
  • 网络sampling distribution;sample distribution
  1. 样本平均值的抽样分布

    Sampling distribution of sample mean average value of a probability distribute

  2. 组内常相关样本的抽样分布

    The Sampling Distribution of the Intraclass Constant Correlation Samples

  3. 关于X~2,T,F统计量的抽样分布

    About Sample Distribution of X2 , T , F Statistic

  4. 文献[2]中给出了抽样分布为二项分布、先验分布为Beta分布的Bayes决策准则。

    The Bayes decision criterion of sample distridution as binomial distridution and prior distribution as Beta distribution is given in document ( 2 ) .

  5. 给出了p-范分布子样的3个抽样分布&χp分布、tp分布及Fp分布的分布函数及数学期望、方差与不确定度区间的计算公式,并对若干有关分布的应用问题进行讨论。

    This paper gives the calculating formulas of the distribution function and some digital characters of the p norm sample distributions & the χ p 、 t p and F p distribution .

  6. 对称连续分布样本绝对最大值的抽样分布

    Sampling the Distribution of Absolute Maximums on Samples of Symmetrical Continuous Distribution

  7. 中心抽样分布律的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the distribution law of center sampling

  8. p-范分布母体抽样分布的数字特征

    The Digital Characters of the p norm sample Distribution

  9. 非独立数据内部相关系数的抽样分布

    Sampling Distribution of Intra-unit Correlation Coefficient for Non-independent Data

  10. 方差分析中单项效应的抽样分布

    Sampling distribution of single effect in variance analysis

  11. 用抽样分布对双参数威布尔分布参数的区间估计

    Interval estimation of the parameters of the two-parameter Weibull distribution by using the sampling distributions

  12. 变异系数的抽样分布

    The sample distribution of varied coefficient

  13. 关于样本均值的抽样分布能否作正态近似的探讨集平均;统计平均值;系综平均值;总体均值

    The Argument whether Sampling Distribution of Expectation of Samples Approximately Obey Normal Distribution ; ensemble average

  14. 目的研究非独立数据组内相关系数ρ的抽样分布。

    Objective To declare the distribution of inta unit correlation coefficient (ρ) of non independent data .

  15. 抽样分布定理的推广

    The Extension of Sampling Distribution Theory

  16. 异方差样本的抽样分布在广西白猪育种试验中的应用

    The Applying of Heteroscedastic Sample Sampling Distribution to the Test of the Guangxi White Pig Breeding

  17. p-范分布母体的抽样分布

    The Sample Distributions of p-norm Population

  18. 本文论证了气象序列存在自相关情况下,样本相关系数抽样分布发生变形。

    It is demonstrated that sampling distribution of correlation coefficientdeforms when there is autocorrelation in time series .

  19. 连续级数是一个具有独特抽样分布和检验方法的统计量。

    The number of runs is a statistic with its own special sampling distribution and its own test .

  20. 然后,定义了三个与P-范分布有密切关系的抽样分布,并给出了密度函数。

    Then three distributions that sampled from the P-norm distribution are defined , and their density functions are given .

  21. 应用正态向量及独立随机向量的有关性质直接给出了方差分析中单项效应的抽样分布。

    Applying the nature about normal vector and independent random vector , the sampling distribution of single effect in variance analysis can be directly gotten .

  22. 基于平均方向和合向量长度的抽样分布,研究反映角度过程集中程度的合向量长度控制图和反映角度过程集中位置的平均方向控制图。

    Sampling distributions of mean direction and resultant length were used to develop control charts respectively reflecting the central tendencies and positions of the angle process .

  23. 遗传力和环境相关对遗传相关系数的绝对值大小和抽样分布有很大的影响。

    The Sampling distribution and the magnitude of r , were affected by the heritabilities of the two characters involved and the environmental correlation coefficient between them .

  24. 介绍了研究开发一种根据抽样分布原理建立的利用蚁蚕形体特征判别的、简便、正确、快速、低成本的鉴别蚕种杂交率的方法。

    Introduces a easy , correct , fast and low costs examination method which is based on the sampling distributing truth and makes use of the silkworm 's modal character distinction .

  25. 模拟实验结果表明,差数显著性t检验与总体效果大小和样本容量有明显关系,但与随机抽样分布样本数目基本无关;

    The simulated experimental results showed that significance t testing is highly related to population distribution effect size and sample capacities , yet rarely related to the numbers of randomly selected samples ;

  26. 抽样分布样本效果大小的平均值可以作为总体效果大小的估计值,它与样本容量和抽样样本数目有密切关系;

    Mean value of the selected samples effect size can be used as an estimated value of population effect size , and it is closely related to sample capacities and numbers of selected samples ;

  27. 以工件尺寸抽样分布的分析为基础,提出分选机系统误差的统计校正法。从而提高了直径电感分选机的分选精度和工作效率。

    Based on the analysis of sampling distribution of parts sizes , a statistical Correcting method of sorting machine system error is proposed , therefore the sorting accuracy and efficiency of OD Inductance sorting machine is risen .

  28. 本文提出了在小子样试验的前提下,结构系统关键失效模式可靠度预测的两种方法,其一是基于抽样分布分析的转换法。

    This paper presents two evaluation methods for the reliability of structures , I , e , the transformation method and the weighting average method , for the most significant failure mode , based on small number samples .

  29. 以计算机模拟的方法研究了方差协方差分析法计算的遗传相关系数的抽样分布,以及环境相关和遗传力对抽样分布的影响。

    A simulated method was designed to study the properties of the sampling distribution of genotypic correlation coefficient ( rg ) obtained from vari - ance and covariance analysis and to investigate the influence of heritability and environment on it .

  30. 基于这个现实,本文首先界定了有序数据的统计范畴,详细研究了有序数据的分类、抽样分布以及与其他类型数据的区别和联系。

    Based on this reality , this paper first defines the ordinal data from the statistical , and detailed study of the ordinal data classification , sampling distribution , as well as the distinction and contact with other types of data .