
  • 网络bidding;rosca
  1. 村庄信任与标会别人的村庄

    VILLAGE Village Trust and Bidding Rotating Savings and Credit Associations

  2. 存款全都拿去标会。

    Your savings are in a " hui " .

  3. 读数示标会绕方位轴转动,给出不正确的航向读数。二、听读句子,勾出各组中所读的句子。

    The dial index will rotate in azimuth , giving an incorrect heading reading .

  4. 法国以及其他“旧世界”的葡萄酒瓶标会标明葡萄的种植地以及葡萄酒酿造地。

    French and other " Old World " wines tell you where the grapes were grown and the wine was made .

  5. 论民间标会案件的处置&从长乐5·14案件谈起

    On the Disposition of " Biding " Cases among the People & Analyzing from " 5 · 14 Case " of Changle

  6. 但是,任何一个神志清楚的标枪手会穿上门毯,而且以这种装束在任何一个文明的城镇招摇过市,有这种可能吗?

    But could it be possible that any sober harpooneer would get into a door mat , and parade the streets of any Christian town in that sort of guise ?

  7. 一瓶法国红葡萄酒的瓶标上也许会在生产区的后面印着“Bordeaux(波尔多)”。

    French red wine might be labeled " Bordeaux " after the region where it was made .

  8. 同时,电路的零偏和标度因数会在使用过程中缓慢漂移,同样需要校准来减小。

    At the same time , both of them will drift gradually in process , which also needs to be reduced by calibration .

  9. 在香港或新加坡,国际发行商的日子要轻松一些,因为基础设施就摆在那儿,但马来西亚或泰国没有基础设施,所以开发以外国资产为标的的ETF会相当困难。

    In Hong Kong or Singapore it is easier for an international issuer because the infrastructure is there , but in Malaysia or Thailand the infrastructure is not there , so it can be quite difficult to develop ETFs with foreign underlying assets .

  10. 房屋破坏得很厉害,不过组织工作做得很好,到处有指路标。过多会坏事,过少不济事。

    The houses were badly smashed but things were very well organized and there were sign-boards everywhere . Too much spoils , too little is nothing .

  11. 文章详细阐述了目前系统采用摄像机定标方法以及将来会使用的广角镜头下的定标和自动的三角化面片缝合方法。

    The paper explains the camera calibration method used in the system and the calibration method under wide angle lenses , and an automatic triangular meshes sewing algorithm .

  12. 由于艺术品价值的有其不确定性,简单的将艺术品作为证券化标的物无疑会加大市场风险,应该设立相应的艺术品标的物准入制度。

    Legal and regulatory system needs improvement . Because the value of art has its uncertainties , Due to the instability of the value of arts , it will increase the risks if we simply consider the arts as subject matters . Relating regulations about art securitization should be established .

  13. 电路启动阶段标度因数变化剧烈且稳定时间长,同时标度因数会在使用过程中缓慢漂移。

    The scale factor has severe variations and takes a long time to be stable , meanwhile , the scale factor has a slow drift as running .