
  • 网络observability;observable;Domain-observable
  1. 可观察性是指测试系统观察IUT的输出、判断输入与输出对应关系的能力。

    Observability is the capability of the test system to observe the output of the IUT and to determine which input triggers the particular output .

  2. 合约可观察性与异质产品横向兼并效应

    Observability of Contracts and Horizontal Merger Effects in Heterogeneous Products

  3. 该方法综合应用了边界扫描置位技术,可以提高电路的可控性和可观察性,进而改善PCB的可测性。

    This method integrates Boundary Scan and Scan Set and improves the testability of PCB including controllability and observability .

  4. 从合约可观察性角度,利用合约理论与博弈理论,比较分析了两种不同供应链结构在可观察性合约与不可观察性合约下的Cournot竞争均衡结果。

    From the viewpoint of contract observability , contract and game theories have been applied to analyze the Cournot market equilibrium outcome in supply chains with these two alternative structures .

  5. 线性相关环及其在电力系统可观察性分析中的应用

    Linear dependent loop and its applications in observability analysis

  6. 不可观察性或不可证实性,导致了第三方仲裁的不可能性。

    Inability to observe or confirm contributes to the inability for third-part arbitration .

  7. 供应链结构与合约可观察性

    Supply - chain Structure and Observability of Contract

  8. 引入了断言,增强了验证系统的可观察性和可控制性。

    Introducing assert improves the observability of system and make it easy to control .

  9. 治理结构是一种基本的制度安排,具有可观察性和可控制性。

    Corporate governance structure is a basic institutional arrangements , has the observability and controllability .

  10. 电力系统的测点布置与可观察性

    Power system measuring arrangement and observability

  11. 作为一种外显的活动方式,地理教师课堂教学行为具有可观察性、可测量性,可以被学生感知和理解。

    As a series of explicit activities , geography teaching behavior can be observed and measured .

  12. 审计服务作为一种特殊的产品,它与一般的产品存在着明显的差异,尤其是在质量的可观察性上。

    Audit service is a special product , which has obvious differences from general products , especially in the visible the service part .

  13. 实验证明,小波包变换能正确地估计出脉动噪声,从而有效地去除之,提高信号的可观察性和信噪比。

    Experiment showed that wavelet packet transform seemed perfect for estimating ringing noise , and the elimination of the noise led to the enhancement of SNR and flaw visibility .

  14. 本文通过分析可观察性概念的一些局限性,指出可观察性概念并不能恰当地支撑经验充分性理论这一观点。

    Based on the analysis of the limitations of the concept of " Observability ", this article points out that the concept of " Observability " cannot support " Empirically Adequacy " appropriately .

  15. 从核心概念经验充分性的构建、科学理论模型的建构、科学理论语义学的分析到现象的拯救,可观察性都起着不可估量的作用。

    From the core concept " empirically adequacy ", the construction of scientific theory model , the semantics of scientific theories to the rescue of phenomena , " Observability " plays an important role .

  16. 针对一部线性可观察性合约与不可观察性(保密)合约,比较分析了供应商、零售商横向兼并集中度提高对消费者福利的影响。

    Aimed at one-part linear observable contracts and unobservable ( secret ) contracts , the authors compare and analyze the effect of the increase of concentration of suppliers ' and retailers ' horizontal mergers on customers ' welfare .

  17. 在定性分析国防企业效用的基础上,考虑装备生产过程的部分可观察性,利用委托-代理理论,建立了国防企业综合激励模型,并对给定情况进行了激励合同设计。

    On the basis of a qualitative avail analysis of defense corporation , by using principal-agent theory , this paper designs a compositive incentive model which considers the partial visibility in procurement , and a stimulus contract is presented .

  18. 传统的验证方法由于存在验证过程中的可观察性和可控制性不足,验证环境可重用性差,无法快速定位设计缺陷等缺点,已经无法满足现今超大规模集成电路设计的需要。

    For the lack of observability and controlling , poor reusability of verification environment , not locating design faults immediately in the verification process , the traditional verification methods cannot meet the needs of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit design nowadays .

  19. 图像融合技术的研究目的就是综合不同类型传感器所获取的图像信息,通过对多幅图像间冗余数据的处理提高图像的可靠性、可观察性,通过对多幅图像间互补信息的处理提高图像的效果。

    The main research point of the image fusion technology is to integrate the image information which obtained by different kinds of sensors , and to improve the reliability and the observability of the image by processing the redundant datum and the complementary information among the images .

  20. 全扫描设计通过提升电路的可控制性和可观察性,大大降低了测试生成的复杂度,被认为是最有效的可测性设计方法之一。

    Full-scan design which upgrades the circuit in the controllability and observability greatly reduces the complexity of test generation , which is considered the most effective method of DFT .

  21. 研究结果得出感知相对利益、感知适应性、感知可试性以及感知可观察性四方面感知创新特征对我国网上学习的应用及推广有着积极的影响。

    Findings show that the " perceived relative advantage ", " perceived compatibility ", " perceived trialability " and " percieved observability " these four perceived innovative attributes do have certain influences on peoples ' adoption of e-learning .