
  • 网络Wealth security;money safe
  1. 促使这一人群考虑移民的最重要的三个因素分别是:方便子女教育、保障财富安全、为未来养老做准备。

    The most important three resons for this phenomenon are be convenient for children education , insure wealth safety and get ready for endowment .

  2. 政府能够运用税收和转让支付政策,通过建立社会主义市场经济新秩序、构建财富安全、国民待遇等制度安排,在信息化和工业化中发挥作用。

    The government can play an important role in information and industrialization as far as tax , new order of socialist market economy , wealth security , national treatment and so on are concerned .

  3. 没有他们的财富和安全,什么事都行不通;你的艺术就行不通;文学、科学甚至宗教都行不通。

    It 's their wealth and security that makes everything possible ; makes your art possible ; makes literature , science , even religion possible .

  4. 想让子女得到更好的教育、想让自己的财富更安全一点,想让自己将来老有所依,是再正常不过的心态,这应该得到每一个人的尊重和重视。

    It is an absolutely normal state of mind to give our children a better education , to make our wealth more secure , and to have something to rely on when we get old .

  5. 这样的损失也将给我们的财富、安全以及精神生活带来巨大的冲击,我们知道,历史上曾出现过的类似这类灾难性事件,对上一次是数百万年前,使得恐龙走向灭绝必须经过一千万年才能得到恢复。

    The loss will inflict a heavy price in wealth , security and yes , spirituality for all time to come , because previous cataclysms of this kind the last one , that ended the age of dinosaurs took , normally , five to 10 million years to repair .

  6. 尽管人类依靠自动化系统创造了无穷无尽的财富,但是,安全问题一直是这些系统不可避免的。

    Although humans have created endless wealth through automated systems , the security issue has always been inevitable .

  7. 与私人股本公司相比,主权财富基金是更安全、风险更低的股东,因为它们可以接受较低的杠杆和回报,纽约的一位资深银行家表示。

    The sovereign funds are safer and less risky owners than private equity because they can live with lower leverage and lower returns , says a senior banker in New York .

  8. 席卷阿拉伯世界的政治斗争浪潮,让海湾地区的商人家族、生意人和皇室成员心烦意乱。其中很多人开始将更多个人财富转移到海外安全地带,并投资于海外资产。

    The wave of political strife enveloping the Arab world has rattled Gulf merchant families , businessmen and royals , leading many to move more of their personal wealth into offshore havens and assets .

  9. 主权财富基金早已远离安全但回报率较低的债券,开始投资其它资产,如私人股本、房地产、对冲基金,现在则进入了大宗商品领域。

    SWFs have been moving away from safe but low - return bonds , starting to invest in alternative assets , such as private equity , real estate , hedge funds and , now , commodities .

  10. 与他的个人主页相结合,读者可以使用互动图表,跟进最新消息,加入社团,这会是一个累积财富,加强财政安全的时尚蓝图。

    Integrated with his website , where readers can use interactive charts , follow up on the latest information , and join the community , it is a hip blueprint to building wealth and financial security .

  11. 第二天一早,他就开始搬运他的财富,在夜幕落下以前,他那笔庞大的财富已全部安全地藏进了他的秘密柜的暗格里。

    Early on the following morning he commenced the removal of his riches , and ere nightfall the whole of his immense wealth was safely deposited in the compartments of the secret locker .

  12. 改革开放以来,个人财富不断增加,随之而来的遗产继承纠纷问题也越来越突出,遗产的被继承人应如何防范风险,保证财富的稳定安全呢?遗嘱信托将会是一个非常明智的选择。

    Since the reform and opening up and increasing in personal wealth , inheritance dispute has become increasingly prominent . The decedent should be how to prevent risks , ensure the wealth of stable and secure . The testamentary trust will be a very wise choice .