appointing liquidators , the duty of safekeeping assets and account books , the duty of complementing the contribution and the duty of returning the company 's assets .