
  • 网络Cournot;cournot model;cournot duopoly model
  1. 把古诺模型的n个厂商分为两团体,对两个团体进行博弈分析和二度价格歧视分析,比较不同情形下收益结果。

    Disparted the n manufactures of Cournot model into two groups , analysised the result of the two groups ' games and two-class price discrimination , and compared the profit in different instance .

  2. 本文在古诺模型的基础上进行了Cartel联盟模型的扩展,并且对其重复博弈机理进行了分析;

    The paper extend cartel alliance on the basis of the Cournot model , and analyze mechanism of repeated game of cartel alliance ;

  3. 在一些假设前提下,对经典的古诺模型做出变化,并在此基础上建立一个成本收益分析模型,根据企业之间不同的三种技术对比,研究应如何选择最优的FDI进入方式。

    Under some theoretical assumption , a cost benefit analysis model will be created based on the modified classic Cournot model , comparing enterprises using three dimensional techniques to select the best FDI entry mode .

  4. 耐用品动态古诺模型的建立及分析

    Building and analysis on a dynamical Cournot model with durable goods

  5. 两企业序贯博弈的动态古诺模型

    Study of a Dynamical Cournot Model with Duopoly 's Ordering Game

  6. 因此古诺模型在最初建模时就被忽略掉了。

    Therefore , the Cournot model is ignored in the initial modelling .

  7. 电力市场中古诺模型复杂性分析

    Complex Dynamic Analysis for Cournot Model in Electric Power Market

  8. 基于古诺模型的信息系统外包决策研究

    Study on Information System Outsourcing Decision based on Cournot Model

  9. 考虑远期合约基于古诺模型的市场参与者策略研究

    Study on Cournot model based market participants ' strategies considering forward contracts

  10. 求解古诺模型的整数规划算法及应用研究

    An Integral Programming Algorithm to Solve Cournot Model and Its Application Research

  11. 一般古诺模型的均衡解和动态分析

    Equilibrium Solution and Dynamic Analysis of General Cournot Model

  12. 电厂机组优化出力的自适应动态古诺模型

    Adaptive dynamic Cournot model of generating unit power output

  13. 寡头垄断市场古诺模型的研讨

    A study and improvement of cournot ′ s model in oligopoly monopolized market

  14. 完全信息与不完全信息下的古诺模型之比较

    Comparsion of Cournot Model under Complete and Incomplete Information

  15. 2个企业同时博弈的动态古诺模型

    Dynamical Cournot model with duopoly 's simultaneous-move game

  16. 水火电系统古诺模型的均衡分析

    Analysis of Cournot equilibrium in hydrothermal power system

  17. 古诺模型下的物流企业战略联盟效应研究

    Research on the effectiveness of strategic alliances of logistics enterprises by using Cournot model

  18. 非线性市场需求下机组优化出力的自适应动态古诺模型

    Adaptive dynamic Cournot model of optimizing generating units ' power output under nonlinear market demand

  19. 两个生产厂商条件下的古诺模型研究

    Study on Cournot Model with Two Firms

  20. 破解伯川德悖论的新视角&修改前提下的古诺模型分析

    New Viewpoint of Dissecting Bertrand 's Paradox & Analysis of Cournot Model with Modified Hypotheses

  21. 第四章中运用了激励理论和博弈论的古诺模型分析第三方支付作为中介参与交易的微观市场结构和交易行为。

    The chapter 4 is based on the incentive theory and the game theory model .

  22. 贸易模式与不完全汇率传递&基于扩展的古诺模型的解释

    Trade Patterns and Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-through : Explanations based on an Extended Cournot Model

  23. 需求价格弹性为常数下的古诺模型特征分析

    Analysis on the characteristics of Cournot model under the price elasticity of demand as a constant

  24. 耐用品动态古诺模型的长期产量解和短期产量解研究

    Study of the Long-Term and the Short-Term Product Solutions of Dynamical Cournot Model with Durable Goods

  25. 古诺模型的综合应用

    Application of Cournot Model

  26. 在需求价格弹性为常数下对非线性条件下的古诺模型进行探讨。

    This article discusses the Cournot model under nonlinear demand and the price elasticity of demand as a constant .

  27. 最后,利用区间套定理给出了古诺模型中剔除严格劣策略的步骤。

    Finally , the paper presents procedures for eliminating strictly dominated strategies in the Cournot model using nested interval theorem .

  28. 基于完全信息博弈理论,阐述了寡头垄断市场的排污收费古诺模型。

    A Cournot model of effluent charge in a duopoly market is built based on game theory with complete information ;

  29. 本文简要地评价了古诺模型中的相关问题及其在单边效应分析中的适用性。

    This thesis briefly evaluates the related issues about the Cournot model and its applicability in the unilateral effects analysis .

  30. 对于横向兼并所产生的影响,现有研究成果多是在产量竞争的古诺模型或基于价格竞争的伯川德模型基础上进行的。

    The existing research about the influence of horizontal merger are mainly based on the Cournot model or the Bertrand model .